43 Managing Replication Configuration Attributes

The following topics describe the configuration attributes that control the Oracle Internet Directory replication server and how to manage these attributes using LDAP command-line utilities:

See Managing and Monitoring Replication for specific replication management tasks.

43.1 Understanding Replication Configuration Attributes

The following topics provide a contextual description of the configuration attributes that reside in specific containers in the DIT:

43.1.1 Replication Configuration Container

All replication information for a node resides in the container cn=replication configuration located at the root DSE. This entry resides on each node in a DRG.

The following is a sample replication configuration container entry:

dn: cn=replication configuration
orclaci: access to entry by * (browse)
orclaci: access to attr=(*) by * (search,read)
orclnormdn: cn=replication configuration
cn: replication configuration
description: Replication agreement Container object
objectclass: top
objectclass: orclcontainerOC

43.1.2 Understanding Replica Subentry

The following topics provide a contextual description of replica subentry and its attributes: About Replica Subentry

The Replica subentry has the DN

orclreplicaid=Replica_ID,cn=replication configuration

This subentry is created at installation under the replication configuration container. It contains attributes that identify and define the characteristics of the node it represents. Replica Subentry Attributes

Table 43-1 describes the attributes of the replica subentry. LDAP indicates that you can manage this attribute by using LDAP tools.

Table 43-1 Attributes of the Replica Subentry

Attribute Description Update Mechanism Default Possible Values


Unique identifier for directory database. Initialized at installation. Matches orclreplicaid at the root DSE.





Address used to open a connection to this replica.


Valid ldapURI format


Addresses used if orclReplicaURI cannot be used.


Valid ldapURI format


Defines the type of replica such as read-only or read/write.


0 (Read/Write)

0: Read/Write

1: Read-Only

2: Pilot


Defines whether replica is in pilot (testing) mode.

remtool -pilotreplica


0: False

1: True


Defines state of the replica.


You can set 0, 1, 2, 6, or 8. Server sets other values. See Table A-2.


Time when replica entered pilot (testing) mode.




On Windows systems, ensure that the replication server is not running before you enable bootstrapping by changing the value of orclReplicaState to 0. Example of Replica Subentry

In Figure 43-3 , a replica subentry is represented by orclReplicaID=UID_of_node_D,cn=replication configuration.

The following is a sample replica subentry:

dn: orclreplicaid=myhost1_repl1,cn=replication configuration
objectclass: top
objectclass: orclreplicasubentry
orclreplicaid: myhost1_repl1
orclreplicauri: ldap://myhost1:3060/
orclreplicasecondaryuri: ldap://myhost1.mycompany.com:3060/
orclreplicastate: 1

See Also:

Oracle Directory Replication Schema Elements in Reference for Oracle Identity Management for descriptions of the attributes of the replica subentry.

43.1.3 Understanding Replication Agreement Entry

The following topics provide a conceptual description of replication agreement entry and its attributes and also describe the different LDAP replication agreements: About Replication Agreement Entry

The DN of the Replication Agreement Entry is:

orclagreementid=Agreement_ID,orclreplicaid=Replica_ID,cn=replication configuration

This entry contains attributes that define the replication agreement between the two or more nodes and is associated with the orclReplAgreementEntry objectclass. LDAP-based replication agreement for LDAP nodes reside under the supplier's replica subentry. For example, in Figure 43-3, an LDAP-based replication agreement entry is represented by orclagreementID=000003, orclReplicaID=UID_of_node_D,cn=replication configuration. Replication Agreement Entry Attributes

Table 43-2 shows the attributes in the replication agreement. LDAP indicates that you can manage this attribute by using LDAP tools.

Table 43-2 Attributes of the Replication Agreement Entry

Attribute Description Update Mechanism Default Possible Values


Name of replication agreement entry.



LDAP-based replication only. DN of the replica to identify a consumer in the replication agreement.




LDAP-based one-way replication only. LDAP filter string that specifies entries that should not be replicated.

Applies to Oracle Internet Directory 11g Release 1 ( and later.

See Configuring Replication Filtering Using the orclEntryExclusionFilter Attribute.


LDAP filter string enclosed in parentheses. Supported maximum length is 1500 characters.

For example: (sn=smith)


Replication protocol for change propagation to replica. Values:


ODS_LDAP_1.0: LDAP-based


Update interval for new changes and those being retried.


60 (seconds)

Greater than or = 0


Interval at which the directory replication server repeats the change application process.


600 (seconds)

Greater than or = 60 (seconds)


Whether the connections from replication server to the directory server are kept active or established every time the changelog processing is done.



0: false

1: true


Last change number transported or applied at the consumer replica. For LDAP-based agreements, this attribute contains subtypes. The format is:

orcllastappliedchangenumber; status_type$supplier_replicaID$consumer_replicaID: Number

where status_type is: transport or apply, supplier_replicaID and consumer_replicaID indicate the direction of LDAP data flow, and Number is the last applied change number.

It indicates that changelogs from supplier_replicaID to consumer_replicaID with change number less than Number have been transported/applied at node consumer_replicaID.



Subtrees to be excluded from replication.



Unique identifier of a one-way, two-way, or peer-to-peer replication group



Replication agreement type.


0: one-way/read-only fan-out replication agreement

1: two-way/updatable fan-out replication agreement

2: LDAP-based multimaster replication agreement About LDAP-Based Replication Agreements

For LDAP-based replication, there are separate replication agreements for each supplier-consumer relationship. For one-way replication, there is a single, one-way replication agreement.

The entry for an LDAP-based replication agreement resides immediately below the replica subentry of the node that serves as the supplier. Thus, the DN of the replication agreement as found on a supplier node is:

orclagreementID=unique_identifier_of_the_replication_agreement, orclReplicaID=unique_identifier_of_supplier_node, cn=replication configuration

Similarly, the DN of the replication agreement as found on a consumer node is:

orclagreementID=unique_identifier_of_the_replication_agreeement, orclReplicaID=unique_identifier_of_supplier_node, cn=replication configuration

In a fan-out replication agreement, you can tell which node the agreement entry is associated with by looking at its parent. For example, look at the following replication agreement entry.

orclagreementID=000002,orclReplicaID=node_A,cn=replication configuration

In this example, you can determine that the replication agreement represented by orclagreementID=000002 is associated with node A. This is because the parent of orclagreementID=000002 is orclReplicaID=node_A.


  • The container entry cn=replication configuration is replicated on all nodes, but may not be identical on all nodes.

  • The orclreplicadn attribute of an LDAP-based replication agreement specifies the associated consumer node.

  • The agreementtype indicates the replication agreement type. See Table 43-2 for values of orclagreementtype. Example of Two-Way LDAP-Based Replication Agreements

For two-way replication, there can be either a single, two-way replication agreement or two one-way agreements for each supplier-consumer relationship. The following is a sample two-way replication agreement entry:

dn: orclagreementid=000002, orclreplicaid=stadd58_repl, cn=replication configuration
orclagreementid: 000002
orclreplicationprotocol: ODS_LDAP_1.0
orclreplicadn: orclreplicaid=stadd57_repl,cn=replication configuration
orclldapconnkeepalive: 1
orclagreementtype: 1
orclreplicationid: 000002
orcllastappliedchangenumber;transport$stadd57$stadd58: 106
orcllastappliedchangenumber;transport$stadd58$stadd57: 2421
orcllastappliedchangenumber;apply$stadd57$stadd58: 106
orcllastappliedchangenumber;apply$stadd58$stadd57: 2421
orclupdateschedule: 0
orclhiqschedule: 60
objectclass: orclReplAgreementEntry
objectclass: top


The value of orclagreementtype is 1 because this is a two-way replication agreement. See Table 43-2 for values of orclagreementtype for other replication agreement types.

See Also:

Oracle Directory Replication Schema Elementsin Reference for Oracle Identity Management for descriptions of the attributes of the replication agreement entry

43.1.4 Replication Naming Context Container Entry

This entry contains all the LDAP naming context objects. This entry has the RDN cn=replication namecontext, and it is created below the orclagreementID entry during replication configuration.

The following is a sample replication naming context container entry:

dn: cn=replication namecontext,orclagreementid=000002, 
 orclreplicaid=myhost1_repl1,cn=replication configuration
objectclass: top
objectclass: orclcontainerOC
cn: replication namecontext

43.1.5 Understanding Replication Naming Context Object Entry

The following topics provide a contextual description of replication naming context object entry and its attributes: About Replication Naming Context Object Entry

This entry contains all the LDAP naming context objects. These objects specify the replication filtering policy, that is, what to include in or exclude from replication to an LDAP-based partial replica.

This entry is created below the naming context container entry during replication configuration. It is configurable. For example, in Figure 43-3, the replication naming context object is: cn=includednamingcontext000001,cn=replication namecontext,orclagreementID=000003,orclReplicaID=UID_of_node_D,cn=replication configuration. Replication Naming Context Entry Attributes

Table 43-3 describes the attributes of the replication naming context entry.

Table 43-3 Attributes of the Replication Naming Context Entry

Attribute Description


The root of the naming context to be replicated. If orclincludednamingcontexts is set to "*", all the naming contexts are replicated. This attribute has subtypes that specify the replication direction in which the naming context should be included. The format is:

orclincludednamingcontexts ; supplier_replicaID$consumer_replicaiD: DN

This is a single valued attribute. For each naming context object, you can specify only one unique subtree in each direction.

In partial replication, except for subtrees listed in the orclexcluednamingcontexts attribute, all subtrees in the specified included naming context are replicated.

You can modify this attribute.


The root of a subtree, located within the included naming context, to be excluded from replication.This attribute has subtypes that specify the replication direction in which the naming context should be excluded. The format is:

orclexcludednamingcontexts; supplier_replicaID$consumer_replicaiD : DN

This is a multivalued attribute. From within the naming context specified in the orclincludednamingcontexts attribute, you can specify one or more subtrees to be excluded from the partial replication in each direction.

You can modify this attribute.


An attribute, located within the included naming context, to be excluded from replication. Orclexcludedattributes has subtypes that specify the replication direction in which the specified attribute should be excluded. The format is:

orclexcludedattributes; supplier_replicaID$consumer_replicaiD: attribute_name

This is a multivalued attribute.

You can modify this attribute Example of Replication Naming Context Entry

The following is a sample replication naming context object entry:

cn=replication namecontext,
cn=replication configuration
orclincludednamingcontexts: cn=mycompany
orclexcludednamingcontexts; replica_id_of_node_A$ replica_id_of_node_B : c=us,cn=mycompany
orclexcludedattributes; replica_id_of_node_B$ replica_id_of_node_A : userPassword

The example specifies the following replication filtering:

  • The naming context cn=mycompany is included for replication in both directions for node A and node B.

  • The naming context c=us,cn=mycompany is excluded for replication from node A to node B only.

  • The userPassword attribute is excluded for replication from node B to node A

43.1.6 Understanding Replication Configuration Set

The following topics provide a a contextual description of replication configuration set and its attributes: About Replication Configuration Set

The replication configuration set has the DN:


Table 43-4 lists and describes the attributes of the replication configuration set, which has the following DN:


You must restart the replication server in order for any attribute changes under this DN to take effect, except for the attribute orcldebuglevel. LDAP indicates that you can manage this attribute by using LDAP tools. Replication Configuration Set Attributes

The following table lists and describes the attributes of the replication configuration set:

Table 43-4 Replication Configuration Set Attributes

Attribute Description Update Mechanism Default Possible Values


Time of entry creation or modification.



Name of person creating or modifying the entry



Number of processing retry attempts for a change-entry before being moved to the human intervention queue.



Greater than or equal to 1.


Number of worker threads spawned at each supplier for transporting change logs.





Number of worker threads spawned at each supplier for applying change logs.





Dynamically vary the number of threads assigned to transport and apply tasks based on load. If you set the server to auto tune, you must specify the number of maximum number of threads to be shared between these tasks. Restart server after changing.



0: Off

1: On


Maximum number of worker threads. Required if orclreplautotune is set.





Generate stack dump.

(Restart after changing.)



0: False

1: True


Maximum log file size (MB)


1 MB

> or = 1


Maximum number of log files to keep in rotation



> or = 1


Maximum number of entries to process per replication cycle





Automatically resolve replication conflicts



0: False

1: True


Use SASL for replication binds.


Attribute does not exist by default.

auth, auth-int, auth-conf


Specifies that replication be activated on the replication server designated by orclOidInstanceName and orclOidComponentName.



0: False

1: True


Activation state of the replication server

Read-only, LDAP


0 or nonexistant: Not running False

1: Running


Debug level of replication server



Values are additive:

0: No Debug Log

2097152: Replication Performance Log

4194304: Replication Debug Log

8388608: Function Call Trace

16777216: Heavy Trace Log


Name of OID component where replication is or will be activated


Set during replication setup



Instance number of instance where replication is or will be activated


Set during replication setup



Specifies whether timestamp or attribute version should be honored first during attribute level conflict resolution.



0: Timestamp first.

1: Version number first

43.1.7 Examples of Replication Configuration Objects in a Directory

This section explains the replication configuration objects in a directory.

The examples of replication objects in this section rely on the replication environment shown in Figure 43-1.

Figure 43-1 Example: Multimaster Replication and Fan-Out Replication

This illustration is described in the text.

In Figure 43-1, nodes A, B, and C form a multimaster replication group. Node C replicates to a fourth node, D, which, in turn, fans out to Node E.

The replication agreements in this environment are as follows:

  • Node A has one replication agreement representing its multimaster relationship with nodes B and C.

  • Node B has two replication agreements, the first representing its multimaster relationship with nodes A and C, the second representing its relationship to node F. The replication agreement between B and F is two-way.

  • Node C has two replication agreements, the first representing its multimaster relationship with nodes A and B, the second representing its relationship to node D. This is a one-way replication agreement in which C serves as the supplier and node D is the consumer.

  • Node D has two replication agreements. Both of its replication agreements are one-way. One represents its relationship to the supplier node C, from which it consumes changes, the other represents its relationship to consumer node E for which it is the supplier.

  • Node E has a one-way replication agreement with Node D. Node E is the consumer.

  • Node F has two replication agreements, one representing its relationship to the node B, the other representing its relationship to node G.Both are two-way replication agreements.

  • Node G has a one-way replication agreement with Node F. Node G is the consumer.

Figure 43-2 shows the replication objects in the DIT that pertain to node C in Figure 43-1 .

Figure 43-2 Example: Replication Configuration Entries for Node C

This illustration is described in the text.

For node C, the entry cn=replication configuration at the root DSE contains these RDNs:

  • orclagreementID=000001: The multimaster replication agreement in which node C participates with nodes A and B.

  • orclReplicaID=UID_of_node_C: Unique identifier of node C that contains information about it.

  • orclagreementID=000002: Unique identifier of the relationship between supplier node C and consumer node D. You know that, in this case, orclagreementID=000002 is the replication agreement of the supplier node C because node C is its parent.

    This entry contains the attribute orclreplicaDN. Its value is the replica entry DN of consumer node D, with which node C has the replication agreement.

  • cn=replication DN: The bind DN that the directory replication server on node C uses to bind to the directory server.

  • cn=replication namecontext: Container of information about naming contexts that are included in replication.

  • cn=includednamingcontext000001 and cn=namingcontext002: The actual objects that are included in or excluded from replication. In the naming context included for replication, you can specify one or more subtrees to be excluded from replication. In that same included naming context, you can specify particular attributes to be excluded from replication.

Figure 43-3 shows the replication agreement entry in the DIT that pertains to node D in Figure 43-1.

Figure 43-3 Example: Replication Configuration Entries for Node D

This illustration is described in the text.

For node D, the entry cn=replication configuration at the root DSE contains these RDNs:

  • orclReplicaID=UID_of_node_D: Unique identifier of node D and contains information about it.

  • orclagreementID=000003: Unique identifier of the relationship between supplier node D and consumer node E. You know that, in this case, orclagreementID=000003 is the replication agreement of the supplier node D because node D is its parent.

    This entry contains the attribute orclreplicaDN, the value of which is the DN of consumer node E with which node D has the replication agreement.

  • cn=replication DN: Bind DN that the directory replication server on node D uses to bind to the directory server.

  • cn=replication namecontext: Container of information about naming contexts that are included in replication.

  • cn=namingcontext001 and cn=namingcontext002: Objects specifying naming contexts to be included in replication. In the naming context included in replication, you can specify one or more subtrees or particular attributes to be excluded from replication.

43.2 Managing Replication Configuration Attributes Using the Command Line

You can modify most attributes from the command line by using ldapmodify.

The command line syntax is:

ldapmodify -D cn=orcladmin -q -p portNum -h hostname -f ldifFile 

The contents of the LDIF file depends on the DN and the operation being performed.

For examples of LDIF files for changing replication configuration attributes, see Overview of Managing and Monitoring Replication Using the Command Line.