3 Applying the Bundle Patch

The following topics helps you, as you prepare and install the Bundle Patch files (or as you remove a Bundle Patch should you need to revert to your original installation):

3.1 Using the Oracle Patch Mechanism (Opatch)

The Oracle patch mechanism (Opatch) is a Java-based utility that runs on all supported operating systems. Opatch requires installation of the Oracle Universal Installer.


Oracle recommends that you have the latest version of Opatch (version or higher) from My Oracle Support. Opatch requires access to a valid Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) Inventory to apply patches.

Patching process uses both unzip and Opatch executables. After sourcing the ORACLE_HOME environment, Oracle recommends that you confirm that both of these exist before patching. Opatch is accessible at: $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch

When Opatch starts, it validates the patch to ensure there are no conflicts with the software already installed in your $ORACLE_HOME:

  • If you find conflicts with a patch already applied to the $ORACLE_HOME, stop the patch installation and contact Oracle Support Services.

  • If you find conflicts with a subset patch already applied to the $ORACLE_HOME, continue Bundle Patch application. The subset patch is automatically rolled back before installation of the new patch begins. The latest Bundle Patch contains all fixes from the previous Bundle Patch in $ORACLE_HOME.

This Bundle Patch is not -auto flag enabled. Without the -auto flag, no servers needs to be running. The Machine Name & Listen Address can be blank on a default install.

Perform the steps in the following procedure to prepare your environment and download Opatch:

  • Log in to My Oracle Support: https://support.oracle.com/

  • Download the required Opatch version.

  • Use opatch -help to check if your Opatch version is earlier than If so, download the latest version.

  • Confirm if the required executables opatch and unzip are available in your system by running the following commands:

    Run which opatch — to get path of opatch

    Run which unzip— to get path of unzip

    Check if the path of excecutables is in the environment variable "PATH" , if not add the paths to the system PATH.

  • Verify the OUI Inventory using the following command:

    opatch lsinventory

    Windows 64-bit: opatch lsinventory -jdk c:\jdk180

    If an error occurs, contact Oracle Support to validate and verify the inventory setup before proceeding. If the ORACLE_HOME does not appear, it might be missing from the Central Inventory, or the Central Inventory itself could be missing or corrupted.

  • Review information in the next topic Applying the OAM Bundle Patch

3.2 Applying the OAM Bundle Patch

Use information and steps here to apply the Bundle Patch from any platform using Oracle patch (Opatch). While individual command syntax might differ depending on your platform, the overall procedure is platform agnostic.

The files in each Bundle Patch are installed into the destination $ORACLE_HOME. This enables you to remove (roll back) the Bundle Patch even if you have deleted the original Bundle Patch files from the temporary directory you created.


Oracle recommends that you back up the $ORACLE_HOME using your preferred method before any patch operation. You can use any method (zip, cp -r, tar, and cpio) to compress the $ORACLE_HOME.

Formatting constraints in this document might force some sample text lines to wrap around. These line wraps should be ignored.

To apply the OAM Bundle Patch

Opatch is accessible at $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch. Before beginning the procedure to apply the Bundle Patch be sure to:


    For example:

    export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/mwhome
  • Run export PATH=<<Path of Opatch directory>>:$PATH to ensure that the Opatch executables appear in the system PATH. For example:

    export PATH=$Oracle_HOME/OPatch:$PATH
  1. Download the OAM patch p27863715_122130_Generic.zip
  2. Unzip the patch zip file into the PATCH_TOP.

    $ unzip -d PATCH_TOP p27863715_122130_Generic.zip


    On Windows, the unzip command has a limitation of 256 characters in the path name. If you encounter this, use an alternate ZIP utility such as 7-Zip to unzip the patch.

    For example: To unzip using 7-Zip, run the following command.

    "c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x p27863715_122130_Generic.zip

  3. Set your current directory to the directory where the patch is located.

    $ cd PATCH_TOP/27863715

  4. Log in as the same user who installed the base product and:
    • Stop the AdminServer and all OAM Servers to which you will apply this Bundle Patch.

      Any application that uses this OAM Server and any OAM-protected servers will not be accessible during this period.

    • Back up your $ORACLE_HOME: MW_HOME.

    • Move the backup directory to another location and record this so you can locate it later, if needed.

  5. Run the appropriate Opatch command as an administrator to ensure the required permissions are granted to update the central inventory and apply the patch to your $ORACLE_HOME. For example:
    opatch apply

    Windows 64-bit:opatch apply -jdk c:\path\to\jdk180


    Opatch operates on one instance at a time. If you have multiple instances, you must repeat these steps for each instance.
  6. Start all Servers (AdminServer and all OAM Servers).

3.3 Recovering From a Failed Bundle Patch Application

If the AdminServer does not start successfully, the Bundle Patch application has failed.

To recover from a failed Bundle Patch application
  1. Confirm that there are no configuration issues with your patch application.
  2. Confirm that you can start the AdminServer successfully.
  3. Shut down the AdminServer and roll back the patch as described in Removing the Bundle Patch then perform patch application again.