Create an Oracle Database for Oracle Access Management 12c


This tutorial shows you how to create an Oracle Database for use with Oracle Access Management 12c.

This is the third tutorial in the series Getting Started with Oracle Access Management 12c. Read them sequentially.


Oracle Access Management 12c stores its metadata in an Oracle Database. When creating a database for use with Oracle Access Management 12c certain parameters need to be set appropriately.


To have followed Install Oracle Database for Oracle Access Management 12c.

Create a Database

Run the Database Configuration Assistant (dbca) utility to create a database.

  1. Launch a terminal window as oracle and run the following command:

    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/bin
  2. Follow the table below to guide you through the configuration screens:

    Step Window Description Choice or Values
    1 Select Database Operation Create a database
    2 Select Database Creation Mode Advanced configuration
    3 Select Deployment Type Database Type: Oracle Single Instance database

    Template Name: General Purpose or Transaction Processing
    4 Specify Database Identification Details Global database name:

    SID: orcl

    Uncheck Create as Container database
    5 Select Database Storage Option Use template file for database storage attributes
    6 Select Fast Recovery Option Click Next
    7 Specify Network Configuration Details Check Create a new listener

    Listener name: LISTENER
    8 Select Oracle Data Vault Config Option Click Next
    9 Specify Configuration Options Click Next
    10 Management Options De-select Configure Enterprise Manager (EM) database express
    11 Specify Database User Credentials Select Use the Same Administrative Password, enter a password and confirm it
    12 Select Database Creation Option Check Create Database

    Click All Initialization Parameters > Show Advanced Parameters.

    Set the following values and make sure Include in spfile is checked for each:
    session_cached_cursors: 100
    processes: 1000
    open_cursors: 1600
    db_files: 600
    13 Summary Click Finish
    14 Progress Page Click Next
    15 Finish Click Close

Perform Post-Configuration Tasks

To configure the database environment variables perform the following tasks.

  1. Launch a terminal window as oracle and enter the command:

    vi $HOME/.bash_profile
  2. Enter the following variables and save the .bash_profile:

    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to include the Oracle Database variables in the $HOME/.bashrc file, then close the terminal.

Test the Database

Perform the following steps to test the database installation.

  1. Launch a terminal window as oracle and enter the following commands to confirm the database variables are in place:

    echo $ORACLE_HOME
    echo $ORACLE_SID

    The output should look similar to the following:

  2. In the terminal, enter the following command to locate the sqlplus utility:

    which sqlplus

    The output should look similar to the following:

  3. Execute the following command to connect to the database and enter the SYS password when prompted:

    sqlplus sys as sysdba;
  4. Check the database is running by executing the following command:

    SQL> select 1 from dual;

    If SQLPlus returns 1 then the database is running.

    Type exit to exit SQLPlus.

Next Tutorial

Install Oracle Access Management 12c.


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