16 Typical OARM Use Cases

OARM offers a streamlined and a robust interface for Administrators to proactively determine the risk of an access request and to configure the appropriate outcomes to prevent any fraud or misuse.


You can use the OARM out-of-the-box offerings to perform a wide range of tasks. This section describes the following example use cases that you can configure in OARM:

See the Configuring a Custom Activity Use Case in Oracle Adaptive Risk Management tutorial for details on how to use a custom activity in OARM.

16.1 Configuring a Risky IP Use Case

IP address is one of the most significant data point that Administrators analyze to take prompt action to prevent any fraudulent user activity.

This use case considers a scenario where the Administrator wants to configure IP addresses that are considered as risky for the organization. This use case is achieved by using the Challenge based on Risky IP out-of-the-box rule. The outcome of configuring this rule is to raise a risk-based challenge for the user and to generate an alert for the user activity for logins from the IP address that is considered as risky. The Administrator can monitor alerts, actions, rules, and other user-related information through the User Session dashboard. The steps in this use case are also shown in the tutorial Configuring a Risky IP Use Case in Oracle Adaptive Risk Management.

To configure this use case, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the OARM Administration console.
  2. Click the Application Navigation icon to display the left pane, and then click Adaptive Risk Management.
    The User Activity dashboard appears.
  3. From the User Authentication tile, click the Rules link.
    The User Activity rules display page appears.
  4. In the search pane, enter the relevant text to filter all the rules available out-of-the-box to configure risky IP, for instance, risky ip.
    Challenge based on Risky IP rule appears that you need to configure for this use case.
  5. Click the Edit icon against the Challenge based on Risky IP rule.


    The Challenge based on Risky IP out-of-the-box rule has a condition associated that evaluates the risky IP address.
  6. Verify that the Select Action and the Select Alert lists are pre-populated with Challenge and Risky IP options respectively.


    You can configure action and alert as per your requirement. For instance, if the access request is from an IP address that is considered risky and you want to block the user, then you can configure the action as Block.
  7. Add the risky IP addresses in a group. For the convenience of the Administrator, Risky IPs group is provided out-of-the-box.
  8. Under IP Group, with Risky IPs option selected in the list, click the Edit Risky IPs link to add the IP addresses considered as risky.
  9. Click Save and Proceed.
    The Edit Group page appears.
  10. Perform the following steps to configure the Risky IPs group:
    1. Click Add IPs.
    2. In the Value field, enter the IP address. For instance,
    3. Click Add.
    4. Repeat steps 10a to 10c to add the list of risky IP addresses in the group.
  11. Click Save to save the group.
    You are redirected to the Edit rule page.
  12. Click Save to save the rule.
    You are redirected to the User Activity rules page.
Now, during the authentication flow when this rule is executed the condition associated with the Risky IP out-of-the-box rule is evaluated. If this condition is evaluated to True , then the rule is triggered. In turn, the user is presented the challenge based on the factors configured.


To learn how to configure factors, see Managing Factors in the Self-Service Portal.

16.2 Configuring a Geo-Velocity Based Use Case

OARM allows you to configure geo-velocity as a rule that grants an added layer of security and consequently a higher level of protection to an organization.

Geo-velocity rule allows you to authenticate a user based on the distance and the time gap between your current location and where you last logged in from. You can leverage this information as a criteria for granting access to the protected resource.

Geo-velocity is usually calculated as maximum miles-per-hour. This allows you to determine how fast a user can travel from one place to another to successfully sign in within a specific time duration.

A pre-requisite to implement the geo-velocity use case is it to have the geo-location data. The geo-location feature allows you to identify the physical location of the user. This is usually determined by obtaining the IP address of the device being used by a user to attempt a login. This data is then used to calculate the distance between two consecutive login attempts.

It is possible for a user to log in to an application from a device, then take a flight to another country, and once again log in to the same application using the same device. However, if the calculated velocity is greater than the configured velocity, then an appropriate action and an alert is triggered. Consider a scenario, where a user logs in from India at 9 am (IST), and then two hours later again tries to login from Australia at 11 am (IST). Even with the fastest mode of transportation, the user cannot travel this distance in two hours. It is a clear indication that two different people are trying to log in. This indicates a fraudulent user activity and requires an appropriate action.

The Administrator can use the Challenge based on Device Maximum Velocity out-of-the-box rule to detect such type of fraudulent user activity, trigger an alert, and challenge the user from successfully signing in. This is accomplished in conjunction with the geo-location data. The Administrator can monitor and view these alerts, actions, rules, and other user-related information through the Monitor User Sessions dashboard.

How the Rule Works

The Device Maximum Velocity rule has two values that the Administrator can configure to calculate the geo-velocity before the rule is triggered. Those value fields are called Last login within (Seconds) and Miles Per Hour is more than. Using these two field values you can customize the geo-velocity that a physical device can travel before an alert is triggered.

You must bear in mind while setting the Device Maximum Velocity that you cannot change one of the preceding values without considering that the other needs to be updated as well. In other words, you cannot only set the Last login within (Seconds) value and not properly adjust the Miles Per Hour is more than value. These two values work in conjunction to calculate the device velocity. The relationship between these two settings is an AND.

Let us see how the rule works.

  1. The rule first obtains the last successful login within (Seconds).
  2. The rule then obtains the last login city and the current login city to calculate the distance between them.
  3. The calculated distance between the two cities divided by the time difference in the login times is used to calculate the velocity.
  4. If the calculated velocity is greater than the configured velocity, the rule triggers.


Assumptions to implement this rule are as follows:
  • The geo-location data must have been loaded in the OARM server. See Loading Geo-Location Data.
  • The user must login from the same device.
  • The authentication status of the user is successful in the previous login (N seconds ago).
To configure this use case, perform the following steps:


The steps in this use case are also shown in the tutorial Configuring a Geo-Velocity Based Use Case in Oracle Adaptive Risk Management.
  1. Log in to the OARM Administration console.
  2. Click the Application Navigation icon to display the left pane, and then click Adaptive Risk Management.
    The User Activity dashboard appears.
  3. From the User Authentication tile, click the Rules link.
    The User Activity rules display page appears.
  4. In the search pane, enter the relevant text to filter all the rules available out-of-the-box to configure geo-velocity.
    Challenge based on Device Maximum Velocity rule appears that you need to configure for this use case.
  5. Click the Edit icon against the Challenge based on Device Maximum Velocity rule.


    The Challenge based on Device Maximum Velocity out-of-the-box rule has an associated condition that evaluates the maximum velocity of the device in the specified time.
  6. Verify that the Select Action and the Select Alert lists are pre-populated with Challenge and Device Maximum Velocity options respectively.


    You can configure action and alert as per your requirement.
  7. Verify that the Last login within (Seconds) and Miles per Hour is more than fields are pre-populated with 72000 and 600 respectively.


    You can configure the preceding fields as per your requirement.
  8. Add the IP addresses that you want to ignore for the Device Maximum Velocity rule. For the convenience of the Administrator, Ignore IP Group group is provided out-of-the-box.


    This parameter allows you to specify a list of IPs to ignore. If the IP of the user is from that list, then this condition always evaluates to false. If the IP of the user is not in that list or if the list is null or empty, then the condition evaluates the velocity of the user or the device from the last login and evaluates to true if the velocity exceeds the configured value.
  9. Under Ignore IP Group, with Ignore IP Group option selected in the list, click the Edit Ignore IP Group link to add the IP addresses to ignore for this rule.
  10. Click Save and Proceed .
    Edit Ignore IP Group page appears.
  11. Perform the following steps to configure the group:
    1. Click Add IPs.
    2. In the Value field, enter the IP address. For instance,
    3. Click Add.
    4. Repeat Steps 11 a to 11 c to add the list of IP addresses to ignore in the group.
  12. Click Save to save the group.
    You are redirected to the Edit rule page.
  13. Click Save to save the rule.
    You are redirected to the User Activity rules page.
Now, during the authentication flow when this rule is executed the condition associated with the Device Maximum Velocity out-of-the-box rule is evaluated. If this condition is evaluated to True , then the rule is triggered. In turn, the user is presented the challenge based on the factors configured.


To learn how to configure factors, see Managing Factors in the Self-Service Portal.

16.3 Loading Geo-Location Data

OARM leverages geo-location data for detecting fraudulent user activity and reporting.

Geo-location data helps you identify the physical location of the user. Geo-location data denotes the location information by obtaining the IP addresses of the user. Consequently, you can detect where the fraudulent user activity has occurred to take immediate action.

OARM supports IP geo-location data from the following providers:

  • Neustar Version 7
  • Neustar (formerly Quova)
  • Maxmind

The OAA management container is typically used to load IP geo-location data into the OARM database schema. You can, however, load geo-location data from outside the OAA management container also.

Prerequisite: You must ensure that OARM is installed and running, before you perform the steps to load geo-location data.


  • Loading geo-location data can be time consuming, but it happens in the background while the service continues to function.
  • If you have enabled archival logs, make sure you back them up periodically (at least every half an hour) and that the backed up logs are purged.

Loading Geo-location Data from Within the OAA Management Container

Perform the following steps:

  1. Download the geo-location data to a working directory of your choice, for instance, $WORKDIR/geoData.
  2. Copy the geo-location data to the NFS volume <NFS_VAULT_PATH>, so that it can be accessed by the OAA management container.
    $ cd <NFS_VAULT_PATH>
    $ mkdir -p geoData
    $ sudo cp $WORKDIR/geoData/*.* <NFS_VAULT_PATH>/geoData


    You can copy the data files in any location inside the <NFS_VAULT_PATH>. It is not mandatory to place it under the geoData folder.
  3. Set the files permissions as follows:
    $ cd <NFS_VAULT_PATH>/geoData
    $ chmod 444 *.*
  4. Enter a bash shell for the OAA management pod if not already inside one:
    kubectl exec -n <namespace> -ti <oaamgmt-pod> -- /bin/bash
  5. Ensure that the geo-location files are visible inside the management container:
    ls -l /u01/oracle/service/store/oaa/geoData

    For example, for Neustar version 7 the files will look similar to the following:

    --r--r--r-- 1 oracle staff 3673477337 Jan 26 15:22 oracletest_cgp_v1133.csv.gz
  6. Navigate to the /u01/oracle/oaa_cli/bharosa_properties directory inside the container.
    cd /u01/oracle/oaa_cli/bharosa_properties
  7. Edit the bharosa_location.properties file to reflect the location data provider and the location of data files.

    For Neustar, IP location loader related properties are defined here:

    ### IP location loader specific properties go here
    ### Specify the data provider:  neustarV7 or maxmind or quova(for quova legacy format)
    ### Specify the data file, for neustarV7 or maxmind or quova(for quova legacy format)
    ### Specify the reference file for quova (for data provided by quova/neustar in legacy format).For NeustarV7, this property can be commented (optional).
    ### Specify the anonymizer data file for quova (for data provided by quova/neustar in legacy format).For NeustarV7, this property can be commented (optional).

    For Maxmind, IP location loader related properties are defined here:

    ### Specify the data provider: maxmind or quova (for data provided by neustar)
    ### Specify the location data file, for maxmind
    ### Specify the blocks data file, for maxmind
    ### Specify the country code data file, for maxmind
    ### Specify the sub country code data file, for maxmind


    Regardless of whether you are using Neustar or Maxmind, leave all the values uncommented. For example, if using Neustar and you set the Neustar properties accordingly, you must leave the Maxmind properties uncommented even though they are not being used.

    Oracle recommends using the default values for the remaining parameters:

    ### Specify the number of database threads
    ### Specify the maximum number of location records to batch before issuing a database commit
    ### Specify the maximum time to hold an uncommitted batch
    ### Specify the maximum number of location records to be kept in queue for database threads
    ### Specify the maximum number of location records to be kept in cache
    ### Specify the maximum number of location split records to be kept in cache
    ### Specify the maximum number of anonymizer records to be kept in cache
    ### Specify the maximum number of ISP records to be kept in cache
  8. Load the data by running the loadIPLocationData.sh script.
    cd /u01/oracle/oaa_cli


    When running this script, the properties file can be passed as an optional parameter as follows:
    cd /u01/oracle/oaa_cli
    ./loadIPLocationData.sh -f ./../scripts/settings/installOAA.properties

    The preceding file parameter (-f) is optional. If this value is not provided, then the property file's default value is fetched from /u01/oracle/scripts/settings/installOAA.properties.

    You can override this file value by setting the environmental variable INSTALL_PROP_FILE in setCliEnv.sh. The file must contain the following information:

    • database.host=<Database Host Name>
    • database.port=<Database Port Number>
    • database.schema=<Database User Name>
    • database.schemapassword=<Database Schema Password>: This property is optional.
    • database.svc=<Database Service Name>
    • database.name=<Database Name>

    You must keep in mind that one of the two options, database.svc or database.name, must be present. If both are present in the file, the database.svc value takes precedence.


    Enter the password to the schema if prompted.

    The data can take several hours to load.

Loading Geo-location Data from Outside the OAA Management Container

Perform the following steps:

  1. Copy recursively all files and folders under OAA management container's <BHCLI_HOME> folder to the new location on the target compute node from where you intend to run the geo-location loading script.


    The environmental variable <BHCLI_HOME> is set to indicate the loader home folder. The value is /u01/oracle/oaa_cli by default.
  2. Check that the data file to be loaded is located at the path specified in <BHCLI_HOME>/bharosa_properties/bharosa_location.properties.

    Update the properties file as necessary.

  3. Set the following environment variable to the desired location to create a log file.
  4. Install Java on the external compute and change the JAVA_HOME environmental variable to the management container's Java version.


    You must ensure that the installOAA.properties file from the management container is either visible or copied over to the external compute. Perform the load, providing parameters as needed.
  5. Load the data by running the loadIPLocationData.sh script.