24.2 Default Notification Template

Default notification templates are available for various notification scenarios, such as for bulk requests, proxies, password generation, warning, expiry, and reset, and request creation and status change.

Oracle Identity Manager provides a set of default notification templates, as shown in Table 24-1.

Table 24-1 Default Notification Templates

Notification Template Description

Add Proxy Notification

Template to send notification after a proxy has been added for a user.

Bulk Request Creation

Template to send notification during a bulk request creation.

Create User Self Service Notification

Template to send notification after a new user is created.

End Date

Template to send notification to the manager when end date of the reportee expires.

Forgotten Username Notification

Template to send notification after user submits the Forgotten Username form.

Generated Password Notification

Template to send notification after a password is generated by Oracle Identity Manager.

Password Expired Notification

Template to send notification after password has expired.

Password Warning Notification

Template to send notification before password expires.

Request Creation

Template to send notification during a request creation.

Request Identity Creation

Template to send notification during a Create User request.

Request Status Change

Template to send notification during a request status change.

Reset Password

Template to send notification after password has been reset.

User Deleted

Template to send notification to the manager when the user account of the reportee is deleted as a result of expired end date.