6 Updating the Oracle Unified Directory Software

You can update an Oracle Unified Directory directory service to the latest version without a service interruption. It also describes how to update an individual directory server instance and Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager.


6.1 About Starting Points for an Oracle Unified Directory Update

In this release Oracle Unified Directory 12c ( can be upgraded to 12c ( release. The upgrade procedures in this guide explain how to upgrade an existing Oracle Unified Directory 12c ( to Oracle Unified Directory 12c (

In the previous release(s), to upgrade from Oracle Unified Directory 11g ( to 12c ( it was only possible to first upgrade Oracle Unified Directory 11g ( to 12c ( and then upgrade from Oracle Unified Directory 12c ( to 12c (

In this release it is now possible to perform an in-place upgrade directly from Oracle Unified Directory 11g ( to 12c ( The 12c ( can be installed on a different directory and then change the install path of Oracle Unified Directory 11g ( instance.

6.2 Prerequisites for Oracle Unified Directory Upgrade

Before you begin to upgrade Oracle Unified Directory 12c (, you must stop the servers and back up your current environment.

You must complete the following prerequisites for upgrading to the Oracle Unified Directory 12c ( environment:

  1. Stop all the Directory Server instances and domains where Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager (OUDSM) is installed, depending upon the domain configuration.

    Stop Standalone Oracle Unified Directory Server

    If you installed Oracle Unified Directory in a Standalone Oracle Unified Directory Server (Managed independently of WebLogic server) mode, stop all the Directory Server instances using the stop-ds command.




    Stop Collocated Oracle Unified Directory Server

    If you installed Oracle Unified Directory in a Collocated Oracle Unified Directory Server (Managed through WebLogic server) mode, complete the following steps:

    1. Stop the OUD instance by running the following command from command line interface.


      DOMAIN_HOME/bin/stopComponent.sh INSTANCE_NAME


      DOMAIN_HOME\bin\stopComponent.bat INSTANCE_NAME
    2. Stop the node manager.




    3. Stop the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server.




  2. Create a complete backup of your pre-upgrade environment before you begin an upgrade.


    Oracle recommends that you create a complete backup of your pre-upgrade environment before you begin an upgrade. Upgrades cannot be reversed. In most cases, if an error occurs, you must stop the upgrade and restore the entire environment from backup and begin the upgrade process from the beginning.
    1. Back up the Oracle home (ORACLE_HOME). For example:


      tar -cf oracle_home_backup_06052017.tar ORACLE_HOME/*


      jar cMf oracle_home_backup_06052017.jar ORACLE_HOME\*
    2. if your Oracle Unified Directory instance (OUD_INSTANCE) reside outside the Oracle home (ORACLE_HOME), then you must back up the instance directory. For example:


      tar -cf oud_instance_backup_06052017.tar oud_instance/*


      jar cMf oracle_home_backup_06052017.jar ORACLE_HOME\*
    3. If your Java Development Kit (JDK) resides inside the Oracle home (ORACLE_HOME), then you must move it to another location before you perform an upgrade.

6.3 Updating a Directory Service Without Service Interruption

Updating a replicated Oracle Unified Directory topology involves updating the software for each server instance individually. The strategy for maintaining service during an update depends on the specifics of your deployment, but usually, you can update an entire topology without any interruption in service.

Because a particular directory server instance must be stopped during the update process, maintaining service during an update requires alternative servers that can handle client requests while a particular server is down.

If your deployment includes one or more proxy server instances that route client requests to the back-end servers, you can safely take down one directory server at a time and update that server instance. The proxy server will reroute client requests to ensure uninterrupted service. Upgrading the proxy server instance requires more than one proxy server instance with the same configuration.

If your deployment does not include a proxy server, you must configure your client applications to send requests to an alternative server while a specific directory server instance is being updated.

The following sections outline the steps to follow for each of these topologies:

6.3.1 Upgrading a Topology That Includes a Proxy Server

Review these topics for the various topologies with the directory servers and replication servers either installed on the same host or different hosts.

Various topologies are possible as explained in the following topics: About Topology with the Replication Servers and Directory Servers on the Same Host

In this topology, the directory servers and replication servers are installed on the same host.

If a single host contains both a replication server and a directory server, and those servers are associated with the same ORACLE_HOME directory, the servers are stopped and updated at the same time.

In the following figure, Group 1 and Group 2 refer to configured replication groups. For more information about replication groups, see About Replication Groups in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

Figure 6-1 Replicated Topology With Proxy Servers - RS and DS on the Same Host

Topology with all servers installed on the same host. Upgrading a Topology with the Replication Servers and Directory Servers on the Same Host

To update a topology with the directory servers and replication servers installed on the same host:

  1. Change the configuration of proxy server A so that client requests are not routed to directory server A.
  2. Stop directory server A. The replication server running on this host is stopped at the same time.
  3. Update directory server A, following the steps in Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance.
  4. Restart directory server A.
  5. Test that your directory service is working properly before upgrading successive servers.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each directory server in that replication group.
  7. Follow steps 1-6 for each replication group in the topology.
  8. Stop proxy server A.
  9. Update proxy server A, following the steps in Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance.
  10. Restart proxy server A.
  11. Repeat steps 8-10 for the remaining proxy servers in the topology. About Topology with Replication Servers and Directory Servers on Different Hosts

In this topology, the directory servers and replication servers are installed on different hosts. In the following figure, Group 1 and Group 2 refer to configured replication groups. For more information about replication groups, see About Replication Groups in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

Figure 6-2 Replicated Topology With Proxy Servers - RS and DS on Different Hosts

Topology with all servers installed on different hosts. Upgrading a Topology wIth Replication Servers and Directory Servers on Different Hosts

To update a topology with the directory servers and replication servers installed on different hosts:

  1. Change the configuration of proxy server A so that requests are not routed to directory server A.
  2. Stop directory server A.
  3. Update directory server A, following the steps in Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance.
  4. Restart directory server A.
  5. Test that your directory service is working properly before upgrading successive servers.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each directory server in that replication group.
  7. Stop replication server 1.

    The replication mechanism ensures that directory servers A and B now connect to replication server 2.

  8. Update replication server 1, following the steps in Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance.
  9. Restart replication server 1.
  10. Follow steps 1-9 for each replication group in the topology.
  11. Stop proxy server A.
  12. Update proxy server A, following the steps in Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance.
  13. Restart proxy server A.
  14. Repeat steps 11-13 for the remaining proxy servers in the topology.

6.3.2 Upgrading a Topology That Does Not Include a Proxy Server

In a topology that does not include any proxy server instances, you must update your client applications so that they point to an alternative directory server each time you take a directory server down for an update.

The following diagram shows a replicated topology that does not include a proxy server. This topology assumes that the directory servers and replication servers are installed on the same ORACLE_HOME directory.

In this diagram, Group 1 and Group 2 refer to configured replication groups. See About Replication Groups in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

Figure 6-3 Replicated Oracle Unified Directory Topology Without Proxy Servers

Replicated topology without a proxy server.

To update a topology that does not include a proxy server:

  1. Change your client application configuration so that applications do not access directory server A directly.
  2. Stop directory server A. The replication server on this host is stopped and updated at the same time.
  3. Update directory server A, following the steps in Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance.
  4. Restart directory server A.
  5. Test that your directory service is working properly before upgrading successive servers.
  6. Change your client application configuration so that applications do not access directory server B directly.
  7. Stop directory server B.
  8. Update directory server B, following the steps in Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance.
  9. Follow steps 1-8 for each replication group in the topology.

6.4 Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance

You can upgrade all Oracle Unified Directory server instances that are associated with a specific ORACLE_HOME directory.


To upgrade an existing Oracle Unified Directory server instance:

  1. Ensure that you have completed the steps described in Prerequisites for Oracle Unified Directory Upgrade.
  2. Uninstall Product Distributions.
    1. Uninstall Oracle Unified Directory.
    2. Uninstall Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.
  3. Install Oracle Unified Directory 12c (
    1. Download the latest Oracle Unified Directory version from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
    2. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the 12c ( product distribution.
    3. Install Oracle Unified Directory 12c (
      Your Oracle Unified Directory 12c ( installation depends on your existing 12c ( installation. If your existing installation is a standalone configuration, then you must install Oracle Unified Directory 12c ( in a standalone mode. Similarly, if you have installed a collocated configuration in 12c (, then you must install Oracle Unified Directory 12c ( in a collocated mode. See Installing Oracle Unified Directory.
  4. Before you start the OUD server, you must update all files having references to old JDK location.
    1. Update the JDK location in an existing Domain home.

      You’ll likely be required to update the location of JDK in the following files:

      • (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setNMJavaHome.sh

        (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bin\setNMJavaHome.cmd

      • (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/nodemanager/nodemanager.properties

        (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\nodemanager\nodemanager.properties

      • (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh

        (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd

    2. Update the JDK Location in an existing OUD Instance home.

      You’ll likely be required to update the location of JDK in the following files:

      • (UNIX) OUD/config/java.properties

        (Windows) OUD\config\java.properties

      • (UNIX) OUD/lib/set-java-home

        (Windows) OUD\lib\set-java-home

  5. Upgrade any Oracle Unified Directory server instances that are associated with the ORACLE_HOME directory:
    • (UNIX) $ instance-dir/OUD/bin/start-ds --upgrade
    • (Windows) instance-dir\OUD\bat\start-ds.bat --upgrade


    If the server instance has large static groups or many total members in all static groups, updating the instance to 12c ( can take some time. Therefore, avoid ending the update (such as using Ctrl-C to end the process) before it is finished. Ending the update early can leave the server instance in an undetermined state.

    The output of the start-ds --upgrade command is logged in the INSTANCE_PATH/logs/server.out directory.

  6. Restart the server instances that you stopped in Step 1.
    • (UNIX) $ instance-dir/OUD/bin/start-ds
    • (Windows) instance-dir\OUD\bat\start-ds.bat


    In case the upgrade scenario is different from the one described above.

    Note that the Oracle home for 12c ( is different from the Oracle home for 12c ( So if you want to retain the Oracle home directory for 12c (, you can run the upgrade-oud-instance script from the Oracle 12c ( home. This script updates the install path of each instance to point to the new Oracle 12c Home.

    (UNIX) $ Oracle12cPS4Home/oud/bin/upgrade-oud-instances --instancePath=oud-base-location/12cPS3INSTANCE_NAME

    (Windows) Oracle12cPS4Home\oud\bat\upgrade-oud-instances.bat --instancePath=oud-base-location/12cPS3INSTANCE_NAME

    • You must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to Java 8 before executing the script.

    • The script updates the install path of each instance to point to the new Oracle 12c ( Home and also updates the java properties for each instance.

    • The script takes the backup of the modified files (install.path, set-java-home, java.properties) in their respective directories.

    • The list of instances that are successfully updated, are displayed in the console. However, those failed instances are available in the following logs.

      On UNIX and Linux systems:

      Main log: /tmp/preUpgradeActions-<timestamp>.log

      Instance log: instance-dir/OUD/logs/preUpgradeActions-<timestamp>.log

      On Windows systems:

      Main log: <Temp_dir>\preUpgradeActions-<timestamp>.log

      Instance log: instance-dir\OUD\logs\preUpgradeActions-<timestamp>.log

6.4.1 Enabling SCIM and Data REST APIs for an Upgraded OUD Instance

You can enable the SCIM and Data REST APIs for upgraded OUD instances to perform the REST API operations.

OUD exposes SCIM/Data REST interface through the HTTP and HTTPS connection handlers. You can enable these handlers either during an OUD instance set up or through dsconfig for an existing instance.

However, if during the OUD instance set up the LDAPS port is not configured, then you would not be able to set up the HTTPS port. In this scenario, you need to ensure that the configurations for cn=JKS,cn=Key Manager Providers,cn=config and cn=JKS,cn=Trust Manager Providers,cn=config are enabled, which in turn requires you to create keystore and truststore.

Enabling SCIM/Data REST for an Upgraded OUD Instance with LDAPS Not Configured

While setting up the OUD instance if you have not configured the LDAPS port, then perform the following steps to enable support for SCIM/ Data REST API:

  1. Create keystore to configure cn=JKS,cn=Key Manager Providers,cn=config. See Using JKS Key Manager Provider in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.
  2. Create truststore to configure cn=JKS,cn=Trust Manager Providers,cn=config. See Using the JKS Trust Manager Provider in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.
  3. Run the following dsconfig commands to enable cn=JKS,cn=Key Manager Providers,cn=config and cn=JKS,cn=Trust Manager Providers,cn=config configurations:
    dsconfig set-key-manager-provider-prop \
    --provider-name "JKS" \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set "key-store-type:JKS" \
    --set "key-store-file:config/jks-keystore" \
    --set "key-store-pin-file:config/jks-keystore.pin” \ 
    --hostname localhost \
    --port 1444 \
    --portProtocol LDAP \
    --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
    dsconfig set-trust-manager-provider-prop \
    --provider-name "JKS" \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set "trust-store-type:JKS" \
    --set "trust-store-file:config/jks-truststore" \
    --hostname localhost \
    --port 1444 \
    --portProtocol LDAP \
    --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
  4. Run the dsconfig command-line utility with create-connection-handler subcommand as follows to create the connection handlers:

    Setting Up HTTP Port:

    dsconfig create-connection-handler \
    --handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler" \
    --type http \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set listen-port:1080 \
    --hostname localhost \
    --port 1444 \
    --portProtocol LDAP \
    --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \ 

    Setting Up HTTPS Port:

    dsconfig create-connection-handler \
    --handler-name "HTTPS Connection Handler" \
    --type http \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set listen-port:1081 \
    --set use-ssl:true \
    --set trust-manager-provider:JKS \
    --set key-manager-provider:JKS \ 
    --hostname localhost \
    --port 1444 \
    --portProtocol LDAP \
    --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
  5. Configure the REST endpoints as follows:
    1. Enable the Token Generator endpoint.
      dsconfig set-end-point-prop \
      --point-name 'Token Generator' \
      --set enabled:true \ 
      --hostname localhost \
      --port 1444 \
      --portProtocol LDAP \
      --trustAll \
      --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
      --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
    2. Enable the REST Server extension.
      dsconfig set-extension-prop \
      --Extension-name 'REST Server' \
      --set enabled:true \ 
      --hostname localhost \
      --port 1444 \
      --portProtocol LDAP \
      --trustAll \
      --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
      --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
    3. Enable the directory endpoint.
      dsconfig set-directory-end-point-prop \
      --set enabled:true \ 
      --hostname localhost \
      --port 1444 \
      --portProtocol LDAP \
      --trustAll \
      --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
      --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
  6. Restart the OUD instance.

Enabling SCIM/Data REST for an Upgraded OUD Instance with LDAPS Configured

While setting up the OUD instance if you have configured the LDAPS port, then run the dsconfig command-line utility to configure the connection handlers to expose the SCIM/Data REST interface.

  1. Run the dsconfig command-line utility with create-connection-handler subcommand as follows to create the connection handlers:

    Setting Up HTTP Port:

    dsconfig create-connection-handler \
    --handler-name "HTTP Connection Handler" \
    --type http \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set listen-port:1080 \ 
    --hostname localhost \
    --port 1444 \
    --portProtocol LDAP \
    --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \

    Setting Up HTTPS Port:

    dsconfig create-connection-handler \
    --handler-name "HTTPS Connection Handler" \
    --type http \
    --set enabled:true \
    --set listen-port:1081 \
    --set use-ssl:true \
    --set trust-manager-provider:JKS \
    --set key-manager-provider:JKS \ 
    --hostname localhost \
    --port 1444 \
    --portProtocol LDAP \
    --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
  2. Configure the REST endpoints as follows:
    1. Enable the Token Generator endpoint.
      dsconfig set-end-point-prop \
      --point-name 'Token Generator' \
      --set enabled:true \ 
      --hostname localhost \
      --port 1444 \
      --portProtocol LDAP \
      --trustAll \
      --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
      --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
    2. Enable the REST Server extension.
      dsconfig set-extension-prop \
      --Extension-name 'REST Server' \
      --set enabled:true \ 
      --hostname localhost \
      --port 1444 \
      --portProtocol LDAP \
      --trustAll \
      --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
      --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
    3. Enable the directory endpoint.
      dsconfig set-directory-end-point-prop \
      --set enabled:true \ 
      --hostname localhost \
      --port 1444 \
      --portProtocol LDAP \
      --trustAll \
      --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
      --bindPasswordFile /home/oracle/pwd.txt \
  3. Restart the OUD instance.

6.4.2 Verifying the Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance Upgrade

After completing all the upgrade steps, verify that the upgrade was successful by checking that the Oracle Unified Directory Server version has been properly updated.

To verify the version of the Oracle Unified Directory Server instance, run the start-ds command.

cd $OUD_INSTANCE_HOME/OUD/bin/start-ds -s | grep 'Oracle Unified Directory'

The following shows an example of the result after running the command:

Oracle Unified Directory
Build ID: 20170727163142Z
JAVA Version: 1.8.0_251
JAVA Vendor: Oracle Corporation
JVM Version: 25.251-b08
JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
JAVA Home: /u01/oracle/products/dir12c/jdk/jre
Class Path: /u02/private/oracle/config/instances/oud1/OUD/classes:/u01/oracle/products/dir12c/oud/winlib/classpath.jar:/u02/private/oracle/config/instances/oud1/OUD/lib/*.jar
JE Version: 7.0.7
Current Directory: /u01/app//imupg_files/oud12cPS3
Installation Directory: /u01/app/fmw/ORACLE_HOME/dir12c/oud
Instance Directory: /u01/app/fmw/ORACLE_HOME/config/instances/oud1/OUD
Operating System: Linux 2.6.39-400.306.1.el6uek.x86_64 amd64
JVM Architecture: 64-bit
System Name: ldaphost1
Available Processors: 4
Max Available Memory: 5569642496
Currently Used Memory: 5569642496
Currently Free Memory: 5518099608

Verify that the upgraded version matches the latest version number for that Oracle Unified Directory Server.

6.5 Upgrading Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager

Consider these topics if you run Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager on Oracle WebLogic Server to manage Oracle Unified Directory.


If your Instance Home or Domain Home contains both OUD and OUDSM, you must review both Upgrading an Existing Oracle Unified Directory Server Instance and Upgrading Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager.

6.5.1 OUDSM Version Requirements

The version of Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager (OUDSM) described in this guide is 12c ( When you update the Oracle Unified Directory software to 12c (, OUDSM is also updated to this same release.


OUDSM update to OUDSM 12c ( is supported from Oracle Unified Directory 12c (

Several requirements for using OUDSM with Oracle Unified Directory include:

  • You can use OUDSM 12c ( to manage only Oracle Unified Directory 12c (

  • You cannot use OUDSM 12c ( to manage previous versions of Oracle Unified Directory, Oracle Internet Directory, or Oracle Virtual Directory. Similarly, you cannot use versions of OUDSM shipped with Oracle Internet Directory or Oracle Virtual Directory to manage any versions of Oracle Unified Directory.


After you update Oracle Unified Directory, you might encounter problems while trying to access the updated version of OUDSM on your browser. This problem usually occurs if you used your browser to access an earlier version of OUDSM.

Therefore, to access the updated version of OUDSM, first clear your browser's cache and cookies. Updating Multiple Instances of OUDSM

If you have multiple instances of OUDSM in your replication topology, consider the following requirements:

  • If you update one OUDSM instance to 12c (, you must update all OUDSM and replicated instances.

  • If you update OUDSM to 12c (, Oracle Unified Directory must be the same version. An updated OUDSM version is not supported with earlier versions of Oracle Unified Directory.

6.5.2 Stopping the Administration Server

You must stop the Administration Server (the WebLogic domain used for OUDSM)

To stop the Administration Server, run the stopWebLogic script from the DOMAIN_HOME:

  • UNIX

  • Windows

When prompted, enter your user name, password, and the URL of the Administration Server.

6.5.3 Creating a Complete Backup

Before you start an upgrade, back up the Oracle home (ORACLE_HOME) and the domain directory (DOMAIN_HOME) that includes the WebLogic domain used for OUDSM.

To create a backup copy of the domain directory:

  1. Back up the Oracle home (ORACLE_HOME).


    (UNIX) tar -cf oracle_home_backup_06052017.tar ORACLE_HOME/*
    (Windows) jar cMf oracle_home_backup_06052017.jar ORACLE_HOME\*
  2. Back up the Administration Server domain used for ODSM.

    For example:


    tar -cf domain_home_backup_06052017.tar DOMAIN_HOME/*


    jar cMf domain_home_backup_06052017.jar DOMAIN_HOME\*
  3. Verify that the backed up versions of the domain are complete.
If upgrade fails for any reason, you must copy all files and directories from the backup directory into the original domain directory to ensure that the domain is returned entirely to its original state before upgrade.

6.5.4 Uninstalling the 12c ( Product Distributions

Uninstall the Oracle Unified Directory and Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure before upgrading your existing Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager 12c (

This is the start of your topic.

6.5.5 Installing the 12c ( Product Distributions

Install the collocated 12c ( Oracle Unified Directory before upgrading your existing Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager 12c (

  1. Download the latest Oracle Unified Directory version from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the 12c ( product distribution.
  3. Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12c (
  4. Install Oracle Unified Directory 12c (

6.5.6 Starting the Administration Server

After a successful upgrade, restart all processes and servers, including the Administration Server and any Managed Servers.

To start the Administration Server, use the startWebLogic script from the Domain home:

  • UNIX

  • Windows

When prompted, enter your user name, password, and the URL of the Administration Server.

6.5.7 Verifying the OUDSM Upgrade

You can verify the ODSM upgrade by accessing the OUDSM interface and checking the version number.

To verify that the ODSM upgrade was successful, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a browser, and access OUDSM using the following URL format:


    where host is the name of the managed server on which OUDSM is running and port is the Managed Server port number of the Administration Server. The default admin port is 7001.

  2. When the login page appears, navigate to the bottom right pane and click About.

    The About Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager page is displayed.

  3. Verify that the version number of the upgraded OUDSM version matches the latest version number.

6.6 What to Do If the Upgrade Process Fails

If any step in the upgrade process fails, then terminate the upgrade process and restore the environment to its original state using the backup files you created in Prerequisites for Oracle Unified Directory Upgrade.