1 Understanding the Webgate Bundle Patch

Describes Bundle Patches and explains differences between Bundle Patches, patch set exceptions (also known as one-offs), and patch sets.

1.1 WebGate Bundle Patch Introduction

A bundle patch is an official Oracle patch for Oracle Access Management components on baseline platforms. In a bundle patch release string, the fifth digit indicated the bundle patch number. Effective November 2015, the version numbering format has changed. The new format replaces the numeric fifth digit of the bundle version with a release date in the form "YYMMDD" where:

  • YY is the last 2 digits of the year

  • MM is the numeric month (2 digits)

  • DD is the numeric day of the month (2 digits)

Each bundle patch includes the libraries and files that have been rebuilt to implement one or more fixes. All of the fixes in the bundle patch have been tested and are certified to work with one another.

Each bundle patch is cumulative: the latest bundle patch includes all fixes in earlier bundle patches for the same release and platform. Fixes delivered in bundle patches are rolled into the next release.

Bundle patches are released on a regular basis and are available on My Oracle Support (formerly Oracle MetaLink).


To remain in an Oracle-supported state, Oracle recommends that you apply the bundle patch to all installed components for which packages are provided.

Table 1-1 Bundle Patches versus Patch Sets

Mechanism Description

Bundle Patch

A bundle patch is an official Oracle patch mechanism for Access Manager components on baseline platforms. Each bundle patch includes the libraries and files that have been rebuilt to implement one or more fixes.

This bundle patch must be applied to Access Manager WebGates.

See Also: Before Installing this WebGate Bundle Patch

Patch Set

All of the fixes in the patch set have been tested and are certified to work with one another on the specified platforms.

Each patch set provides the libraries and files that have been rebuilt to implement bug fixes (and new functions, if any). However, a patch set might not be a complete software distribution and might not include packages for every component on every platform.