4 Removing the Bundle Patch

If you want to rollback a Bundle Patch after it has been applied, perform the following steps. While individual command syntax might differ depending on your platform, the overall procedure is the same. After the Bundle Patch is removed, the system is restored to the state it was in immediately before patching.


Removing a Bundle Patch overrides any manual configuration changes that were made after applying the Bundle Patch. These changes must be re-applied manually after removing the patch.

Follow these instructions to remove the Bundle Patch on any system.

To remove a Bundle Patch on any system
  1. Perform steps in Applying the OAM Bundle Patch to set environment variables, verify the inventory, and shut down any services running from the ORACLE_HOME or host machine.
  2. Change to the directory where the patch was unzipped. For example:cd PATCH_TOP/27863715
  3. Back up the ORACLE_HOME directory that includes the Bundle Patch and move the backup to another location so you can locate it later.
  4. Run Opatch to roll back the patch. For example:
    opatch rollback -id 27863715
  5. Start the servers (AdminServer and all OAM Servers) based on the mode you are using.
  6. Re-apply the Bundle Patch, if needed, as described in Applying the Bundle Patch.