2 Using Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server

This chapter describes tasks performed when using Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server, such as starting and stopping the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server, starting the user interface, changing passwords, and changing settings for the memory allotment or the timeout interval.

This chapter includes the following sections:

2.1 Starting and Stopping Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server

This section describes how to start and stop the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

2.1.1 Starting Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server

Starting Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server is a two or three step process

  1. Start the WebLogic Administration Server.
  2. If necessary, update the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor server credentials.
  3. Start the WebLogic Managed Server

For complete details, see Starting Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

2.1.2 Stopping the Oracle Golden Monitor Server

Follow these steps to stop the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server:

  • You should close any running user interface sessions.

  • Shut down the server by navigating to OGGMON_DOMAIN/bin (OGGMON_DOMAIN\bin on Windows) and enter the following command:

    On Linux or UNIX:

    $ ./stopManagedWebLogic.sh

    On Windows:

    C:\ stopManagedWebLogic.cmd
  • In some instances, you might need to shut down an administration server; for example, if you are deinstalling Oracle GoldenGate Monitor. To stop an administration server, see "To stop the Administration Server".

2.2 Starting Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Console

With the Oracle WebLogic Server administration server and the managed Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server both started, you can start the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Console. To do so, follow the instructions in "Start the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Console" in Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

Once you are logged into the application, the solution discovery process will discover configured solutions.

2.2.1 Running Multiple Sessions

You can run multiple sessions of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor user interface from the same computer and browser if you are using Internet Explorer. You can also run one Internet Explorer and one Mozilla Firefox session at the same time, but multiple Mozilla Firefox sessions on the same computer are not supported.

2.3 Changing Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server and Repository Passwords

Utilities are provided to allow you to change Monitor Server and repository passwords when necessary. You can also change the memory allotment to better tune Oracle GoldenGate Monitor to your needs.

2.3.1 Changing Passwords

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server passwords are initially set based on what you enter when you install the server. The Oracle Wallet is created by the install program to store the passwords on all supported platforms.

Change passwords by using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) command updateCred(). WLST is a command-line scripting environment by which create, manage, and monitor WebLogic domains.

  1. Navigate to the bin subdirectory in ORACLE_HOME/common and launch WLST.

    On Linux or UNIX

    $ ORACLE_HOME/common/bin./wlst.sh

    On Windows:

    C:\ ORACLE_HOME\common\bin./wlst.cmd
  2. Connect to the server:
    wls:/offline> connect('username','password','host:port')
  3. Use updateCred() to change the password, as shown here:
    • To change the JMX password, enter this:

      wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>updateCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key=" WEB.JMX.PASSWORD",user="username",password="new_jmx_password",desc="JMX Password")
    • To change the keystore password, enter this:

      wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>updateCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key="MONITOR.KEYSTORE.PASSWORD",user="username",password="new_keystore_password",desc="Keystore Password")
    • To change the truststore password, enter this:

      wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>updateCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key="MONITOR.TRUSTSTORE.PASSWORD",user="username",password="new_truststore_password",desc="Keystore Password")
    • To change the SMTP password, enter this:

      wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>updateCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key="MONITOR.SMTP.PASSWORD",user="username",password="new_smtp_password",desc="SMTP Password")

2.4 Changing the Memory Allotment

The amount of RAM allocated to the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor server affects the number of Oracle GoldenGate instances and processes that can be monitored.


For more information on setting the memory requirements, see 'Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)" in Tuning Performance of Oracle WebLogic Server.

Oracle recommends the following memory settings:
Number of GoldenGate Processes Minimum Heap (-Xms) Size Maximum Heap (-Xmx) Size









To change the Heap Sizes:

  1. Open the setStartupEnv.sh file in a text editor: OGGMON_DOMAIN/bin/setStartupEnv.sh.
  2. Locate the following line (should be line 317 if the file has not been modified since install):
  3. Locate the first entry of SERVER_MEM_ARGS_64HotSpot after the above line (should be line 352 if the file has not been modified since install).
  4. Change Minimum and Maximum Heap accordingly, for example, 32GB:
    SERVER_MEM_ARGS_64HotSpot="-Xms32g -Xmx32g"
  5. Restart Monitor Server.


There are multiple entries of SERVER_MEM_ARGS_64HotSpot. Ensure that the correct entry is identified exactly by the steps detailed in this topic to change the heap sizes. If not, adverse effects are bound to occur.


For Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server to run on a Windows 32 bit system, the maximum memory allotment must be reduced to 800 MB and the MaxPermSize must be reduced to 340 MB. Reducing the memory allotment reduces the number of target systems that can be supported for monitoring. These installations will therefore not be able to monitor the number of target systems supported for other operating systems.