11.6 Registering Users with Challenge Factors in OAA

OAA provides REST APIs for registering users with specific challenge factors.

Use the <OAAService>/preferences/v1 REST API to register the necessary challenge factors for users.

For details about finding the <OAAService> URL and authenticating, see OAA Runtime API.

For details about the Preferences REST Endpoint, see REST API for OAA Runtime. These factors can be further managed by users in the Self-Service Portal. For more information, see Managing Factors in the Self-Service Portal.

Example 1: Sample Request to Register User with Oracle Mobile Authenticator (OMA)

The following sample request shows how to register a user testuser1 with groupID UserGroup1 with OMA:

curl --location -g --request POST '<OAAService>/preferences/v1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(<username>:<password>)>' \
--data '{
    "userId": "testUser1",
    "groupId": "UserGroup1",
  "factorsRegistered": [            
              "factorAttributes": [
                  "factorAttributeValue": [
                      "value": "omasecretvalue1",
                      "name": "Device1",
                      "isEnabled": true
                  "factorAttributeName": "omatotpsecretkey"
              "factorKey": "ChallengeOMATOTP",
              "isPreferred": false,
              "isValidated": true


The value for factorAttribueValue supports alphanumerics only.

Example 2: Sample Request to Register User with Email

The following sample request shows how to register a user testuser1 with groupID UserGroup1 with Email:

curl --location -g --request POST '<OAAService>/preferences/v1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(<username>:<password>)>' \
--data '{
    "userId": "testUser1",
    "groupId": "UserGroup1",
  "factorsRegistered": [
              "factorAttributes": [
                  "factorAttributeValue": [
                      "value": "test.user@example.com",
                      "name": "Device1",
                      "isEnabled": true
                  "factorAttributeName": "email"
              "factorKey": "ChallengeEmail",
              "isPreferred": false,
              "isValidated": true
Once a user is registered they can manage their factors using the Self-Service Portal. See, Managing Factors in the Self-Service Portal.


The parameter isValidated is true by default. If using factor verification as per Configuring Factor Verification, if isValidated is true then the user will be registered as verified, whereas if the value is set to false, the user will be registered as unverified.