Manage pipelines

Learn about pipeline management tasks including how to edit, start, stop, and delete pipelines.

View pipeline details

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Description of the illustration pipeline-details-annotated.png

On the Pipelines page, select a pipeline to view its details. On the pipeline's details page, you can:

  1. Review pipeline details such as the pipeline name, description, when it was created, when it was last run, and whether it ran successfully
  2. Edit the pipeline's configuration, mappings, mapping rules, and advanced options
  3. Start the pipeline
  4. Stop the pipeline


    The pipeline runs continuously until you click Stop.
  5. View its initialization steps, the status and logs for each step, and initial load details


    To view message logs for a step, click its ellipsis (three dots) icon, and then select View details.
  6. View the pipeline as it runs in realtime

Edit a pipeline

To edit a pipeline:
  1. On the Pipelines page, open the Action menu (ellipsis icon) for the pipeline you want to edit.
  2. From the Pipeline's Action menu, select Edit configuration.
  3. In the Edit pipeline panel, you can edit the following values:
    • Name
    • Description
  4. Click Save & configure.

Start a pipeline

Before you can start a pipeline, you must first configure it.
To start a pipeline:
  1. On the Pipelines page, select the pipeline to start. You're brought to the pipeline's details page.
  2. On the pipeline's details page, click Start.

    You're brought to the pipeline's initialization page, where you can observe the initial load tasks performed on the target database, as well as the creation and start of Extract and Replicat processes.

  3. After the pipeline is initialized, you're brought to the Runtime page, where you can observe data capture operations on the source database replicated to the target database.
The pipeline runs continuously until it's stopped.

Stop a pipeline

You can only stop a pipeline that is running. Pipelines run continuously until you manually stop them. When you stop a pipeline, GoldenGate Free stops both the Extract and Replicat processes.
To stop a pipeline:
  1. On the Pipelines page, select the pipeline to stop. You're brought to the pipeline's details page.
  2. On the pipeline's details page, click Stop.
After the pipeline stops, you can click Start to restart it. GoldenGate Free resumes the Extract and Replicat processes, replicating any transactions that occurred while the pipeline was stopped.

Delete a pipeline

To delete a pipeline:
  1. On the Pipelines page, from the Action menu (ellipsis icon) of the pipeline you want to delete, select Delete.
  2. In the Delete dialog, select whether you want to also delete the GoldenGate configuration.


    GoldenGate configuration includes the Extract and Replicat processes created when the pipeline was originally initialized.
  3. Click Delete.
The Pipeline page refreshes, and the deleted pipeline no longer appears in the list. Once deleted, you can't undo the action.