B BAPIs Used During Connector Operations

These are the standard and custom BAPIs used during connector operations on SAP CUA.

B.1 Standard BAPIs Used on SAP CUA

The following standard BAPIs are used during connector operations on SAP CUA:

  • RFC_READ_TABLE: Fetches lookup definition values for roles, profiles, and child systems

  • BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_READ: Fetches details of roles assigned to the user

  • BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_READ: Fetches details of profiles assigned to the user

  • RFC_READ_TABLE: Queries the USZBVSYS table during incremental reconciliation and queries the USH02 table for fetching the account lock status

  • BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_ASSIGN: Changes User-Profile assignments in CUA Central system

  • BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN: Changes User-Role assignments in CUA Central system

B.2 Custom BAPIs Used on SAP CUA

The following custom BAPIs are used during connector operations on SAP CUA:
  • ZXLCBAPI_ZXLCUSR_PASSWORDCHNGE: Changes the productive password for a user on a CUA child system.

  • ZXLCBAPI_ZXLCUSR_PW_CHANGE: Changes the initial password for a user on all CUA child systems.

Import the following TRs in given sequence in the parent as well as child system to get the mentioned BAPIs:
  • EC1K900023

  • G10K900013