4.3 Configuring and Managing User-defined Password Storage Scheme

After you deploy the custom code into Oracle Unified Directory (OUD), you can configure the custom storage scheme using dsconfig commands as shown in the following examples:

  1. Create user-defined password storage with name custom1 whose implementation class name is example.oud.customscheme.CustomUserPasswordHash and optional configuration properties rounds and saltlength.
    1. With custom configuration parameters:
      dsconfig create-password-storage-scheme --set enabled:true --set password-storage-scheme-class:example.oud.customscheme.CustomUserPasswordHash --type user-defined --scheme-name custom1 --set configuration-properties:rounds=10 --set configuration-properties:saltlength=16
    2. Without any custom configuration parameters:
      dsconfig create-password-storage-scheme --set enabled:true --set password-storage-scheme-class:example.oud.customscheme.CustomUserPasswordHash --type user-defined --scheme-name custom1 
  2. Change applicable password policy (eg: "Default Password Policy") to use this new custom scheme
    dsconfig --port 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j /scratch/htanaya/oud/pwd.txt set-password-policy-prop --policy-name "Default Password Policy" --set default-password-storage-scheme:bcrypt
  3. After you configure, you can use the following command to update settings:
    dsconfig set-password-storage-scheme-prop