5 Testing and Troubleshooting

After you deploy the connector, you must test it to ensure that it functions as expected.

This chapter discusses the following topics related to connector testing:

5.1 Testing Provisioning Operations

You can use the testing utility to test basic provisioning operations such as create, update, or delete on the target system. The testing utility is implemented using ICF to invoke connector operations on this connector.

To use the testing utility:

  1. Add the following JAR files to the CLASSPATH environment variable and the JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory:


    These JAR files are delivered as part of the OIM EAR application, and they are located in the oim.ear/APP-INF/lib directory.

    • connector-framework.jar

    • connector-framework-internal.jar

    • groovy-all.jar

    In addition to the preceding list, add the following JAR files:

    • For Siebel 7.5 through 7.7, the following JAR files located in the OIM_HOME/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/targetsystems-lib/siebel-RELEASE_NUMBER directory:




    • For Siebel 7.8 through 8.2.2 and Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and Siebel 19.x, the following JAR files located in the OIM_HOME/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/targetsystems-lib/siebel-RELEASE_NUMBER directory:



  2. Update the test-utility/example-config.groovy file on the installation media to reflect the configuration information of your environment. The following table describes the sections in the example-config.groovy file and whether you are required to configure those sections:
    Section Information Preconfigured?

    ICF Configuration

    Parameters specific to the ICF configuration


    Connector Configuration

    Parameters required to connect to the target system

    These parameters are the same as the parameters of the IT resource. See Configuring the IT Resource for the Target System for more information about these parameters.

    No, you must specify values for the properties in this section.

    Create Account Attribute

    Values required to create a user


    Update Account Attribute

    Values required to modify a user


    Delete Account Attribute

    User ID of the user to be deleted


    Comment this section if you do not want the user to be deleted.

  3. Depending on the target system that you are using, run one of the following commands to test connector provisioning:
    • For Siebel 7.5 through 7.7:

      java -classpath ./test-utility.jar:./connector-framework-internal.jar:./groovy-all.jar:./connector-framework.jar:./SiebelJI.jar:./SiebelJI_Common.jar:./SiebelJI_enu.jar oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.Main example-config.groovy
    • For Siebel 7.8 through 8.2.2 and Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and Siebel 19.x:

      java -classpath ./test-utility.jar:./connector-framework-internal.jar:./groovy-all.jar:./connector-framework.jar:./SiebelJI_enu.jar:/Siebel.jar oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.Main example-config.groovy

    You should see an output similar to the following:

    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:28.413   Class: oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.TestUtility    Method: doTest  Level: OK       Message: Using local bundle with url: [file:/scratch/jdoe/view_storage/jdoe_oimcp_ade/idc/integration/oim/siebel/dist/siebel-]
    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:28.545   Class: oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.TestUtility    Method: doTest  Level: OK       Message: Using ConnectorKey [ConnectorKey( bundleName=org.identityconnectors.siebel bundleVersion=1.0.1 connectorName=org.identityconnectors.siebel.SiebelConnector )]
    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:28.546   Class: oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.TestUtility    Method: doTest  Level: OK       Message: Using ConnectorInfo [org.identityconnectors.framework.impl.api.local.LocalConnectorInfoImpl@142c778]
    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:28.627   Class: oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.TestUtility    Method: doTest  Level: INFO     Message: Connector configured
    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:28.658   Class: oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.TestUtility    Method: doTest  Level: INFO     Message: Got Connector Instance, ready to do the tests
    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:28.660   Class: org.identityconnectors.framework.impl.api.local.ConnectorPoolManager     Method: getPool2        Level: INFO     Message: Creating new pool: ConnectorKey( bundleName=org.identityconnectors.siebel bundleVersion=1.0.1 connectorName=org.identityconnectors.siebel.SiebelConnector )
    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:28.668   Class: oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.TestUtility    Method: doTest  Level: INFO     Message: Running 'test' operation on connector
    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:31.762   Class: oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.TestUtility    Method: doTest  Level: INFO     Message: 'test' operation succeeded
    Thread Id: 1    Time: 2011-06-05 20:05:31.762   Class: oracle.iam.connectors.testutility.TestUtility    Method: doTest  Level: INFO     Message: Running 'create' operation on connector

5.2 Troubleshooting

The following sections list solutions to some commonly encountered errors of the following types:

5.2.1 Connection Errors

The following table lists the solution to a commonly encountered connection error.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot establish a connection to the target system.

Returned Error Message:

SIEBEL connection exception

  • Ensure that the target system is running.

  • Ensure that Oracle Identity Manager is working (that is, the database is running).

  • Ensure that all the adapters have been compiled.

  • Examine the Oracle Identity Manager record (from the IT Resources form). Ensure that values for all the IT resource parameters have been correctly specified.

5.2.2 Create User Errors

The following table lists the solution to a commonly encountered Create User error.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot create a user.

Returned Error Message:

User already exists

A user with the assigned ID already exists in the target system.

5.2.3 Delete User Errors

The following table lists the solution to a commonly encountered Delete User error.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot delete a user.

Returned Error Message:

User does not exist in target system

The specified user does not exist in the target system.

5.2.4 Edit User Errors

The following table lists the solution to a commonly encountered Edit User error.

Problem Description Solution

Oracle Identity Manager cannot update a user.

Returned Error Message:

User does not exist in target system

Review the log for more details.