5 Known Issues and Workarounds

The following sections discuss issues and workarounds associated with the connector:

5.1 The oimpwdsync.log File is Retained with Reinstallation or Reconfiguration of Password Synchronization Connector

Information about events that occur during connector installation are recorded in the oimpwdsync.log file, which is located in the %TEMP% directory. The oimpwdsync.log file is not deleted when you reinstall or reconfigure the password synchronization connector.

There is no workaround available for this issue.

5.2 Issue with ASCII Characters in User Names

If a user name contains an extended ASCII character (ASCII value 128 onwards), then the connector does not update the password for the user and an error is encountered.

There is no workaround available for this issue.

5.3 Microsoft Active Directory Password Synchronization Connector Creates a Dummy User During Installation

During installation, the Microsoft Active Directory Password Synchronization Connector creates oidtmpuser - a dummy user, and deletes it immediately. This user is created to verify if the primary Active Directory administrative user has the required administrator privileges or not.

There is no workaround available for this issue.