Oracle by Example brandingStarting and Stopping OAM using kubectl

section 0Before You Begin

This tutorial shows you how to perform basic operations with kubectl to stop and start the Oracle Access Management (OAM) Managed Servers and AdminServer on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).


When OAM is deployed in OCI via OCI MarketPlace, it is deployed in a Kubernetes (K8S) cluster using the Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE).

Whilst WebLogic Console and Oracle Enterprise Manager Console can be used for normal monitoring and administration operations, it cannot be used to stop and start the OAM AdminServer or OAM Managed Servers. The lifecycle of the OAM WebLogic Servers in K8S is managed using the Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator and all start and stop operations must be performed using kubectl commands.

What Do You Need?

section 1View the OAM Servers using kubectl

The default OAM deployment using OCI MarketPlace starts the AdminServer (AdminServer), two OAM Managed Servers (oam_server1 and oam_server2) and one OAM Policy Manager server (oam_policy_mgr1).

The deployment also creates, but doesn't start, two extra OAM Managed Servers (oam-server3 and oam-server4) and four more OAM Policy Manager servers (oam_policy_mgr2 - oam_policy_mgr5).

All these servers are visible in the WebLogic Server Console (https://<external-ip>/console) by navigating to Domain Structure > oamcluster > Environment > Servers.

To view the running servers using kubectl, perform the following:

  1. Connect to the bastion host using the cluster.key file:
    $ ssh -i cluster.key opc@<bastion_ip>
  2. On the bastion host, run the following command to view the pods associated with the OAM servers:
    $ kubectl get pods -n accessns
    The output should look similar to the following:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h
    Here you can see the pods that are currently running (oamcluster-adminserver, oamcluster-oam-server1, oamcluster-oam-server2, oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1). The READY status 1/1 indicates the associated OAM servers are also up and running.

section 2Starting OAM Managed Servers

The number of OAM Managed Servers running is dependent on the replicas parameter configured for the cluster. To start more OAM Managed Servers perform the following steps:

  1. Run the following kubectl command to edit the oamcluster:
    $ kubectl edit domain oamcluster -n accessns
    Note: This opens an edit session for the domain where parameters can be changed using standard vi commands.
  2. In the edit session search for "clusterName: oam_cluster" and look for the replicas parameter. By default the replicas parameter is set to "2" hence two OAM Managed Servers are started (oam_server1 and oam_server2):
    - clusterName: oam_cluster
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    replicas: 2
    annotations: {}
    containerSecurityContext: {}
    containers: []
  3. To start more OAM Managed Servers, increase the replicas value as desired. In the example below, two more managed server will be started by setting replicas to "4":
    - clusterName: oam_cluster
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    replicas: 4
    annotations: {}
    containerSecurityContext: {}
    containers: []

    Note: If scaling up and starting more servers, ensure you have a high powered compute with enough RAM and CPU in order to prevent problems with pod restart.
  4. Save the file and exit (:wq!).

    The output will look similar to the following: edited
  5. Run the following kubectl command to view the pods:
    kubectl get pods -n accessns
    The output will look similar to the following:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server3                                0/1     Running     0          2m3s
    oamcluster-oam-server4                                0/1     Running     0          2m3s
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h
    Two new pods (oamcluster-oam-server3 and oamcluster-oam-server4) are started, but currently have a READY status of 0/1. This means oam_server3 and oam_server4 are not currently running but are in the process of starting. The servers will take several minutes to start so keep executing the command until READY shows 1/1:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server3                                1/1     Running     0          3m43s
    oamcluster-oam-server4                                1/1     Running     0          3m43s
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h
    Note: To check what is happening during server startup when READY is 0/1, run the following command to view the log of the pod that is starting:
    kubectl logs oamcluster-oam-server3 -n accessns
  6. To start more OAM Policy Manager servers, run the following kubectl command to edit the oamcluster:
    $ kubectl edit domain oamcluster -n accessns
  7. Search for "clusterName: policy_cluster" and look for the replicas parameter. By default the replicas parameter is set to "1" hence one OAM Policy Manager server is started (oam_policy_mgr1):
    clusters: - clusterName: policy_cluster
          annotations: {}
          labels: {}
        replicas: 1
          annotations: {}
          containerSecurityContext: {}
          containers: []
  8. To start more OAM Policy Manager Servers, increase the replicas value as desired. In the example below, one more policy manager server will be started by setting replicas to "2":
    - clusterName: policy_cluster
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    replicas: 2
    annotations: {}
    containerSecurityContext: {}
    containers: []
  9. Save the file and exit (:wq!).
  10. Run the following kubectl command to view the pods:
    kubectl get pods -n accessns
    The output will look similar to the following:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr2                            0/1     Running     0          10s
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server3                                1/1     Running     0          5m57s
    oamcluster-oam-server4                                1/1     Running     0          5m57s
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h
    A new pod (oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr2) is started, but currently has a READY status of 0/1. The server will take several minutes to start so keep executing the command until READY shows 1/1:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr2                            1/1     Running     0          2m7s
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server3                                1/1     Running     0          7m54s
    oamcluster-oam-server4                                1/1     Running     0          7m54s
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h

section 3Stopping OAM Managed Servers

As mentioned in the previous section, the number of OAM Managed Servers running is dependent on the replicas parameter configured for the cluster. To stop one or more OAM Managed Servers, perform the following:

  1. Run the following kubectl command to edit the oamcluster:
    $ kubectl edit domain oamcluster -n accessns
  2. In the edit session search for "clusterName: oam_cluster" and look for the replicas parameter. Assuming the replicas parameter was increased in the previous section, the current value is set to "4" hence four OAM Managed Servers are started (oam_server1 - oam_server4):
    - clusterName: oam_cluster
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    replicas: 4
    annotations: {}
    containerSecurityContext: {}
    containers: []
  3. To stop OAM Managed Servers, decrease the replicas value as desired. In the example below, we will stop two managed servers by setting replicas to "2":
    - clusterName: oam_cluster
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    replicas: 2
    annotations: {}
    containerSecurityContext: {}
    containers: []
  4. Save the file and exit (:wq!).
  5. Run the following kubectl command to view the pods:
    kubectl get pods -n accessns
    The output will look similar to the following:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr2                            1/1     Running       0          5m13s
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server3                                1/1     Terminating   0          11m
    oamcluster-oam-server4                                1/1     Terminating   0          11m
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running       0          16h
    Two pods now have a STATUS of Terminating (oamcluster-oam-server3 and oamcluster-oam-server4). The servers will take a minute or two to stop, so keep executing the command until the pods have disappeared:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr2                            1/1     Running     0          6m4s
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h
  6. To stop OAM Policy Manager servers run the following kubectl command to edit the oamcluster:
    $ kubectl edit domain oamcluster -n accessns
  7. In the edit session search for "clusterName: policy_cluster" and look for the replicas parameter. Assuming the replicas parameter was increased in the previous section, the current value is set to "2" hence two OAM Policy Manager servers are started (oam_policy_mgr1 and oam_policy_mgr2):
    clusters: - clusterName: policy_cluster
          annotations: {}
          labels: {}
        replicas: 2
          annotations: {}
          containerSecurityContext: {}
          containers: []
  8. To stop OAM Policy Manager Servers, decrease the replicas value as desired. In the example below, we will stop one managed server by setting replicas to "1":
    - clusterName: policy_cluster
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    replicas: 1
    annotations: {}
    containerSecurityContext: {}
    containers: []
  9. Save the file and exit (:wq!).
  10. Run the following kubectl command to view the pods:
    kubectl get pods -n accessns
    The output will look similar to the following:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr2                            1/1     Terminating   0          8m
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running       0          16h
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running       0          16h
    One pod now has a STATUS of Terminating (oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr2). The server will take a minute or two to stop, so keep executing the command until the pod has disappeared:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running     0          16h
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h

section 4Stopping and Starting the AdminServer and Managed Servers

In this section you stop the AdminServer and all the OAM Managed Servers in one operation. After stopping the pods, you then start the pods back up again with a single operation.

Note: At present it is not possible to stop and start the AdminServer on it's own.

  1. Run the following kubectl command to edit the oamcluster:
    $ kubectl edit domain oamcluster -n accessns
  2. In the edit session search for "serverStartPolicy: IF_NEEDED":
    - name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume
    claimName: oamcluster-domain-pvc
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    serverStartPolicy: IF_NEEDED
    name: oamcluster-domain-credentials
  3. Change "serverStartPolicy: IF_NEEDED" to "NEVER" as follows:
    - name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume
    claimName: oamcluster-domain-pvc
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    serverStartPolicy: NEVER
    name: oamcluster-domain-credentials
  4. Save the file and exit (:wq!).
  5. Run the following kubectl command to view the pods:
    kubectl get pods -n accessns
    The output will look similar to the following:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Terminating   0          16h
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed     0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running       0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running       0          16h
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running       0          16h
    The AdminServer pods and Managed Server pods will move to a STATUS of Terminating. After a few minutes, run the command again and the pods should have disappeared:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h
  6. To start the AdminServer and Managed Servers up again, run the following kubectl command to edit the oamcluster:
    $ kubectl edit domain oamcluster -n accessns
  7. In the edit session search for "serverStartPolicy: NEVER":
    - name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume
    claimName: oamcluster-domain-pvc
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    serverStartPolicy: NEVER
    name: oamcluster-domain-credentials
  8. Change "serverStartPolicy: NEVER" to "IF_NEEDED" as follows:
    - name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume
    claimName: oamcluster-domain-pvc
    annotations: {}
    labels: {}
    serverStartPolicy: IF_NEEDED
    name: oamcluster-domain-credentials
  9. Save the file and exit (:wq!).
  10. Run the following kubectl command to view the pods:
    kubectl get pods -n accessns
    The output will look similar to the following:
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-introspect-domain-job-4sv7z                1/1     Running     0          11s
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h
    An oamcluster-introspect-domain-job pod will start. This job will create and start the AdminServer, followed by the OAM Managed Servers pods. This process will take several minutes, so keep executing the command until all the pods are running with READY status 1/1 :
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oamcluster-adminserver                                1/1     Running     0          7m4s
    oamcluster-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-x8cvm   0/1     Completed   0          16h
    oamcluster-oam-policy-mgr1                            1/1     Running     0          4m18s
    oamcluster-oam-server1                                1/1     Running     0          4m18s
    oamcluster-oam-server2                                1/1     Running     0          4m18s
    rcu                                                   1/1     Running     0          16h

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Cloud Infrastructure MarketPlace
Oracle Access Management


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