9 Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter provides information on the frequently asked questions about the Workday connector.
  1. What happens when an invalid or negative integer value is provided for the Transaction Days attribute while performing reconciliation?

    Answer: When an invalid or negative integer is provided, the connector defaults the Transaction Days value to 0 and reconciliation is performed with an error logged in the logs.

    Below is the error message logged for an invalid integer value:

    Level: ERROR   Message: Invalid Transaction Days value provided. Number Format Exception: For inputstring: "30.5"
    Level: ERROR   Message: Performing reconciliation with Transaction days = 0

    Below is the error message logged for a negative integer value:

    Level: ERROR   Message: Transaction Days value cannot be -ve
    Level: ERROR   Message: Performing reconciliation with Transaction days = 0
  2. Why is the following error encountered while running the Connector Server in SSL=True mode?

    java.security.InvalidKeyException: The security strength of SHA-1 digest algorithm is not sufficient for this key size

    Answer: connectorserver.keyStore will carry a value of identity keystore which will be generated using the Java_home used by your connector server using the below command:

    $CONNECTOR_SERVER_JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -genkey {-alias ALIAS} {-keyalg KEYALG} {-keysize KEYSIZE} {-sigalg SIGALG} [-dname DNAME] [-keypass KEYPASS] {-validity VAL_DAYS} {-storetype STORETYPE} {-keystore KEYSTORE} [-storepass STOREPASS

    For example: JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool –genkey -alias javaconnectorserver -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname "CN=localhost, OU=Identity, O=Oracle Corporation,C=US" -keypass weblogic1 -keystore javaconnectorserver.jks -storepass weblogic1

  3. Why is the value for few attributes blank when you reconcile an inactive worker with future effective hire date?

    Answer: A worker in the Workday system would be in an inactive state if the worker is hired with a future effective date. While we try to reconcile, attributes like Manager Login, Supervisory Organization, Cost Center, Title, Address, City, State, Country and Postal Code attributes will be not be reconciled. The worker must be reconciled again after the worker is active to fetch these attributes.

  4. Can we update or reconcile primary contact details with visibility as Private?

    Answer:Workday Connector supports primary contact data through parent form and with default visibility type as Public. This means that you can update or reconcile primary contact details of the type Public. Workday does not support primary contact data with visibility as Private, whereas non-primary contact details with visibility of both Public and Private are supported through the child form.

    For example, when you add the Work Email attribute in the parent form, in Workday it gets updated in the Work Contact information with Type as Primary and Visibility as Public.

  5. Why is the following error encountered when you reconcile phone numbers having more than 20 charectors including country code and extension in the Trusted application mode?

    value too large for column “DEV00_OIM"."USR"."USR_HOME_PHONE" (actual: 21, maximum: 20)

    Answer: It is recommended to increase the size of attributes when you face such errors.

  6. What are supported range of values for the Page Count attribute in Advance Settings?

    Answer: Workday supports page count between the range of 1 to 999.

  7. What is the significance of Timezone attribute in Advance Settings?

    Answer: The Timezone attribute represents the timezone of the Workday system. While performing incremental reconciliation, the sync token is updated as per the provided timezone value. Similarly, Start Date (Hire Date) and End Date (Termination Date) attributes are updated as per the provided Workday timezone.