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Package org.identityconnectors.common.logging

This package is responsible for providing logging to the Framework and the Connectors.

See: Description

Package org.identityconnectors.common.logging Description

This package is responsible for providing logging to the Framework and the Connectors. The logging API is very similar to most logging APIs and can a SPI interface is provided to wrap another implementations.

If the application if which the Identity Connectors Framework is used needs to adopt the logging by ICF logging facility, it can be done by implementing the org.identityconnectors.common.logging.LogSpi interface.

Typical usage would be as the following:

        public class LoggingExample {
            private static final Log log = Log.getLog(LoggingExample.class);

            public void someMethod(String param) {
                log.ok("param: {0}", param);
      "someMethod has done its job");


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