4.2 Building the User-defined Password Storage Scheme Plugin

The Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) plug-in API provides the means to compile, build, and deploy the custom code and its dependent jars into OUD.

Perform the following steps to deploy a plug-in to an OUD instance:

  1. Build your plug-in project.

    The content of the generated plug-in JAR file should contain the following files:


    • oracle/oud/example/ExamplePlugin.class

  2. To ensure that your plug-in will continue to work with subsequent releases of the OUD plug-in API, you can embed a specific versioning file in the produced JAR file. The name of the file to embed is plugin.properties.

    Make the following modifications to the plugin.properties file:

    1. To define a target version for all plug-ins contained in the JAR file, add the following:


    2. To define a target version only for the ExamplePlugin plug-in, specify the following:


    If the plugin.properties file is missing, then the behavior of the current implementation of the plug-in API applies.

  3. Restart the Oracle Unified Directory instance for the JAR file changes to take effect.

    1. Stop the OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      $ cd instance-directory/OUD/bin
      $ stop-ds
      C:\> cd instance-directory\OUD\bat
      C:\> stop-ds
    2. Copy the plug-in JAR file into the lib directory.

      UNIX, Linux
      # cp plugin.jar lib
      C:\> copy plugin.jar lib
    3. Restart OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      # start-ds
      C:\> start-ds