TABLE for Replicat

Valid For



Use the TABLE parameter in a Replicat parameter file to specify filtering rules that qualify a data record from the trail to be eligible for an event action that is specified with EVENTACTIONS.

This form of TABLE statement is similar to that of the Replicat MAP statement, except that there is no mapping of the source table in the data record to a target table by means of a TARGET clause. TABLE for Replicat is solely a means of triggering a non-data action to be taken by Replicat when it encounters an event record. If Replicat is in coordinated mode, all actions are processed through the thread with the lowest thread ID.

Because a target table is not supplied, the following apply:

  • No options are available to enable Replicat to map table names or columns to a target table, nor are there options to enable Replicat to manipulate data.

  • The ASSUMETARGETDEFS parameter cannot be used in the same parameter file as a Replicat TABLE statement, because ASSUMETARGETDEFS requires the names of target tables so that Replicat can query for table definitions. You must create a source-definitions file to provide the definitions of the source tables to Replicat. Transfer this file to the target system and use the SOURCEDEFS parameter in the Replicat parameter file to specify the path name of the file.

  • The event record itself is not applied to the target database by Replicat. You must specify either IGNORE or DISCARD as one of the EVENTACTIONS options.


See "TABLE | MAP" for descriptions of the following syntax options.

TABLE table_spec,
[, SQLEXEC (SQL_specification), BEFOREFILTER]
[, FILTER (filter_clause)]
[, WHERE (where_clause)]


The following example enables Replicat tracing for an order transaction that contains an insert operation for a specific order number (order_no = 1). The trace information is written to the order_1.trc trace file. The MAP parameter specifies the mapping of the source table to the target table.

MAP sales.order, TARGET rpt.order;
TABLE sales.order,