Frequently asked questions

Have a question about GoldenGate Free? Explore the frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the answer to your question.

What database versions are supported?

See Supported connection types.

What are the limitations of GoldenGate Free?

GoldenGate Free is limited to:

  • Oracle Databases, no more than 20 gigabytes (GB) in size.


    • For Container Databases (CDBs), this includes the total size of all Pluggable databases (PDBs).
    • Oracle Database 23ai Free is supported, with the exception of Parallel Replicats.
  • Support through community forums, instead of Oracle Support.
  • Patches provided at Oracle's discretion in the form of new builds available through Oracle Container Registry.
  • Interaction with other GoldenGate Free instances. You can't use GoldenGate Free with fully licensed Oracle GoldenGate products or other third-party integration tools.
  • Integrated and Nonintegrated Replicats, ensuring that you don't use Replicat-only features with licensed Extracts.


    Refrain from changing the Replicat type in the Oracle GoldenGate Microservices console, or making changes to the underlying parameter file, as it affects GoldenGate Free's ability to manage the pipeline.
  • No Active Data Guard (ADG) or XStream entitlements.
  • No support for Downstream capture.
  • No support for Graph data types.
  • No support for changes to Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution (ACDR) type once configured.

Can I upgrade my GoldenGate Free from an earlier version?

No, upgrades are not supported.

How can I get help?

Oracle GoldenGate Free is not supported by Oracle Support. Questions regarding GoldenGate Free can be posted in the GoldenGate Free Community Forum.

Can you use GoldenGate Free with a licensed Oracle GoldenGate?

No, you can only use GoldenGate Free with other GoldenGate Free instances. You can't use GoldenGate Free with licensed Oracle GoldenGate products.

What's the default GoldenGate Free administrative account password?

On first startup of the container, a random password is generated for the Oracle GoldenGate if one is not provided for OGG_ADMIN_PWD. You can find this password at the start of the container log:

$ docker logs <container-name> | head -3

See Start and run the GoldenGate Free docker image for more information.