C Setting the GCM API key within the OAM Credential Store


The server key from the Google project needs to be saved within the OAM credential store so that OAM can use it along with the sender ID to make a connection to the GCM servers.

Create a new key using WLST as described:
  1. Navigate to the $MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin directory and run wlst.sh command to connect to the AdminServer.
  2. Run the following command to create a new key called omaApiKey, where the password value is the server key from the Google project created.
    createCred(map="OAM_CONFIG", key="omaApiKey", user="omaApiKey",
    password="<API KEY VALUE>")


    If the omaApiKey credential already exists then you can edited the key from within the EM console.
    1. Navigate to Farm_base_domain/WebLogic Domain/<domain name>
    2. Right-click and select Security/Credentials.
    3. Expand the OAM_CONFIG key and click on the omaApiKey to edit it with a new value