Page Error Codes

URLs for login and change password pages must accept the process errors described in the tables that follow if these pages are to function properly.

When OAM Server is set up, the login page must process the error codes listed in Table A-6.

Table A-6 Login Page Error Codes

Value of p_error_code Corresponding message and description

Description: The user has committed too many login failures.

Message: "Your account is locked. Please notify the system administrator."


Description: The user's password has already expired.

Message: "Your password has expired. Please contact the administrator to reset it."


Description: The user left the user name field blank.

Message: "You must enter a valid user name."


Description: Authentication has failed.

Message: "Authentication failed. Please try again."


Description: The user left the password field blank.

Message: "You must enter your logon password."


Description: The application requires authentication.

Message: "The application you are trying to access requires you to sign in again even if you have signed in previously."


Description: An unexpected error occurred during authentication.

Message: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again."


Description: Unexpected error.

"Unexpected Error. Please contact Administrator."


Description: Internal server error report.

Message: "Internal Server Error. Please contact Administrator."


Description: Internal server error report with "try again" prompt.

Message: "Internal Server Error. Please retry the operation."


Description: Internal server error report with "try later" prompt.

Message: "Internal Server Error. Please try the operation later."


Description: Inactivity timeout. User must log in again.

Message: "Your Single Sign_on session has expired. For your security, your session expires after some duration of inactivity. Please sign in again."


Description: Certificate sign-on has failed. User should check that the certificate is valid or should contact the administrator.

Message: "Certificate-based sign in failed. Please ensure that you have a valid certificate or contact the administrator."


Description: Single sign-on session time limit reached.

Message: "Your Single Sign-On session has expired. For your security, your session expires after the specified amount of time. Please sign in again."


Description: The user ID presented during a forced authentication does not match the user ID in the current single sign-on session.

Message: "The user name submitted for authentication does not match the user name present in the existing Single Sign-On session."