Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Title and Copyright Information
- Preface
- What's New in the Oracle Identity Manager Advanced Connector for IBM RACF?
About the IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 1.1 Introduction to the Connector
- 1.2 Certified Components
- 1.3 Certified Languages
- 1.4 Connector Architecture
- 1.5 Connector Features
Connector Objects Used During Reconciliation and Provisioning
- 1.6.1 Supported Functions for Target Resource Reconciliation
- 1.6.2 Supported Functions for Provisioning
- 1.6.3 User Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation and Provisioning
- 1.6.4 GROUP Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation and Provisioning
- 1.6.5 Security Attributes for Provisioning
- 1.6.6 DATASET Profile Attributes for Provisioning
- 1.6.7 Resource Profile Attributes for Provisioning
- 1.6.8 Reconciliation Rule
- 1.6.9 Reconciliation Action Rules
- 1.6.10 Viewing the Reconciliation Action Rules for IBM RACF Advanced Connector
Installing and Configuring the LDAP Gateway
- 2.1 Hardware Requirements for Installing the LDAP Gateway
- 2.2 Installing the LDAP Gateway
- 2.3 Upgrading the LDAP Gateway
- 2.4 Configuring the LDAP Gateway
- 2.5 Configuring the Windows Service for the LDAP Gateway
- 2.6 Configuring Transformation of the LDAP Gateway Attributes
- 2.7 Configuring Multiple Instances of the LDAP Gateway
- 2.8 Encrypting Data
- 2.9 Understanding the Caching Layer
- 2.10 Configuring Scheduled Reconciliation
- 2.11 About Parsing Grammar Protocol 1.0
- 2.12 Configuring IDF LDAP Gateway to Use SSL for Messaging Between Gateway and Pioneer/Voyager
- 2.13 Configuring Replication
IBM RACF Connector Deployment on Oracle Identity Manager
- 3.1 Running the Connector Installer
- 3.2 Configuring the IT Resource
Configuring Oracle Identity Manager
- 3.3.1 Creating Additional Metadata, Running Entitlement, and Catalog Synchronization Jobs
- 3.3.2 Localizing Field Labels in UI Forms
- 3.3.3 Clearing Content Related to Connector Resource Bundles from the Server Cache for Oracle Identity Manager Connector
- 3.3.4 Enabling Logging for IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 4 Installing and Configuring the Agents of the IBM RACF Connector on the Mainframe
Using the IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 5.1 Guidelines on Using the IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 5.2 Scheduled Tasks for Lookup Field Synchronization
- 5.3 Configuring the Security Attributes Lookup Field
- 5.4 Configuring Reconciliation
- 5.5 Configuring Account Status Reconciliation for IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 5.6 Scheduled Tasks for IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 5.7 Configuring Reconciliation Jobs
- 5.8 Performing Provisioning Operations
Extending the Functionality of the IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 6.1 Adding Custom Fields for Target Resource Reconciliation
- 6.2 Adding Custom Multivalued Fields for Reconciliation
- 6.3 Adding Custom Fields for Provisioning for IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 6.4 Removing Attributes Mapped for Target Resource Reconciliation
- 6.5 Using the Provisioning Agent to Run IBM z/OS Batch Jobs
- 6.6 Configuring the Connector for Provisioning to Multiple Installations of the Target System
- 6.7 Customizing Log File Locations
- 6.8 LDAP Reconciliation Supported Queries
- 6.9 Handling Pioneer Error Messaging Exceptions in the Gateway
- 7 Troubleshooting the IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- 8 Known Issues and Workarounds for the IBM RACF Advanced Connector
- A Files and Directories in the IBM RACF Advanced Connector Package
- B APF-Authorized Libraries
- C Pioneer Datasets
- D Creating Custom Scheduled Tasks
- E Voyager and Pioneer Control File Parameters
- F Configuring RACF Starter User ID and Access for Voyager Agent and Pioneer Agent Started Tasks
- G Customizing AES Encryption Key
- H Mainframe Language Environment Runtime Options
- I Pioneer Post-Processing Commands
- J Pioneer SMF Process
- K Pioneer Messages
- L Voyager Messages
- M Features of the Mainframe Agents
- N Custom Data Field (CSDATA)