Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Identity Connector Framework  12c ( E95919-01
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CObjectPoolConfigurationConfiguration for pooling objects
 CInvocationHandlerSimilar to java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
 CAbstractUnmanagedArray< T >
 CEncryptorResponsible for encrypting/decrypting bytes.
 CGuardedByteArraySecure byte array implementation that solves the problems associated with keeping confidential data as
 CGuardedStringSecure string implementation that solves the problems associated with keeping passwords as
 CUnmanagedArray< T >Places an array facade on an unmanaged memory data structure that holds senstive data. (In C# placing senstive data in managed memory is considered unsecure since the memory model allows data to be copied around).
 CIdentityEqualityComparer< T >
 CLocaleRepresents a Java Locale and has facilities for converting to/from C# CultureInfo
 CPair< T1, T2 >Represents a Pair of objects
 CReadOnlyCollection< T >
 CReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CReadOnlyList< T >
 CSafeType< T >The equivalent of java's Class<?; syntax. Allows you to restrict a Type to a certain class hierarchy.
 CConfigurationPropertiesConfiguration properties encapsulates the Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Spi.Configuration and uses System.Reflection to determine the properties available for manipulation.
 CConfigurationPropertyTranslation from Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Spi.Configuration at the SPI layer to the API.
 CConnectorFacadeMain interface for which consumers call the Connector API logic.
 CConnectorFacadeFactoryManages a pool of connectors for use by a provisioner.
 CConnectorInfoThe connector meta-data for a given connector.
 CConnectorInfoManagerClass responsible for maintaing a list of
 CConnectorInfoManagerFactoryThe main entry point into connectors.
 CConnectorKeyUniquely identifies a connector within an installation.
 CAttributeNormalizerInterface to be implemented by connectors that need to normalize certain attributes.
 CConfigurationEncapsulates the configuration of a connector
 CConfigurationPropertyAttributeThe Configuration interface is traversed through reflection. This annotation provides a way to override the default configuration operation for each property.
 CConnectorThis is the main interface to declare a connector. Developers must implement this interface. The life-cycle for a Connector is as follows Connector.Init(Configuration) is called then any of the operations implemented in the Connector and finally dispose. The Connector.Init(Configuration) and IDisposable.Dispose() allow for block operations. For instance bulk creates or deletes and the use of before and after actions. Once IDisposable.Dispose() is called the Connector object is discarded.
 CPoolableConnectorTo be implemented by Connectors that wish to be pooled.
 CPropertyBagEncapsulates a read-only bag of properties, which can be accessed in a type-safe manner.
 CTestHelpersBag of utility methods useful to connector tests.
 CToListResultsHandlerResultsHandler which stores all connector objects into list retrievable with Objects.