This document describes the new features, major changes, and the known issues in the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-In 13c ( release.

1.1 New and Changed Features

This section outlines the new features that are being introduced in various releases of the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-In.

1.1.1 Release — July 2024

GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in certified with Oracle GoldenGate 23ai

Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in has been certified with Oracle GoldenGate 23ai.

1.1.2 Release — January 2024

Secondary agents can now be assigned to GoldenGate targets when they are discovered using EMCLI verbs.

You can now mark secondary Enterprise Manager agents while discovering new targets. The agentURL parameter can now contain a list of comma-separated agentURLs. For more information, see Discovering an Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Microservices Instance using EM CLI and Discovering an Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Classic Instance using EM CLI in the Oracle GoldenGate System Monitoring Plug-In Documentation.

1.1.3 Release — October 2022

Oracle GoldenGate event messages are displayed on screen. You can view and schedule alerts for Oracle GoldenGate events.

You can monitor and schedule alerts for GoldenGate events. This can be done at the deployment level (Oracle GoldenGate target in case of Classic and Oracle GoldenGate Deployment in case of Microservices Architecture) or individual target level. You can schedule alerts for specific patterns on event messages for every target (except for Service Manager). You can select any pattern on messages text, severity, and error code for creating alerts and then alerts are triggered when such patterns are generated in event messages. For more information, see Setting Alerts for Events in Oracle GoldenGate System Monitoring Plug-In.

1.2 Installation and Upgrades

For installation and upgrade instructions, see Install and Upgrade in Oracle GoldenGate System Monitoring Plug-In.

1.3 Corrected Problems

For questions about specific BugDB bug identification number or Service Request (SR) ticket numbers, contact Oracle Customer Support.

1.3.1 Release — July 2024

Bug 36694686 - pmrsvr, recsvr, adminsvr, and distsvr processes are showing as down when Oracle GoldenGate has multiple deployments configured via reverse proxy

Previously, when Oracle GoldenGate had multiple deployments configured via the proxy server, the status of the Performance Metric Service, Receiver Service, Administration Service, and Distribution Service were shown as down. This issue has been fixed.

1.3.2 Release — April 2024

Bug 35055994 - In case of multiple (or single) deployments and when a PMSRVR is down, GoldenGate targets are not discovered

This issue has been fixed. All the targets, such as Deployment, Administration Service, Receiver Service, Performance Metric Service, and Distribution Services are discovered, except the Extract and Replicat targets of the deployment for which, PMSRVR is DOWN. A warning message is displayed in the Diagnostic Logs indicating that the PMSRVR is down. For example, WARNING: Url 'http://<HostName>:<pmsrvrPort>/services/v2/mpoints/processes' is DOWN. Hence, ignoring the processes of deployment 'http://<HostName>:<srvmgrPort>/services/v2/deployments' as PMSRVR is DOWN.

Bug 35810121 - GGMA Targets Availability Evaluation Error After 'agctl stop goldengate'
Previously, whenever the Service Manager went DOWN while running either the agctl stop goldengate command or script, the status of all targets (except Extract and Replicat) was displayed as Availability Evaluation Error. This issue has been fixed.
  • The status is now being fetched from the Performance Metric server instead of the Service Manager, so that the correct status gets displayed even when the Service Manager is down.
  • When the Performance Metric server is DOWN, the status of the targets is also set to DOWN instead of Availability Evaluation error (AVL).

    For more information, see Troubleshooting False Alerts for Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Targets in the Oracle GoldenGate System Monitoring Plug-In Documentation.

Bug 36340236 - The status of Oracle GoldenGate Mircroservices Administration Service, Receiver Service, Performance Metric Service, and Distribution Services targets is shown as DOWN post Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Release in a few environment patching.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36349817 - Oracle Enterprise Manager/Oracle GoldenGate HomePage -> ADF_FACES-60096:Server Exception during PPR, #9 After Installing Plugin Server

This issue has been fixed.

1.3.3 Release — January 2024

Bug 35823552 - OGGPLGN 13.5.2.X "Seconds Since Last OGG Checkpoint" metric missing for OGG MA Targets (Extract)

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36028291 - Oracle GoldenGate Continuously Logs Errors in ggserr.log and recvsrvr.log files for missing paths

In case of non-target-initiated paths (Distribution Server path), the Enterprise Manager monitoring used to invoke an incorrect API causing multiple errors being logged in ggserr.log and recvsrvr.log files of GoldenGate deployment. This issue has been fixed.

1.3.4 Release — August 2023

Bug 34166330 - Receiver Server Path Table Statistics Metric Result has repeating key values.

Frequent metric collection errors for ReceiverPathMetric were received, which were faulty. This issue has been fixed.

Bug 35579242 - Unable to Modify Monitoring Credentials

This issue has been fixed.

1.3.5 Release — April 2023

Bug 34719246 - For large-scale deployments, the Oracle GoldenGate Home page does not load or takes longer to load.

This issue has been fixed. In order to enable the fix, include the following property in <domain_home>/config/fmwconfig/ oracle.sysman.goldengate.enableperf=1.

1.3.6 Release — October 2022

Bug 33532487 - Plug-in takes several minutes to load and display GoldenGate targets when huge values of lag metrics exists

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 34093897: Incorrect paths when navigating from the All Target page.

This issue has been fixed. The Receiver server/Distribution Server paths now show the correct paths when you navigate from the All Targets page.

Bug 34336636 - EMCLI -check and -debug argument end up with Unrecognized command

This issue has been fixed. The debug and check flags now work correctly in discover_gg and discover_ggma verbs when executed via EMCLI.

Bug 34582978 - Automatic Alert setting Distribution and Receiver path down status

This issue has been fixed. Alerts are automatically generated when distribution path or receiver path is down.

1.4 Known Issues

For questions on specific bugs or ticket numbers, consult Oracle Customer Support. SR is the Oracle Support SR number, and BugDB is the bug identification number.

1.4.1 Release — July 2024

Bug 36723472 - The status of the deployment services is shown as down in the Oracle Enterprise Manager UI when their credentials are different from that of the Service Manager

Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in does not support discovery of processes, if the credentials of the deployment services are different from that of the Service Manager; the service status is shown as down and the Extract and Replicat processes are also not discovered.

Bug 36723067 - Supported target version is not up-to-date for Oracle GoldenGate 23ai certification

When you install Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in, the current Oracle GoldenGate version supported is displayed as 18.1 - 21.7. However, Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in release supports Oracle GoldenGate release.

1.4.2 Release — October 2022

Bug 34612995 - Unable to scroll through last few log events in the EM UI via scrollbar

Unable to scroll through every event in the Oracle Enterprise Manager UI that is stored in the database. A few entries at the bottom of the page cannot be scrolled.

Workaround: Use the Down arrow key instead of the scrollbar.

1.5 Getting Help with My Oracle Support

You can use My Oracle Support to find knowledge solutions, workarounds, and other information that is reported by customers, partners, and Oracle employees. My Oracle Support also enables you to open an SR ticket. If a patch is required to resolve an SR, you will receive instructions about how to download it from My Oracle Support.


If you purchased Oracle GoldenGate and support through a distributor, contact your distributor instead of attempting to create a service request through My Oracle Support.

1.5.1 Viewing the Oracle GoldenGate Knowledge Base

To view the Oracle GoldenGate Knowledge Base, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to the My Oracle Support web site at
  2. Select your language and then log in with your email and Oracle password.
  3. Click the Knowledge tab.
  4. In the Select a product or product line field, enter GoldenGate, and then select an Oracle GoldenGate product from the context-sensitive list to narrow your results. (You may have to wait a few seconds for this list to appear).
  5. In the Enter search terms field, enter a search keyword or multiple keywords to focus the query.

Additional information about how to use this tab is obtained by clicking Help.

1.5.2 Creating an Oracle GoldenGate SR Ticket

If you cannot find an answer to your question or problem in the Knowledge Base, you can open a support request ticket with Oracle Support by following these steps:

  1. Browse to the My Oracle Support web site at
  2. Select your language, and then sign in with your credentials. If you have not done so, you will have to register to use this web site.
  3. Click the Service Requests tab.
  4. Click Create SR.
  5. Use the Create Service Request wizard to complete and submit your SR. Additional information about how to use this tab is obtained by clicking Help.

1.6 Audience

This guide is intended for database and system administrators who are installing, configuring and running Oracle GoldenGate.

1.7 Related Information

The Oracle GoldenGate Product Documentation Libraries are found at:

Oracle GoldenGate Documentation

Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data Documentation:

For additional information on Oracle GoldenGate, refer to:

Oracle Database High Availability

1.8 Conventions

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, such as "From the File menu, select Save." Boldface also is used for terms defined in text or in the glossary.



Italic type indicates placeholder variables for which you supply particular values, such as in the parameter statement: TABLE table_name. Italic type also is used for book titles and emphasis.



Monospace type indicates code components such as user exits and scripts; the names of files and database objects; URL paths; and input and output text that appears on the screen. Uppercase monospace type is generally used to represent the names of Oracle GoldenGate parameters, commands, and user-configurable functions, as well as SQL commands and keywords.


Uppercase in the regular text font indicates the name of a process or utility unless the name is intended to be a specific case. Keywords in upper case (ADD EXTRACT, ADD EXTTRAIL, FORMAT RELEASE).


Names of processes to be written in lower case. Examples: ADD EXTRACT exte, ADD EXTRAIL ea.

{ }

Braces within syntax enclose a set of options that are separated by pipe symbols, one of which must be selected, for example: {option1 | option2 | option3}.

[ ]

Brackets within syntax indicate an optional element. For example in this syntax, the SAVE clause is optional: CLEANUP REPLICAT group_name [, SAVE count]. Multiple options within an optional element are separated by a pipe symbol, for example: [option1 | option2].

Sample Locations

Compass directions such as east, west, north, south to be used for demonstrating Extract and Replicat locations.

Datacenters names to use the standard similar to dc1, dc2.

Group names

Prefixes for each process, as follows:
  • Extract: ext. Usage with location: extn, where n indicates 'north' compass direction.

  • Replicat: rep. Usage with location: repn, where n indicates 'north' compass direction.

  • Distribution Path: dp. Usage with location: dpn, where n indicates 'north' compass direction.

  • Checkpoint table: ggs_checkpointtable

  • Trail file names: e or d depending on whether the trail file is for the Extract of distribution path. Suffix derived in alphabetical order. Usage for an Extract trail file: ea, eb, ec.

  • Trail file subdirectory: The name will use compass directions to refer to the trail subdirectories. Example for trail subdirectory name would be /east, /west, /north, /south.

1.9 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.