9 Known Issues and Workarounds for the Microsoft Exchange Connector

These are known issues associated with this release of the connector.

Exchange Resource Remains In Provisioning Status When It Is Provisioned Before Provisioning the AD Resource

When you provision an Exchange resource to a user, the provisioning operation remains in Waiting status if the user has not been provisioned an AD resource yet. After you provision the AD resource, the Exchange resource provisioning operation should be complete. However, the Exchange resource continues to remain in the Provisioning status. In addition, the Resource History displays the System Validation task to be in the Pending state.

Workaround: Perform the following steps before you provision the Exchange resource:
  1. Ensure you created the Exchange application with the AD application as the Parent application.

  2. Log in to Oracle Identity Design Console.

  3. Search for and open the process form for the Exchange application and select the Auto Save and Auto Prepop checkboxes.

  4. Save the changes.

Onboarding the Microsoft Exchange 12c Connector Application Fails Due to the Four Character Application Name Limitation

Installation of the Microsoft Exchange 12c Connector in the AOB mode fails as the application name exceeds four characters. The connector throws the following error message while creating the application with application name exceeding four characters:

Application creation failed Internal Server Error Parent field attribute withname Retain Deleted Items Until Backup, type CheckBox,data type Booleanfailed with exception There is already an existing database object with thegiven name : UD_EXCHANGE_RETAIN_DELETED_IT1.

Workaround: As a fix, limit the character length of the application name to four characters. For example, while creating the application, specify EXCH or EXNG as the value for the Application Name field instead of EXCHANGE.