Create a Parameter File for Online Extraction

Follow these instructions to create a parameter file for an online Extract.

  1. On the source system, issue the following command:

    EDIT PARAMS extract_name


    extract_name is either the name of the Extract that you created with the ADD EXTRACT command or the fully qualified name of the parameter file if you defined an alternate location when you created the group.

  2. Enter the parameters in the order shown in the following table, starting a new line for each parameter statement. Some parameters apply only for certain configurations.

    Parameter Description
    EXTRACT group
    • group is the name of the Extract group that you created with the ADD EXTRACT command.

    Configures Extract as an online process with checkpoints.

    [SOURCEDB dsn | container | catalog] [, USERIDALIAS alias options ]

    Specifies database connection information. SOURCEDB specifies the source data source name (DSN).

    For more information, see USERIDALIAS, to specify database credentials.

    ENCRYPTTRAIL algorithm

    Encrypts all trails that are specified after this entry.


    Specifies a default container in an Oracle multitenant container database or SEQUENCE statements. Enables the use of two-part names (schema.object) where three-part names otherwise would be required for those databases. You can use multiple instances of this parameter to specify different default containers or catalogs for different sets of TABLE or SEQUENCE parameters.

    TABLE [container. | catalog.]owner.object | schema.object | library/file | library/file(member);

    Specifies the fully qualified name of an object or a fully qualified wildcarded specification for multiple objects. If the database is an Oracle multitenant container database, the object name must include the name of the container or catalog unless SOURCECATALOG is used.

    • schema is the schema name or a wildcarded set of schemas.

    • object is the table name, or a wildcarded set of tables.

    • library is the IBM i library name or a wildcarded set of libraries.

    • file is the IBM i physical file name or a wildcarded set of physical files.

    • member is the IBM i physical file member name or a wildcarded set of member names. When using the IBM i native name format (library/file with optional member) the only valid wildcards are a name with at least one valid character followed by a trailing asterisk (*) or *ALL which matches any name.


    The member name is optional, and must be provided if the member names are required to be written in the trail as part of the object name. Without member names all members in a physical file be implicitly merged as a single object in the trail.

    See Specifying Object Names in Oracle GoldenGate Input guidelines for specifying object names in parameter files.




    Parameters that can be used in conjunction with one another to exclude specific objects from a wildcard specification in the associated TABLE statement.

  3. Enter any appropriate optional Extract parameters listed in the Oracle GoldenGate Parameters.

  4. Save and close the parameter file.

The following sample Extract parameter file explains various configuration parameters and options for Extract:

ADD EXTRACT extract_name
{, datasource} 
{, BEGIN start_point} | {position_point} 
[, PARAMS pathname] 
[, REPORT pathname] 
[, DESC 'description'] 
  • extract_name is the name of the Extract group. A group name is required.

  • datasource is required to specify the source of the data to be extracted. Use one of the following:

    • TRANLOG specifies the transaction log as the data source. When using this option for Oracle Enterprise Edition, you must issue the DBLOGIN command as the Extract database user (or a user with the same privileges) before using ADD EXTRACT (and also before issuing DELETE EXTRACT to remove an Extract group).

      Use the bsds option for Db2 z/OS to specify the Bootstrap Data Set file name of the transaction log.

    • INTEGRATED TRANLOG specifies that this Extract will operate in integrated capture mode to receive logical change records (LCR) from an Oracle Database logmining server. This parameter applies only to Oracle databases.

    • EXTTRAILSOURCE trail_name to specify the relative or fully qualified name of a local trail.

  • BEGIN start_point defines an online Extract group by establishing an initial checkpoint and start point for processing. Transactions started before this point are discarded. Use one of the following:

    • NOW to begin extracting changes that are timestamped at the point when the ADD EXTRACT command is executed to create the group or, for Extract in integrated mode, from the time the group is registered with the REGISTER EXTRACT command. Extract needs to be registered for Oracle and PostgreSQL databases only.

      Timestamp: The format for specifying an exact timestamp as the begin point. Use a begin point that is later than the time at which replication or logging was enabled.

      The following example shows the repositioning of Extract using a specific timestamp:
      OGG (http://localhost:11000 ggeast as 95> dblogin useridalias ggma
      Successfully logged into database PDB1.
      OGG (http://localhost:11000 ggeast as ggma@ggeast/PDB1) 96> alter extract exte , begin 2024-05-03T03:48:00Z
      2024-05-03T03:50:49Z  INFO    OGG-08100  Extract exte I/O position is altered and reposition to older date and time position 2024-05-03 03:48:00.000000 current date and time position 2024-05-03 03:49:04.000000. 
      Duplicate transactions are filtered out. Perform output trail ETROLLOVER if duplicate transaction output is desired, or Extract configuration was updated.
      2024-05-03T03:50:49Z  INFO    OGG-08100  Extract altered.
  • position_point specifies a specific position within a specific transaction log file at which to start processing. For the specific syntax to use for your database.

  • PARAMS pathname is required if the parameter file for this group will be stored in a location other than the dirprm sub-directory of the Oracle GoldenGate directory. Specify the fully qualified name. The default location is recommended.

  • REPORT pathname is required if the process report for this group will be stored in a location other than the dirrpt sub-directory of the Oracle GoldenGate directory. Specify the fully qualified name. The default location is recommended.

  • DESC 'description' specifies a description of the group.