16 Managing Role Categories

Managing role categories include creating, searching, modifying, and deleting role categories.

This chapter describes the Role Categories in Oracle Identity Manager.


Role categories exist in this release of Oracle Identity Manager only for the purpose of backward compatibility. Using role categories is not recommended.

This section describes the following topics:

16.1 About Role Category

There are two default role categories, OIM Roles and Default. If you are using a fresh deployment of Oracle Identity Manager, then use the Category attribute in the access catalog. If you are using an upgraded deployment of Oracle Identity Manager, then update the Catalog category attribute with the role category information.

The default role categories in Oracle Identity Manager are:

  • OIM Roles: All the predefined roles in Oracle Identity Manager are assigned to this category. These are roles that exist in Oracle Identity Manager by default and are primarily used for managing permissions. There will not be any corresponding entity in catalog for these predefined roles.

  • Default: A newly created role must have a role category. Therefore, if a role category is not specified at the time of creating the role, then the role is assigned to this category by default.


    The default role categories cannot be localized.

16.2 Creating a Role Category

Use the Create Role Category page to create a new role category.

To create a role category:

  1. Login to Oracle Identity System Administration.
  2. On the left pane, under System Configuration, click Role Categories. The Search Role Categories page is displayed.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Create. Alternatively, click Create on the toolbar. The Create Role Category page is displayed.
  4. In the Role Category box, enter the name of the role category. This is a mandatory field.
  5. In the Role Category Description box, enter a description for the role category. This step is optional.
  6. Click Save. The role category is created, and the role category details page is displayed. This page consists of the Attributes tab.

    The Attributes tab displays the attributes of the role category. You can edit the fields in this tab to edit the role category.

16.3 Searching Role Categories

Use the Search Role Categories page to search for existing role categories. You can search by specifying a value or wildcard character, and also use various search operators.

To search for role categories:

  1. In Oracle Identity System Administration, Under System Configuration, click Role Categories. The Search Role Categories page is displayed.
  2. In the Role Category field, specify a value. You can include wildcard characters (*) in the attribute value.
  3. For the attribute value that you specify, select a search operator from the list. The following search operators are available:
    • Starts with

    • Ends with

    • Equals

    • Does not equal

    • Contains

    • Does not contain

    The search operator can be combined with wildcard characters to specify a search condition. The asterisk (*) character is used as a wildcard character. For example, you can specify the value to be D* as the search criteria, and select Equals as the search operator. The role categories that begins with D are displayed.

  4. To add a searchable attribute to the Role Categories, click Add Fields, and select the attribute from the list of attributes.
  5. If you want to change the order of the search fields, then click Reorder. The Reorder Search Fields dialog box is displayed. Move the search fields up or down by using the up and down arrows. When finished, click OK.
  6. If you want to save the search criteria for future user, then click Save. See Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance for information about saved search.
  7. Optionally click Reset to reset the values that you specified as search conditions. Typically, you perform this step to remove the specified search conditions and specify a new search condition.
  8. Click Search. The search result is displayed in a tabular format.

16.4 Modifying a Role Category

Use the role category details page to edit the basic attributes of an existing role category.

To modify a role category:

  1. In the Search Role Categories page, search and select the role category you want to modify.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Open. Alternatively, click Open on the toolbar. A page with details about the role category is displayed.

    You can also open the role category details by clicking the role category name.

  3. The Attributes tab is open by default. Edit the fields in this tab to modify basic category information such as name and description. When finished, click Apply.

16.5 Deleting a Role Category

Delete a role category, which is not required, either by searching for it or from the role category details page.

To delete a role category:

  1. In the Search Role Categories page, search and select the role category you want to delete.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Delete. Alternatively, click Delete on the toolbar.

    If the role category detail page is open, then click Delete on the toolbar.

    A message box is displayed asking for confirmation.

  3. Click Delete. The role category is deleted. Alternatively, you can also delete the role category from its details page.