4.8.3 Post Installation Steps for Oracle Universal Authenticator

Follow these post installation steps for installations that contain Oracle Universal Authenticator (OUA).

Make sure you have followed these sections before following the steps below:

Run configureDRSS.sh To Create OUA Integration Agent Components

  1. Enter a bash shell for the OAA management pod if not already inside one:
    kubectl exec -n <namespace> -ti <oaamgmt-pod> -- /bin/bash
    For example:
    kubectl exec -n oaans -ti oaamgmt-oaa-mgmt-7dfccb7cb7-lj6sv9 -- /bin/bash
  2. Run the following command inside the bash shell to configure the required components for the OUA integration agent. This command creates the OUA integration agent and associated assurance level with Email, SMS, OMA TOTP, OMA Push, and Yubico OTP challenge factors enabled. See, Configuring Allowed Authentication Factors:
    cd ~/scripts/drssconfig
    ./configureDRSS.sh -f ../settings/installOAA.properties


    This will use the installOAA.properties in the <NFS_CONFIG_PATH>.

    Exit the bash shell.

Update the oua.drss.oaa.group Property


This section should only be followed if you changed the oauth.applicationid parameter from the default value myoaaprotectedapp1 in the installOAA.properties. See OAM OAuth Configuration.
  1. Set the property oua.drss.oaa.group by updating <OAA_Group_Name> to the value set for oauth.applicationid in installOAA.properties :

    Use the <DRSS>/oaa-drss/oua/property/v1 REST API to set the properties. For example:

    curl --location -g --request PUT '<DRSS>/oaa-drss/oua/property/v1' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(<username>:<password>)>' \
    --data '[
            "name": "oua.drss.oaa.group",
            "value": "<OAA_Group_Name>"                


    For details on the <DRSS> endpoint and the username and password, see Printing Deployment Details.