11.5 Creating Groups in OAA

You can create groups for an integration agent in OAA either using REST APIs or OAA Administration UI console. For more details about using REST APIs, see Create Groups.

The following steps provide instructions to create a group for an integration agent in the OAA Administration UI console:
  1. Login to the OAA Administration console https://<AdminUrl>. You are redirected to the OAM login page as the console is protected by OAM OAuth. Specify your credentials and login.
  2. If the integration agent has been recently created, it is shown under Recent Activity. However, if the integration agent does not appear under Recent Activity, do one of the following:
    • Click Show more agents
    • Click the Application Navigation icon on the top-left of the page and select Manage Integration Agents
  3. In the Integration Agents window, select the integration agent, for which you are required to create a group.
  4. Under the Groups tab, click Create.
  5. Specify the required details:
    1. Name: Specify the name of the group.
    2. Description: Specify a description for the group.
    3. Type: From the drop-down, select the required type.
    4. Click Create .
    5. Under Values tab, click Add. Add the corresponding value for the type selected in the previous step. See the following table for details.
  6. Click Save.

Table 11-1 Type Value Reference for Groups

Type Description and Values
User ID

Select this to create a group based on the user id.

Specify the user ID in the values field.

IP Address

Select this to create a group based on the IP address.

Specify the IP address in the values field.

IP Address Range Select this to create a group based on the value lying between the specified IP Range:
  1. Name: Specify a name.
  2. Description: Specify a description.
  3. From: Specify the starting IP address of the range.
  4. To: Specify the ending IP address of the range.

Select this to create a group based on any specify value required.

Specify the string in the values field.