23.2.2 Non-Default System Properties in Oracle Identity Governance

Oracle Identity Manager provides a set of system properties that are not present in the PTY table by default.

You can add these non-default system properties to the PTY table by using the Identity System Administration, and then use the properties to change some of the default settings in Oracle Identity Manager. For example, if you want to configure the number of times Oracle Identity Manager retries to get a connection when the JDBC connection fails, then you can configure the JDBC Connection Retry Attempts system property.

See Also:

Overview of Generic Technology Connectors in Developing and Customizing Applications for Oracle Identity Governance for more information about GTC

Non-Default System Properties in Oracle Identity Governance lists and describes Non-Default system properties which you can add to the PTY table

Table 23-2 Non-Default System Properties

Property Name Description Keyword Sample Value

OIM Database Query Retry Attempts

Number of times SQL queries to be retried for handling Oracle RAC failures.

In the absence of this property in the PTY table, SQL queries for handling Oracle RAC failures are retried three times by default.



OIM Database Query Retry Interval

Time in seconds after which each SQL retry takes place for Oracle RAC failures.

In the absence of the property in the PTY table, SQL query occurs after every 7 seconds by default.


10 seconds

OIM Paging Limit

Default paging limit for search operations on user entity.



JDBC Connection Retry Attempts

Number of times Oracle Identity Manager retries to get a connection when the JDBC connection fails.

In the absence of this property in the PTY table, the JDBC connection is retried three times by default.



When the value is 0, it means no retry.

JDBC Connection Retry Interval

Time in seconds between each JDBC connection retry.

In the absence of this property in the PTY table, each JDBC connection retry occurs at an interval of 7 seconds.


10 seconds

Allowed Back URLs

This property is required if you want to setup any non-OIM/OAM URLs to be a valid backURL on the Track Self Registration Request page. Oracle Identity Manager validates the back URLs and redirect URLs against a list of URLs provided by this system property. The value of this property is a comma-separated list of URLs that Oracle Identity Manager allows for redirection.



Allowed Back URLs Mode This system property determines the mode in which the XL.AllowedBackURLs system property works. It has the following possible values:
  • Enforce: Ensure that the current URL is present in the white list specified as the value of XL.AllowedBackURLs. If not present, then change the back URL to the default URL, which is the sign-in page.

  • Disable: Log all the white list validations.

The default value is Enforce.

XL.AllowedBackURLsMode Enforce
XL.AllowedOrigins Allows users to set the whitelist for the CORS filter. XL.AllowedOrigins Apply the following guidelines for specifying the value:
  • The URLs can be comma separated, for example http://www.example.com:14001 and https://www.test.com:14003.

  • The URL can contain simple wildcard matching (for example http://*.example.com:14000, http://*.com:14001) with only a single '*' character. '*.example.*.com' will not work correctly.

  • The pattern matching is very simple and only pertains to the domain part of the URL. No matching on scheme or port is supported (*://example.com:14001 or http://example.com:*).

  • Only http and https schemes are supported.

  • The matching goes from right to left.

  • The '*' will only match the text of domain after the period and before the next period. Patterns such as '*ampl.com' and '*.*partial*.c*' are not supported.

  • A single '*' will match anything and should be used for test/development only.