4.3 CASE

Allows the user to select a value depending on a series of value tests. There is no practical limit to the number of cases; however, for numerous cases, it is beneficial to list the most frequently encountered conditions first.


@CASE (value, test_value1, test_result1 
[, test_value2, test_result2] [, ...] [, default_result])

The column you are testing values for.


The value to test against the value you are reading.


The result to return.


The result returned when test_values are not entered.


Example 1   

The following returns "A car" if PRODUCT_CODE is "CAR" and "A truck" if PRODUCT_CODE is "TRUCK". In this case, if PRODUCT_CODE fits neither of the first two cases, a FIELD_MISSING indication is returned.

@CASE (PRODUCT_CODE, "CAR", "A car", "TRUCK", "A truck")
Example 2   

In this modified case, assuming PRODUCT_CODE is neither "CAR" nor "TRUCK", "A vehicle" is returned.

@CASE (PRODUCT_CODE, "CAR", "A car", "TRUCK", "A truck", "A vehicle")