7 Upgrading the UNIX Connector

If you have already deployed the version of the UNIX connector, then you can upgrade the connector to version by uploading the new connector JAR files to the Oracle Identity Manager database.


  • If you have deployed the or earlier version of the UNIX connector, you must first upgrade the connector to version See Upgrading the Connector in Oracle Identity Manager Connector Guide for UNIX.

  • Before you perform the upgrade procedure:

    • It is strongly recommended that you create a backup of the Oracle Identity Manager database. Refer to the database documentation for information about creating a backup.

    • As a best practice, perform the upgrade procedure in a test environment initially.

The following sections discuss the procedure to upgrade the connector:

See Also:

Upgrading Connectors in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Identity Manager for detailed information on these steps

7.1 Preupgrade Steps

Preupgrade steps involve performing a reconciliation run and defining the source connector.

Perform the following preupgrade steps:

  1. Perform a reconciliation run to fetch all latest updates to Oracle Identity Manager.
  2. Define the source connector (an earlier release of the connector that must be upgraded) in Oracle Identity Manager. You define the source connector to update the Deployment Manager XML file with customization changes made to the connector.
  3. If required, create the connector XML file for a clone of the source connector.

7.2 Upgrade Steps

This is a summary of the procedure to upgrade the connector for both staging and production environments.

Depending on the environment in which you are upgrading the connector, perform one of the following steps:
  • Staging Environment

    Perform the upgrade procedure by using the wizard mode.


    Do not upgrade IT resource type definition. In order to retain the default setting, you must map the IT resource definition to "None".

  • Production Environment

    Perform the upgrade procedure by using the silent mode.

See Managing Connector Lifecycle in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Identity Manager for detailed information about the wizard and silent modes.

7.3 Postupgrade Steps

Postupgrade steps involve uploading new connector jars, configuring the upgraded IT resource of the source connector, deploying the Connector Server, and configuring the latest token value of the scheduled job.

Perform the following procedure:

  1. Upload new connector JARs as follows:
    1. Run the Upload JARs utility ($ORACLE_HOME/bin/UploadJars.sh) for uploading connector JARs.
    2. Upload bundle/org.identityconnectors.genericunix-12.3.0.jar as ICFBundle.


      If you need to add a third-party JAR:

      • Navigate to the bundle directory.

      • Create /lib folder and drop the third party jar in that folder.

      • Update the bundle with library "jar uvf org.identityconnectors.genericunix-12.3.0.jar lib/FILE_NAME".

    3. Upload lib/GenericUnix-oim-integration.jar as JavaTask.
  2. Replicate all changes made to the Form Designer of the Design Console in a new UI form as follows:
    1. Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration.
    2. Create and activate a sandbox.
    3. Create a new UI form to view the upgraded fields.
    4. Associate the newly created UI form with the application instance of your target system. To do so, open the existing application instance for your resource, from the Form field, select the form (created in step 2.c) and then save the application instance.
    5. Publish the sandbox.
  3. Configure the upgraded IT resource of the source connector.
  4. Deploy the Connector Server.
  5. Configure the sync token value for the following scheduled jobs:
    • UNIX Target Incremental Resource User Reconciliation

    • UNIX User Trusted Incremental Recon

    After upgrading the connector, you can perform either full reconciliation or incremental reconciliation. This ensures that records created or modified since the last reconciliation run are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager. From the next reconciliation run onward, the reconciliation engine automatically enters a value for the Sync Token attribute.

    See Also: