3.5 Reconciliation Jobs

Learn about reconciliation jobs that are automatically created in Oracle Identity Governance after you create a target or an authoritative application for your target system.

You can either use these predefined jobs or edit them to meet your requirements. Alternatively, you can create custom reconciliation jobs. For information about editing these predefined jobs or creating new ones, see Creating Applications in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance.

User Reconciliation Jobs

The following reconciliation jobs are available for reconciling user data:
  • Target User Reconciliation: Use this reconciliation job to reconcile user data from a Target application.

  • Authoritative User Reconciliation: Use this reconciliation job to reconcile user data from an Authoritative application.

Table 3-12 Parameters of the Target User Reconciliation Job

Parameter Description

Application Name

Name of the application you created for your target system. This value is the same as the value that you provided for the Application Name field while creating your target application.

Do not modify this value.


Enter the expression for filtering records that the scheduled job must reconcile.

Sample value: WHERE+id+='0057F0000082jki'To bring frozen users: sample value: WHERE+Id+IN+(SELECT+UserId+FROM+UserLogin+WHERE+IsFrozen=false)

Object Type

Type of object you want to reconcile.

Default value: User

Scheduled Task Name

Name of the scheduled job.

Note: For the scheduled job included with this connector, you must not change the value of this attribute. However, if you create a new job or create a copy of the job, then enter the unique name for that scheduled job as the value of this attribute.

The following table lists the parameters of the Authoritative User Reconciliation job.

Table 3-13 Parametersof the Authoritative User Reconciliation Job

Parameter Description

Application Name

Name of the application you created for your target system. This value is the same as the value that you provided for the Application Name field while creating your target application.

Do not modify this value.


Filter Suffix

Enter the expression for filtering records that the scheduled job must reconcile.

Sample value: WHERE+id+='0057F0000082jki' To bring frozen users: sample value: WHERE+Id+IN+(SELECT+UserId+FROM+UserLogin+WHERE+IsFrozen=false)

Object Type

Type of object you want to reconcile.

Default Value: User

Scheduled Task Name

Name of the scheduled job.

Note: For the scheduled job included with this connector, you must not change the value of this attribute. However, if you create a new job or create a copy of the job, then enter the unique name for that scheduled job as the value of this attribute

Reconciliation Jobs for Entitlements

The following jobs are available for reconciling entitlements:

  • Salesforce Group Lookup Reconciliation
  • Salesforce Profile Lookup Reconciliation
  • Salesforce Territory Lookup Reconciliation
  • Salesforce PermissionSet Lookup Reconciliation
  • Salesforce Role Lookup Reconciliation

These reconciliation jobs are available only for a Target application. The parameters for all the reconciliation jobs are the same.

Table 3-14 Parametersof the Reconciliation Jobs for Entitlements

Parameter Description

Application Name

Name of the application you created for your target system. This value is the same as the value that you provided for the Application Name field while creating your target application.

Do not modify this value.

Lookup Name

This parameter holds the name of the lookup definition that maps each lookup definition with the data source from which values must be fetched.

Depending on the reconciliation job you are using, the default values are as follows:

  • For Salesforce Group Lookup Reconciliation - Lookup.Salesforce.Groups
  • For Salesforce Profile Lookup Reconciliation- Lookup.Salesforce.Profiles
  • For Salesforce Roles Lookup Reconciliation - Lookup.Salesforce.Roles
  • For Salesforce Permission Sets Lookup Reconciliation Lookup.Salesforce.PermissionSets
  • For Salesforce Territory Lookup Reconciliation - Lookup.Salesforce.Territory

Object Type

Enter the type of object whose values must be synchronized.

Depending on the scheduled job you are using, the default values are as follows:

  • For Salesforce Profile Lookup Reconciliation - __PROFILE__
  • For Salesforce Group Lookup Reconciliation -__GROUPLKP_
  • For Salesforce Territory Lookup Reconciliation __TERRITORYLKP__
  • For Salesforce PermissionSets Lookup Reconciliation __PERMISSIONSETLKP__
  • For Salesforce Role Lookup Reconciliation - __ROLE__

Note: Do not change the value of this attribute.

Code Key Attribute

Enter the name of the connector or target system attribute that is used to populate the Code Key column of the lookup definition (specified as the value of the Lookup Name attribute).

Default value: __UID__

Note: Do not change the value of this attribute.

Decode Attribute

Enter the name of the connector or target system attribute that is used to populate the Decode column of the lookup definition (specified as the value of the Lookup Name attribute).