8.2.2 Incidents and Alerts

An incident is a unit containing a single, or closely correlated set of events that identify an issue that needs administrator attention. Although incidents can correspond to a single event, incidents more commonly correspond to groups of related events.

Incidents indicates a potential problem; either a warning or critical threshold for a monitored metric has been crossed.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager provides various options to respond to Incidents. Administrators can be notified automatically when an alert triggers and can set up corrective actions to resolve an alert condition automatically. Setting Metric Alerts and Incidents for Extract and Replicat

For more information on how a metric alert can be set for Oracle GoldenGate target, see the video on Setting Incidents and Email Alerts in the GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in.

If you want to set alerts of metric status values, the following are the status values for Extract and Replicat.

  • Registered - 2
  • Starting - 3
  • Running - 7
  • Stopping - 8
  • Stopping Forcefully - 9
  • Stopped - 10
  • Stopped Forcefully - 11
  • Abended - 12
  • Killed - 13
  • Unresponsive - 16
For a list of metrics used to monitor Extract and Replicat, see Extract and Replicat.

Oracle recommends to set alerts for target availability to monitor the status of the targets. Setting Metric Alerts and Incidents for Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent

The OGG Home page displays a Warning icon and a tool tip, and preserves the previously known status of each of the GoldenGate classic targets in the following conditions:
  • If either the Monitor agent or Web Service is down
  • If both the Monitor agent and the Web Service are down

If you want to set alerts of metric status values, the following are the status values of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent, which is grouped under the Oracle GoldenGate target.

Metric Description
GoldenGate Agent Status Valid Values:

1: Indicates UP status

2: Indicates DOWN status

WebService Availability Status Valid Values:

1: Indicates Up status

0: Indicates Down status


Oracle recommends to set alerts for Oracle GoldenGate Monitor agent Status and WebService Availability Status to identify issues with the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor agent target, as these are required to be UP in order to get accurate status or metric updates for other Oracle GoldenGate Classic targets. Setting Incidents and Alerts for Oracle GoldenGate Target Availability

You need to set alerts on Target Availability of Oracle GoldenGate targets to get notified when there are any issues with these targets.

This includes occurrences when the Enterprise Manager is unable to retrieve status of Oracle GoldenGate targets, or is unable to communicate with the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent in case of Oracle GoldenGate classic targets.
To set incidents and alerts for target availability:
  1. On the Home page, click Setup, select Incidents, and then click Incident Rule to display the Incident Rules - All Enterprise Rules page.
  2. Click Create Rule Set....
  3. Enter a Name, for example Incident management rule set for Target Availability and click Save.
  4. In the Target area, select All Targets of types, and select the target type from the adjacent drop-down.
  5. In the Rules area, click Create... to display the Select Type of Rule to Create dialog box.
  6. Select Incoming events and updates to events and click Continue to display the Create New Rule: Select Events page.
  7. Select Target Availability from the Type drop-down list and click Next to display the Create New Rule: Add Actions page.
  8. Click Add to display the Add Conditional Actions page, select Always execute the actions.
  9. Under Send Notifications, expand Basic Notifications, and enter email IDs in E-mail To and E-mail Cc to assign recepients for notifications. These email IDs can belong to the users of the Enterprise Manager.
  10. Click Continue to view the Action Summary in the Create New Rule: Select Events page.
  11. Click Next to display the Create New Rule: Specify Name and Description page, where a new Rule, for example, rule 166 is displayed. You can either specify a rule name or click Next to accept the pre-specified name to display the Create New Rule: Review page.
  12. Click Continue and then click Save to save the new rule.

    In this example, a rule 166 has been successfully created and added to the current rule set. Incident management rule set for Target Availability is the incident rule set that has been set on Target Availability of the selected targets, which will trigger alert and send emails to the recepients specified in case of issues or events with these targets.

For more information, see Using Incident Management in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.