Login Page Parameters

The URL for the login page must accept the parameters listed in Table A-2.

Table A-2 Login Page Parameters Submitted to the Page by the Single Sign-On Server

Parameter Description

Contains the error code in the form of a string. Passed when an error occurs during authentication.


Unique identifier that is used to track requests routed back and forth between client and server.


User login request context tracked at client until authentication process is completed.

The login page must pass the parameters listed in Table A-3 to the authentication URL:


Table A-3 Login Page Parameters Submitted by the Page to the Single Sign-On Server

Parameter Description

Contains the username. Must be UTF-8 encoded.


Contains the password entered by the user. Must be UTF-8 encoded.

OAM_REQ, if present in request

User login request context tracked at client until authentication process is completed.

request_id, if present in request

Unique identifier that is used to track requests routed back and forth between client and server.

The login page must have at least two fields: a text field with the parameter name ssousername and a password field with the parameter name password. The values are submitted to the authentication URL.

In addition to submitting these parameters, the login page is responsible for displaying appropriate error messages, as specified by p_error_code, redirecting to p_cancel_url if the user clicks Cancel.