Valid For



Use the TABLE parameter in a DEFGEN parameter file to identify a source table or tables for which you want to run the utility.

You can output definitions for objects that are in different containers in an Oracle container database to the same definitions file. All table attributes must be identical, such as case sensitivity, character set, and the use of the full three-part name. For example, you cannot use two-part names (stripped of their container or catalog by the NOCATALOG parameter) and three-part names in the same definitions file.




TABLE [catalog.]owner.table[, DEF template];

The Oracle container database if applicable, and the owner and name of the table. This parameter accepts wildcards. Oracle GoldenGate automatically increases the internal storage to track up to 100,000 wildcard entries.

Oracle GoldenGate preserves the case of the table name. Some databases require a name to be within double quotes to enforce case-sensitivity. Other case-sensitive databases do not require double quotes to enforce case-sensitivity, but the names must be specified the way they are stored in the database.

DEF template

Creates a definitions template based on the definitions of the specified table. A template enables new tables that have the same definitions as the specified table to be added during an Oracle GoldenGate process run, without the need to run DEFGEN for them first, and without the need to stop and start the Oracle GoldenGate process to update its definitions cache. To use a template that is generated by DEFGEN, specify it with the DEF or TARGETDEF option of the TABLE or MAP statement. To retain case-sensitivity, specify the template name the way you would specify any case-sensitive object in the database. This option is not supported for initial loads.


Terminates the TABLE statement.


Example 1   
TABLE fin.account;
Example 2   
TABLE fin.acc*;
Example 3   
TABLE fin."acct1", DEF "acctdefs";