4 Executing the Transition

You must perform certain steps to transition Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition to Oracle Unified Directory.


4.1 Understanding Transition to OUD

You can upgrade Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server to Oracle Unified Directory. You must perform certain steps to transition to OUD.


If you are using the Direct Strategy, then skip to: Deploying Replication Gateway or DIP.

You must perform all steps in Executing the Transition regardless of which transition strategy you are using.

4.2 Creating a Complete Backup

Before you start the transition to Oracle Unified Directory, create a complete backup of Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition system-critical files, including the binary, database files, and LDIF.


Oracle recommends that you create a complete backup of your environment before you begin the the transition to Oracle Unified Directory. The transition cannot be reversed. In most cases, if an error occurs, you must stop the transition and restore the entire environment from backup and begin the transition process from the beginning.

Ensure that you design a backup and restore strategy to suit your situation. For more information about the different backup options, considerations to take into account, and guidelines for planning a backup and restore strategy, see Designing Backup and Restore Policies in Deployment Planning Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.


  • Binary Backup in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.
  • Backing Up to LDIF in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.

4.3 Creating a Reference OUD Instance

The OUD reference instance is configured so that it can provide an LDAP service equivalent to ODSEE.

You must first install OUD 12c ( and create a new instance. The new OUD instance is configured and initialized during the transition steps, and then used as a base to configure and deploy additional instances in a replicated topology.

For instructions on installing an OUD instance, see Installing Oracle Unified Directory in Installing Oracle Unified Directory.

You can set up a new OUD instance using one of the following methods:

  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  • Command Line Interface (CLI)

  • Batch mode


If you want to use Secure Socket Layers (SSL) with the Directory Server instance, then you must enable SSL with real certificates during the directory server instance creation.

In order for the ds2oud command to work successfully, you must configure the new instance with no suffixes.

To set up your directory server by using the GUI or by using the CLI, the suffix/base dn must be left blank. See Setting Up the Directory Server Using the Graphical User Interface and Setting Up the Directory Server Using the Command-Line Interface in Installing Oracle Unified Directory.

When the directory server is set up in batch mode, the -b options must not be specified.


The ds2oud command is located in <OUD_INSTANCE>/OUD/bin. OUD_INSTANCE is the path of the base OUD instance.

4.4 Understanding (O)DSEE Directory Server, Configuration, Schema and Data using ds2oud

The existing (O)DSEE settings have certain features that do not have an identical counterpart on the OUD side and hence, cannot be transitioned automatically. These features require special attention during transition.

Ensure that you have the LDAP administrative password to access the (O)DSEE directory server. No changes will be performed on this server during the diagnostic cycle. For further information, see Understanding Root Users and the Privilege Subsystem in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

Ensure that you have an LDIF file containing the user data exported from your (O)DSEE directory server. For information on exporting LDIF files, go to the following:

  • For information on exporting LDIF files for 5.2, see Exporting Databases in Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Reference Manual. You can access the Reference Manual on the Sun Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 website located at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19199-01/.

  • For information on exporting LDIF files for 6.x, see Exporting to LDIF in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Administration Guide. You can access the Administration Guide in the Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 website located at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19261-01/.

  • For information on exporting LDIF files for 7.0, see Exporting to LDIF in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide. You can access the Administration Guide in the Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 website located at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19424-01/.

  • For information on exporting LDIF files for 11g, see Exporting to LDIF in Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Administration Guide. You can access the Administration Guide in the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 ( library located at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E29127_01/index.htm.

Ensure that you have access to a copy of the user schema extensions (99user.ldif) holding the (O)DSEE server schema extension.

This diagnostic process is performed by running the ds2oud tool which is shipped with OUD. You can use the number of differences detected by ds2oud in diagnostic mode to estimate complexity and transition effort.

4.4.1 Diagnosing the (O)DSEE Directory Server Configuration and Schema

You can run the ds2oud command to diagnose the configuration and schema of the (O)DSEE Directory Server before transitioning to Oracle Unified Directory.

Run the following ds2oud command:

$ ds2oud --diagnose -h host1.example.com -p 1389 \
  -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwdfile

In the command above, host1 is the (O)DSEE server, not the OUD server.

The --diagnose subcommand identifies the following elements of your directory server configuration:

  • Unsupported plug-ins

  • Extensions to the default schema

  • The type of password policy used which may have an impact if you use the Replication Gateway Strategy

  • Encrypted attributes

  • Index settings

  • Global configuration parameters

For each element above, ds2oud identifies what needs to transition and potential incompatibilities (if any). Below is an example of an output:

*** diagnose the deployment ...
Diagnose ODSEE Server : host1:1389
** Plugins : No user plugins are defined, nothing particular to migrate
** Plugins : No subtree counter plugins are enabled, nothing particular to
** Schema
The schema was extended regarding the original delivery. The following schema
should be added to the new OUD server
attributeTypes : ( 2.16.840.1.113730.9999 NAME 'customAttributeType' DESC
'Oracle defined attribute type' SYNTAX
SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN ( 'Custom' 'user defined' ) )
** Password Policy
A compatible password policy is defined, nothing particular to migrate
** Naming context(s) available on the ODSEE server :
No incompatibility has been detected for naming context o=migration
** Indexes
Only default indexes are defined, nothing particular to migrate
** Encrypted attributes
No encrypted attributes are defined, no action is required 

4.4.2 Diagnosing the Directory Server Data

You can run the ds2oud command to validate the directory server data against the Oracle Unified Directory schema.

To verify that your directory server data is compliant with OUD schema before importing the data:

  1. Export the data to LDIF from your directory server. For information on exporting data to LDIF, see Exporting Data Using export-ldif in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.
  2. Run the ds2oud command to diagnose the data. For example:
    $ ds2oud --ldifDBFile odsee-data.ldif --userSchemaFile 99user.ldif

    In this example odsee-data.ldif is your directory server data exported to LDIF and 99user.ldif is your customized directory server schema file. Below is an example of output during data diagnostic:

    *** diagnose the data ...
    * Diagnose ODSEE LDIF data file :
    Error validating data against OUD schema
    Entry : unknown
    org.opends.sdk.DecodeException: Entry uid=user2,ou=users,o=data read from LDIF starting at line 49 includes value "" for attribute description that is invalid according to the associated syntax: The operation attempted to assign a zero-length value to an attribute with the directory string syntax 

4.4.3 Error Resolution During Diagnosis

Learn to resolve schema errors during diagnosis.

Schema errors may be reported for the following reasons:

  • Default schema is different.

  • OUD has a more recent version of standard schema.

  • Attribute value syntax validation and containment rules validations.

  • Unsupported directory metadata. This includes role-based ACIs, Roles or Class of Services definitions currently not supported by OUD password policies as LDAP sub-entries. These sub-entries contain (O)DSEE specific extensions account-based resource limits that differ between (O)DSEE and OUD.

In the above cases, OUD provides the commands below to make schema constraints flexible and resolve those schema errors.

Structural objectclass errors:

Structural objectclass errors occur when your directory server data is rejected during an import. A common reason for this error is the structural object-class for the user entry. The user entry must have exactly one structural object-class. If the entry has zero or more than one, the entry will be rejected. Also, because your (O)DSEE directory server does not differentiate between the two object-class types, this kind of schema inconsistency is common. Use the following command to avoid this error:

dsconfig set-global-configuration-prop --set \
single-structural-objectclass-behavior:accept -n

Invalid attribute value errors:

Attribute values must conform to the attribute syntax defined in the schema. By default, attribute syntax checking is enabled in OUD. For example, an attribute with Boolean syntax can hold TRUE or FALSE values only. In addition, zero-length attribute values are rejected by OUD during an import. However it is possible to make this constraints flexible for the DirectoryString syntax by using this command:

dsconfig set-attribute-syntax-prop --syntax-name Directory\ String \
--set allow-zero-length-values:true -n

4.5 Transitioning Directory Schema

The ds2oud tool in migration mode automatically adds (O)DSEE schema extensions to the OUD reference instance schema while transitioning the directory user schema.

Schema is migrated automatically using the ds2oud tool. You must migrate the schema before you migrate the configuration or errors will be triggered during subsequent transition steps. The following command propagates the user schema from your (O)DSEE directory server to OUD and it can also be used to migrate the (O)DSEE schema to other OUD instances:

$ ds2oud --migrateUserSchema -h host1.example.com -p 1389 \
  -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwdfile

To migrate the (O)DSEE schema to other OUD instances, you can also copy the content of the <OUD_INSTANCE>/OUD/config/schema directory to the corresponding directory of the new OUD instance, then restart the OUD instance.


Although the ds2oud --migrateUserSchema command handles any extensions made on the (O)DSEE user schema, schema violations still may occur when you import your user data into OUD. This happens because, unlike user-defined schema, standard schema varies slightly between (O)DSEE and OUD. If schema violations occur during the import process, then you must create additional schema extensions which are likely suggested as a result of the (O)DSEE diagnosis process.

4.6 Transitioning Directory Configuration

The OUD reference instance is configured so that it can provide an LDAP service equivalent to (O)DSEE.

Most of the (O)DSEE directory configuration is migrated automatically using the ds2oud tool in migration mode.

Configuration commands generated automatically are kept in a batch file so that they can be reused to initialize other instances quickly. Oracle recommends that additional commands created manually, should also be added to that batch file.

Additional configuration elements that cannot be migrated automatically have been identified in Understanding (O)DSEE Directory Server, Configuration, Schema and Data using ds2oud.

This chapter includes the following sections:

4.6.1 Migrating Configuration Settings Using the ds2oud Command

You can run the ds2oud command to migrate the configuration settings from your (O)DSEE directory server to Oracle Unified Directory.

  • Naming contexts

  • Global configuration settings that are relevant for OUD

  • Size-limit

  • Look-through-limit

  • Idle-time-limit

  • Max-psearches

  • Bind-with-dn-require-password

  • Allidthresholds

  • Database indexes

  • Global default access controls

  • Supported built-in plug-ins

  • 7-bit check

  • UID uniqueness plug-in

  • Referential integrity plug-in

  • Strong password policy check

To apply each of the above configuration settings to each OUD instance, you must run the ds2oud command in batch mode. It will then generate a list of commands to be applied with dsconfig. This is recommended to be able to complement changes and replay them easily on every target system.

To produce the administrative command batch file to transition the configuration, run the following command:

ds2oud --migrateConfiguration 
       --odseeBindDN "cn=directory manager"
       --odseePort <ODSEE_PORT>
       --odseeBindPasswordFile <ODSEE_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE>
       --oudBindDN "cn=directory manager"
       --oudBindPasswordFile <OUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE1>
       --oudPort <OUD_LDAP_PORT1>
       --oudAdminPort <OUD_ADMIN_PORT1>
       --no-prompt --batchFile <COMMAND_BATCH_FILE>

This section includes the following topics: Migrating SSL Certificates

By default, self-signed certificates are automatically generated when OUD instances are created. In some cases you might want to reuse the (O)DSEE server certificate for the new OUD instance, so that the transition is transparent for SSL clients. This, however, might require installation of the OUD instance on the same box as the (O)DSEE server depending on SSL certificate options used.

To reuse the SSL server certificate, do the following:

  1. Export the directory server certificate to a PKCS12 file. In the following example, dsee.p12 is the PKCS12 filename.
    dsadm export-cert -o dsee.p12  <instance_path> defaultCert


    By default, the alias of the directory server cert is defaultCert. Use the appropriate alias in case you choose to use another value. See Exporting Data Using export-ldif in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

  2. Copy the PKCS12 file to <OUD_INSTANCE>/config.
  3. Create a PIN file containing the PKCS12 file password such as dsee.p12.pin in the <OUD_INSTANCE>/config directory. The directory server certificate can be imported in the OUD instance in two different ways:
    • Configure a PKCS12 OUD keystore pointing to the file exported from your directory server.

    • Import the certificate to the default JKS OUD keystore. Configuring the PKCS#12 Keystore

To configure the OUD PKCS12 keystore run the following command:

dsconfig set-key-manager-provider-prop \ 
         -provider-name PKCS12 \ 
         -set key-store-file:config/dsee.p12 \ 
         -set key-store-pin-file:config/dsee.p12.pin \ 
         -set enabled:true \ 

In this code sample, the dsconfig command connectivity-related arguments such as ports and credentials are omitted for simplicity. Configuring the LDAPS Connection Handler to use the PKCS#12 keystore

To configure the LDAPS connection run the following command:

dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \ 
         --handler-name LDAPS\ Connection\ Handler \ 
         --set key-manager-provider:PKCS12 \ Importing the Directory Server Certificate Key Pair

To import the certificate to the existing OUD JKS keystore, do the following:

  1. Locate the JAVA_HOME of the JVM used by OUD. The version of the JVM used is displayed at startup in the OUD error log.
  2. Run the following command to import the certificate:
    JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore <Path to PKCS12 cert file exported from DSEE>  -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore <OUD_INSTANCE_DIR>/OUD/config/keystore  -deststoretype JKS

    When prompted, specify the JKS PIN (available in <OUD_INSTANCE_DIR>/OUD/config/keystore.pin) and the PKCS12 PIN you used to export the DSEE server certificate.

  3. Verify that the import operation was successful.

    To list the content of the OUD JKS keystore, use the following:

    JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -list -keystore <OUD_INSTANCE_DIR>/OUD/config/keystore

    Enter keystore password:

    Keystore type: JKS

    Keystore provider: SUN

    Your keystore contains two entries:

    defaultcert, Aug 29, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry, Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 10:63:DC:B5:6B:C8:F3:A0:6B:A7:23:9E:0B:EA:9C:30
    server-cert, Aug 29, 2013, PrivateKeyEntry, Certificate fingerprint (MD5): BE:C9:F3:8A:49:98:96:15:EF:AC:B4:08:6F:76:FB:05

    By default, the (O)DSEE directory server certificate alias is "defaultCert", the OUD server certificate alias is "server-cert" and Java automatically chooses the best certificate among those present in the keystore. If you want to force the use of one certificate, run this command:

    dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
    --handler-name LDAPS\ Connection\ Handler \
    --set ssl-cert-nickname:defaultcert \ Migrating Encrypted Attributes

Use --decrypt-attr option with dsconf export to decrypt attributes. You must ensure that attributes are decrypted when exported to the LDIF file. Corresponding attribute encryption must be configured in OUD so that values are re-encrypted during import.

See Configuring Attribute Encryption in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

4.6.2 Understanding Password Storage Scheme for Coexistence

You must change the OUD password storage scheme configuration if you are using either coexistence strategy, that is, Replication Gateway or DIP. This will ensure that the password storage scheme configured on the OUD side corresponds to an algorithm supported by (O)DSEE. Otherwise, users will not be able to log in anymore on the (O)DSEE side when the password is modified on the OUD side.

In (O)DSEE, passwords are stored using some password encryption scheme, such as, SHA-1. In OUD, this is similar but passwords are stored by default in SSHA512.In OUD, password storage scheme is configured in password policies.

4.6.3 Applying Configuration Changes

You can apply configuration changes to the OUD directory server instance using the command provided in this topic.

Configuration changes generated in Migrating Configuration Settings Using the ds2oud Command, can be applied to the OUD directory server instance with the following command:

dsconfig -h <oud hostname> -p <oud admin port> -D cn="directory manager" -w <admin password> \
  -F command_batch_file -X -n

The -F or --batchFilePath option of the dsconfig command enables you to specify several operations that are completed in a single command by consolidating those operations in a file. This can significantly improve performance and simplify configuration of other instances when several dsconfig commands are required.

Additional configuration changes identified in Migrating SSL Certificates, need to be applied also.


Schema changes must always be applied before configuration changes. These configuration changes will have to be applied on each OUD instance deployed later. See Understanding Replication Gateway Deployment.

4.7 Transitioning User Data and Directory Metadata

Once the OUD reference instance is configured, it is loaded with actual (O)DSEE user data and directory metadata.

Refer to the following sections for more information:

4.7.1 Exporting User Data from (O)DSEE to OUD

User data present in your directory server must first be exported to the LDIF format so that they can be reimported to OUD. The data to be exported depends on the chosen transition strategy.

Go to Understanding (O)DSEE Directory Server, Configuration, Schema and Data using ds2oud, for information on exporting to LDIF files.

For example, if you are using the Direct Transition Strategy or the Transition Strategy Using DIP, replication metadata that accounts for a large volume of the data on the disk should be filtered out at export time. But for the Transition Strategy using Replication Gateway, replication metadata is needed.

If you are using the Direct Transition Strategy or the Transition Strategy Using DIP, run the dsconf export command as shown in the following example to export the user data to LDIF:

$ dsconf export --no-repl --decrypt-attr \
-h host1.example.com -p 1389 \
dc=example,dc=com odsee-data.ldif

If you are using Transition Using Replication Gateway Strategy the replication metadata must be kept and adapted to OUD format. To export the user data to LDIF using this strategy, run the dsconf export command as shown in the following example:

$ dsconf export -f opends-export --decrypt-attr -h host1.example.com -p 1389 \
  dc=example,dc=com odsee-data.ldif


The option -f opends-export in the preceding command is only applicable for ODSEE 11g Release 1 ( or later) since the data must be exported from the ODSEE 11g master which is required if you are using the Replication Gateway. Also note that encrypted data on the disk must be decrypted during export.

To produce an LDIF file for DSEE 6.3 (DSEE 6.3 does not provide the -f option):

  1. Export the LDIF from DSEE 6.3 using dsconf command (do not include -f)

  2. Run ds2oud --adaptDseeData <path to LDIF file> (This generates a new LDIF file <path to LDIF file>_result.ldif)

  3. Import the generated file into OUD by using the command: import-ldif -b <your user data suffix> -n <db name e.g userRoot> --excludeAttribute "nsds5replconflict" -l <path to LDIF file_result.ldif>

4.7.2 Importing Data to OUD

You can use the import-ldif command to populate the Oracle Unified Directory server backend with data read from the LDIF file.

The following is an import-ldif example:

import-ldif -b <your user data suffix>  -n userRoot --excludeAttribute "nsds5replconflict"  -l <path to LDIF file>

When you use the opends-export option during transition, (O)DSEE-specific attributes might exist in some entries which will prevent these entries from being imported. For instance, nds5replconflict might exist in the (O)DSEE data so it is imperative to filter this attribute during import to OUD using the following import option:

--excludeAttribute "nsds5replconflict" 

4.7.3 Strategy for Directory Metadata Transition

Directory metadata transition depends on the transition strategy you have chosen to use. This may include access control information (ACI), collective attributes and LDAP sub entries.

The different strategies for directory metadata transition:

  • For the Direct Transition Strategy: the directory metadata only must be adapted once.

  • For the Replication Gateway Strategy: directory metadata are replicated between the directory server and OUD. The directory metadata must be kept compatible on both sides. However, some metadata are different between the two environments, so additional schema extensions will be required to avoid errors or loss of data.

  • For the DIP Strategy: DIP should be configured to synchronize user data. The directory metadata is generally added manually on OUD. In some cases, you can configure DIP to synchronize the metadata.

Access to data is managed with access control instructions (ACIs) that specify the access rights of entries. ACIs can be stored as part of the user data or in the OUD configuration.

  • Global ACIs versus ACIs in the data

    Global ACIs apply to all entries in the directory. They are stored in the configuration. (O)DSEE and OUD global ACIs can differ without causing errors as they are not replicated.

    The ds2oud tool migrates the global ACIs to OUD global ACIs automatically.

    ACIs that are stored as part of the data, are replicated.

  • Differences with Syntax

    The roledn keyword is currently not supported in OUD 12c. ACIs with the roledn keyword cannot be imported into OUD because ACI syntax checking fails. Roles can be replaced by groups and the roledn keyword can be replaced by groupdn (See Roles and ACIs).

    A new value for the targetscope keyword, subordinate, is introduced in OUD. This value is not supported by (O)DSEE so it must not be used in a two-way replication topology between (O)DSEE and OUD.

  • Behavioral Differences

    In a few cases, evaluation of the same ACI differs between (O)DSEE and OUD. Since OUD grants less access by default than (O)DSEE, you will need to grant additional write access during the transition so that OUD behaves like (O)DSEE. In such cases, OUD ACI evaluation would be more inflexible than on the (O)DSEE side.

    By default, OUD ACIs do not allow users to reset another user's password. With OUD, a privilege must be added to achieve behavior that is equivalent to that of (O)DSEE. Alternatively, it is possible to disable the privilege subsystem. For example, the command below allows the admin to reset user passwords in (O)DSEE (this type of password reset is refused by default in OUD):

    ldapmodify -p <dsee port> -D "cn=directory manager"-w <admin password
    dn: dc=example,dc=com 
    changetype: modify 
    replace: aci 
    aci: (targetattr = "*") (version 3.0;acl "Custom LDAP Administrator";allow (all)(userdn = "ldap:///uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com");)

    With OUD, the following privilege below must be added to achieve the equivalent behavior:

    dn: uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com 
    changetype: modify 
    add: ds-privilege-name 
    ds-privilege-name: password-reset

    Alternatively, the privilege subsystem can be disabled using the following command:

    dsconfig set-global-configuration-prop  -add disabled-privilege:password-reset 

4.7.4 ACIs in Replication Topologies

When (O)DSEE and OUD do not need to coexist in a replication topology, ACIs can be manually adapted, if needed, before importing them into OUD, as described previously.

When one-way replication is used, ACIs present in the data on (O)DSEE may have to be adapted manually before transition. Invalid ACIs will not be imported during replication initialization because of ACI syntax checking. ACIs updates on the (O)DSEE side might still be replicated to OUD but they will not be applied on the OUD side.

If you have incompatible ACIs, an alternate is to configure the Replication Gateway to filter out ACIs during replication. Each (O)DSEE ACI would be filtered out and the administrator would need to create the corresponding ACIs in OUD, either as part of the data or in the configuration.

For two-way replication between (O)DSEE and OUD, the same recommendations as for one-way replication applies. In addition, OUD-specific ACIs extensions must not be used in a mixed environment.


(O)DSEE and OUD ACIs are compatible except, in some cases, when (O)DSEE specific keywords as roleDN are used.

4.7.5 Understanding Class of Service (CoS)

Class of Services definitions are stored as LDAP sub entries along with the user data. Class of Services functionality is currently not supported in OUD. When replication is configured between (O)DSEE and OUD, CoS definitions are automatically filtered out by the Replication Gateway.

CoS can be replaced by the standard Collective Attributes mechanism or by Virtual Attributes. In a replicated topology, computed attributes are generated by CoS on the (O)DSEE side while the equivalent computation is achieved with Collective Attributes or Virtual attribute on the OUD side. Collective Attributes Vs. Virtual Attributes

Collective attributes definitions are stored as LDAP sub entries along with the user data, which means that they are replicated. Collective attributes provide fine-grained scoping control through the generic sub-entry subtree specifications. Virtual attributes are stored in the OUD configuration and are not subject to replication. When two-way replication is enabled between (O)DSEE and OUD, you should use Virtual Attributes instead of Collective attributes because Collective Attributes definitions are replicated back to (O)DSEE.

If you specifically need to use Collective attributes (see Classic CoS and Indirect CoS), the (O)DSEE schema should be extended with the schema object that pertain to Collective Attributes. In this case, the LDAP sub entries will be present in (O)DSEE but they will be inactive. This means that they will not cause any attribute computation. The schema definition associated with the collectiveAttributeSubentry and subentry object classes (present in the OUD schema file 00-core.ldif) and the associated attributes can be added to the (O)DSEE schema.


In (O)DSEE, CoS is often used with roles and password policies. For example, you can use CoS to assign a custom password policy to a set of users. OUD provides new ways to assign password policies to user accounts. Therefore, usually, there are simple alternatives to CoS.

(O)DSEE Class Of Service type is covered in detail in the following sections. Pointer CoS

You can use (O)DSEE Pointer CoS to share a common attribute among a set of entries.

The following (O)DSEE Pointer CoS below automatically assigns a facsimiletelephonenumber with a fixed value (+61245607890) to all entries located under ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

dn: cn=ZipTemplate,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleobject
objectclass: cosTemplate
facsimiletelephonenumber: +61245607890
cosPriority: 0

dn: cn=pointerCoS,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: cosSuperDefinition
objectclass: cosPointerDefinition
cosTemplateDn: cn=ZipTemplate,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cosAttribute: facsimiletelephonenumber

You can use the following OUD virtual attribute to compute an equivalent attribute value. This example creates and enables a virtual attribute rule that adds a virtual fax number of +61245607890 to any user entry matching the objectclass=person filter (unless there is already a fax number in the user entry):

dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j <password_file> -n \
create-virtual-attribute \
--type user-defined -name "Sydney Fax Number" \
--set attribute-type:facsimiletelephonenumber -set enabled:true \
--set value:+61245607890 -set filter:"(objectClass=person)"

Unlike virtual attributes, collective attributes are stored along with user data, so they are replicated across OUD instances.

The following collective attribute generates a facsimiletelephonenumber for entries in the sub-tree ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

dn: cn=People Preferred Language,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: People fac simile number
facsimiletelephonenumber;collective: +61245607890
subtreeSpecification: {base "ou=people", minimum 1}
collectiveConflictBehavior: virtual-overrides-real Indirect CoS

(O)DSEE Indirect CoS names an attribute in the cosIndirectSpecifier attribute to locate the template specific to each target. The template entry for indirect CoS can be any entry in the directory, including other user entries. The following indirect CoS example uses the manager attribute of the target entry to identify the CoS template entry. The template entry is the manager's user entry. The manager's user entry contains the value of the attribute to generate. In this case, the value is that of the departmentNumber attribute.

dn: cn=generateDeptNum,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: cosSuperDefinition
objectclass: cosIndirectDefinition
cosIndirectSpecifier: manager
cosAttribute: departmentNumber

dn: cn=Carla Fuentes,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: cosTemplate
objectclass: person
departmentNumber: 318842
cn: Carla Fuentes

You can use inherited collective attributes to replace Indirect CoS. Like regular collective attributes, inherited collective attributes are defined using LDAP sub-entries within the directory tree where they are applicable. Inherited collective attributes are replicated across OUD instances. If two-way replication is used between (O)DSEE and OUD, the (O)DSEE schema should be extended with the Collective Attribute schema element as described in Collective Attributes Vs. Virtual Attributes. The following inherited collective attribute is equivalent to the Indirect CoS definition described previously.

dn: cn=indirectCOS,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry
objectClass: inheritedFromDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry
cn: indirectCOS
subtreeSpecification: {base "ou=people"}
inheritFromDNAttribute: manager
inheritAttribute: departmentNumber Classic CoS

This example shows how to generate a postal address value with a classic CoS definition. The generated value is specified in a template entry that is located by a combination of the cosTemplateDN in the CoS definition and the value of the cosSpecifier attribute in the target entry. The following example creates the definition entry by using the cosClassicDefinition object class:

dn: cn=classicCoS,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: cosSuperDefinition
objectclass: cosClassicDefinition
cosTemplateDn: ou=templates,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
cosSpecifier: building
cosAttribute: postalAddress

dn: cn=B07,ou=templates, ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleobject
objectclass: cosTemplate
postalAddres: 7 Old Oak Street, Anytown, CA 95054

With this CoS definition, target entries (the entries under ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) that contain the building attribute will automatically have the corresponding postal address. The CoS mechanism searches for a template entry that has the specifier attribute value in its RDN. In this example, if Babs Jensen is assigned to building B07, her postal address is generated.

Equivalent behavior can be achieved in OUD with inherited collective attributes as follow:

dn: cn=classicCOS,dc=example,dc=com 
objectClass: top 
objectClass: subentry 
objectClass: inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry 
objectClass: inheritedFromRDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry 
cn: classicCOS 
subtreeSpecification: {base "ou=people"} 
inheritFromBaseRDN: ou=templates 
inheritFromRDNAttribute: building 
inheritFromRDNType: cn 
inheritAttribute: postalAddress 

This inherited collective attribute sub-entry applies to user entries under ou=people,dc=example,dc=com. The subentry adds the postalAddress attribute inherited from the user entry whose DN is constructed from ou=templates, the Inherited collective attribute sub-entry root DN dc=example,dc=com and the RDN cn value taken from applicable entry building attribute, if any.

Like regular collective attributes, inherited collective attributes are defined using LDAP sub-entries within the directory tree where they are applicable. They are replicated across OUD instances. If two-way replication is used between (O)DSEE and OUD, the (O)DSEE schema should be extended with the collective attribute schema element as described in the Collective Attributes Vs. Virtual Attributes.

4.7.6 Overview of Roles Transition to OUD

Currently, Oracle Unified Directory does not support non-standard (O)DSEE roles and are usually replaced by standard OUD groups. The Replication Gateway filters out role definitions. The steps required to transition (O)DSEE roles to OUD depend on the way in which the roles are exposed to external client applications.

In many deployments, roles are not exposed to client applications, that is, applications do not use the nsRole or nsRoleDN attributes. Such roles can be replaced by either static or dynamic groups for ACIs and password policies.

This section includes the following topics: Roles and ACIs

You can use the roledn ACI keyword to grant/deny access to data based on user role. For example, the following (O)DSEE ACI grants access to the user password attribute to users with Password Manager role.

dn: ou=data,o=example.com
aci: (targetattr="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl "PasswordManager";allow (read,search,compare,write) roledn = "ldap:///cn=Password_Manager_Role,ou=roles,dc=example,dc=com";

The roledn keyword is not supported in OUD 12c ( This has the following implications:

  • ACIs with the roledn keyword cannot be imported into OUD 12c (

  • ACIs present in the (O)DSEE data will not be applied to OUD. These ACIs will be replicated to OUD but changes will not be applied because the ACI syntax does not work for OUD

Roles used in ACIs should be replaced by groups using the groupdn keyword before transition. For OUD, the preceding ACI above can be rewritten as:

dn: ou=data,o=example.com
aci: (targetattr="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl "PasswordManager";allow (read,search,compare,write) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Password_Manager_Group,ou=group,dc=example,dc=com";

The group pointed to by the ACI can be either a static group or a dynamic group.

To migrate role-based ACIs to group-based ACIs before you transition to OUD, you must:

  • Define groups that correspond to the roles (using the same DN)

  • Rewrite ACIs on the (O)DSEE side before transitioning to OUD


Role-based ACIs present in the (O)DSEE configuration are not replicated, so they do not need to be rewritten. Roles and Password Policies

In many deployments, roles are used to assign custom password policies based on role membership. For example, users with the Admin role are subject to the Administrator password policy. In this use case, roles are used with CoS to create the virtual attribute pwdPolicySubEntry in every user entry pointing to the password policy that is necessary.

In OUD, a password policy can be associated directly with members of a group by using a virtual attribute. The following example associates the adminPasswordPolicy password policy with members of the administrator group.

dsconfig create-virtual-attribute -name "PWPolicy for Admins" 
--type user-defined 
--set attribute-type:ds-pwp-password-policy-dn  
--set group-dn:cn=administrators,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com 
--set conflict-behavior:real-overrides-virtual 
--set value:"cn=adminPasswordPolicy,ou=policies,ddc=example,dc=com"


Unlike CoS, the virtual attribute above that associates password policies with roles is not replicated across OUD instances. Exposing Roles to Client Applications

If you are using the Direct Transition Strategy or Transition Using DIP Strategy (the following is not compatible with the Transition Using Replication Gateway Strategy), use the nsRole attribute in the target user's entry to determine whether the DN of the appropriate role is present when you need to determine whether a user is a member of a given role in an application. In this case, role functionality can be simulated by following steps:

  1. Extend OUD schema with the nsRole attribute definition (this schema is provided in the file 03-dsee-roles.ldif)
  2. Create static or dynamic groups to define role membership. You must reuse the role DNs when you create the groups so that the nsRole attribute content is not impacted.
  3. Create a new instance of the isMemberOf virtual attribute to provide the nsRole virtual attribute as follow:
    dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j <password_file> -n \
    create-virtual-attribute -type is-member-of -name nsRole -set \
    attribute-type:nsRole -set enabled:true


    Virtual attribute definitions are stored in the OUD configuration and thus are not replicated. They must be configured on every OUD instance.

If the application alters membership by placing the name of the corresponding role in the nsRoleDN virtual attribute in a user's entry, create a dynamic group for each role (you must reuse the role DN), and extend the group memberURL filter so that it takes into account the nsRoleDN for group membership. In the following example, any user entry that contains a nsRoleDN value of "cn=Test Role,ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com" also has that DN present in the nsRole operational attribute.

dn: cn=Test Role,ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfURLs
cn: Test Role
memberURL: ldap:///dc=example,dc=com??sub?(nsRoleDN=\
  cn=Test Role,ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com)

If your application needs to create, modify or delete role entries (for example, an entry containing one of the subordinates of the nsRoleDefinition object class), that functionality is currently not available in OUD. Understanding Securely Transitioning Roles

In OUD, groups replace roles. To use the corresponding groups securely, you must set access control instructions (ACIs) to protect appropriate attributes. With dynamic groups, you must protect the part of the filter that would prevent the user from being able to relinquish the filtered group by modifying an attribute. Users should not be allowed to add, delete, or modify the attribute used by the filtered groups. In the same way, if the value of the filter attribute is computed, all the attributes that can modify the value of the filter attribute must be protected.

4.7.7 Understanding Password Policies Transition to OUD

Password policies are treated differently in DSEE and OUD, and thus there are different ways to manage the policy transition to OUD.

This section contains the following topics: Guidelines for Transitioning Password Policies

The ds2oud tool, provided with OUD, migrates the standard attributes of the default password policy only. See Table 4-1 for password policy mapping from (O)DSEE to OUD.

Custom password policies can be stored either in the data or in the OUD configuration and can be assigned to target users by an attribute in the user entry or based on the position of the sub entry in the DIT. Selecting the best options is key for a successful password policy transition. Ease of use and impact on the OUD administration should be considered (for example, password policies as sub-entries are replicated across OUD instances, password policies in the configuration are not). In addition, not all combinations are possible in OUD 12c (

The following options must be selected based on your deployment constraints:

  • Store custom password policies as sub entries or in the OUD configuration

  • Use attributes in user entries or use the sub entry sub tree specification to assign password policies

  • If an attribute in user entry is used to assign the password policy, use an explicit setting, virtual attributes or collective attributes to populate the attribute

  • Reuse or filter out (O)DSEE password policies during replication

The main decision criteria to be considered are:

  • Does the (O)DSEE custom password policy rely on specific extensions?

  • Is replication used with (O)DSEE one-way only?

  • Is the (O)DSEE custom password policy sub-entry position compatible with OUD?

  • Is password policy assignment based on group memberships?

The following is a summary of the differences between OUD and (O)DSEE password policies:

  • The (O)DSEE password policy definition consists of standard attributes (defined in the pwdPolicy object class) and specific extensions (defined in the sunPwdPolicy object class).

  • OUD password policies also rely on standard attributes (defined in the pwdPolicy object class). However, (O)DSEE-specific extensions are currently not supported in OUD 12c ( Such extensions are automatically filtered out during replication and must be replaced by OUD-specific extensions defined in the ds-cfg-password-policy object class.

Manual Adaptations required to migrate these extensions are summarized in the table below:

Table 4-1 Password Extensions for (O)DSEE and OUD

(O)DSEE Extensions OUD Extensions




last-login-time-attribute, last-login-time-format







In addition to the global password policy, you can create custom password policies. In (O)DSEE, custom password policies are stored as part of the data, as LDAP sub entries.

In OUD, custom password policies can be stored as part of the data, as LDAP sub entries, or directly in the OUD configuration.

In OUD, password policies defined as LDAP sub entries must rely on standard attributes only (see above) and cannot contain any extensions. This restriction does not apply to password policies stored in the OUD configuration. Password Policy Assignments

In (O)DSEE, a password policy is assigned to a user account based on the value of the pwdPolicySubEntry attribute. The attribute value can be either stored physically in the user entry or dynamically populated with CoS based on criteria matched by the entry. The location of the password policy LDAP sub entry is not used to assign the policy to target users. The default password policy applies when the pwdPolicySubEntry attribute is not present in a user entry.

In OUD, you can assign a password policy to a user account in two ways:

  1. By setting the attribute ds-pwp-password-policy-dn, either explicitly or through a virtual or collective attribute, as in (O)DSEE.

  2. By creating the password policy sub-entry in the DIT so that all user entries are below the password policy entry and target user entries match the LDAP filter/subtree specification present in the sub-entry. Sub-entry sub-tree specification is defined in RFC 3672.

The following example corresponds to the first case: the password policy ServiceAccount is assigned to members of the group group_FirstLoginPolicy by creating a virtual attribute that populates the attribute ds-pwp-password-policy-dn based on group membership:

dn: cn=group_FirstLoginPolicy,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: groupOfURLs
MemberURL: ldap://ou=people,dc=example,dc=com??sub? (pwdReset=TRUE)

dsconfig create-virtual-attribute --name "PWPolicy to Admins" \
--type user-defined --set attribute-type:ds-pwp-password-policy-dn \ 
--set group-dn:cn=group_FirstLoginPolicy,dc=example,dc=com \
--set conflict-behavior:real-overrides-virtual \
--set value:"cn=ServiceAccount,ou=passwordPolicies,ou=config,dc=example,dc=com"

The following example corresponds to the second case: the policy FirstLoginPolicy applies to users who are members of the group newbees in the subtree ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.

dn: cn=FirstLoginPolicy,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: subentry
Objectclass: pwdpolicy
SubtreeSpecification: { specificationFilter "ismemberOf=cn=group_FirstLoginPolicy,dc=example,dc=com"}
PwdMaxFailure: 2
PwdAttribute: userPassword


The subtree specification as implemented in OUD is a super-set of the standard: OUD considers any well-formed LDAP filter as a valid value for the specificationFilter attribute. This is a very convenient way to assign password policies based on group membership as shown in the preceding example. Password Policy Inheritance

Evaluation of custom password policies differs between (O)DSEE and OUD. In (O)DSEE, a custom password policy overrides the default password policy settings. With OUD, a custom password policy inherits from the default password policy: Properties not defined at the custom policy level are taken from the default password policy at the functional level (even if the attribute names do not correspond). These differences must be taken into account during transition. Password Policy and Replication Gateway

When OUD and (O)DSEE coexist in a replicated topology, password policies should be kept as consistent as possible between the two environments, even when they are not replicated through the replication protocol. For example, if password validators differ, a password could be valid on one side and considered invalid on the other side, leading to inconsistencies.

If account lockout is enabled for a given set of entries on (O)DSEE and disabled on OUD (or the reverse), a password reset will not unlock the account on the other side. Replication Gateway and Upgrading (O)DSEE Password Policy

In a replicated topology with global password policy and account lockout across the entire topology, the (O)DSEE servers that communicate directly with the Replication Gateway must run with the password policy in DS6mode and the user entries must not contain data related to previous password policy mode. This is not a must have if you do not need global password policy and when OUD and (O)DSEE can have its own password policy management. Other (O)DSEE servers can run in compatibility mode, but such deployment is not the preferred one.

For more information about changing password policy modes, see Managing Password Policies in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

You can use the dsconf get-server-prop pwd-compat-mode command to retrieve the current password policy mode. By default, ODSEE 11g Release 2 uses the DS5-compatible mode. You must switch to DS6-mode before exporting data from (O)DSEE. To switch to DS6-mode, you will need to first switch to the intermediate DS6-migration mode.

For more information on the process to switch to DS6-mode and regenerate user entries, see Password Policy Compatibility in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition. Configuring Account Lockout policies

Both (O)DSEE and OUD allow you to configure password policies to force the lockout of accounts after a specified number of failed bind attempts. In addition, it is possible to lock an account manually. The locked account remains locked until the account is activated.

Transition of account state (locked/unlocked) between (O)DSEE and OUD require specific settings. In (O)DSEE, manual account lock relies on Roles: Locked entries are assigned nsRoleDN=cn=nsManagedDisabledRole,dc=com role. On OUD, manual account lock relies on the boolean attribute ds-pwp-account-disabled. To automatically import a manually locked account from (O)DSEE to OUD, use the following steps:

  1. Create a collective attribute on OUD to map the nsroledn:nsRoleDN=cn=nsManagedDisabledRole to ds-pwp-account-disabled: true
    ldapmodify -a 
    dn: cn=ManagedDisabledAttribute,<dc=example>
    objectClass: top 
    objectClass: subentry 
    objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry 
    objectClass: extensibleObject 
    cn: ManagedDisabledAttribute 
    ds-pwp-account-disabled;collective: true 
    subtreeSpecification: {specificationFilter 
  2. Extend the OUD schema with the nsroledn operational attribute:
    dn: cn=schema 
    changetype: modify 
    add: attributeTypes 
    attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.575 NAME 'nsRoleDN' DESC 'Sun ONE defined attribute type' SYNTAX USAGE directoryOperation X-DS-USE 'internal' X-ORIGIN 'Sun ONE Directory Server' )

    One-way (O)DSEE->OUD) replication of locked account require changes in the Replication Gateway configuration: By default, the nsroledn attribute is not replicated and is filtered out by the Replication Gateway. This filtering rule must be removed by running the following command:

    dsconfig set-plugin-prop --plugin-name Gateway\ Plugin --remove 


    The nsroledn attribute must not be used by any application on the OUD side. It is replicated to convey account state information only.

    Two-way replication of account lockout requires additional settings on OUD.

  3. Extend (O)DSEE schema to add the ds-pwp-account-disabled operational attribute:
    dn: cn=schema 
    changetype: modify 
    add: attributeTypes 
    @ attributeTypes: ( NAME 'ds-pwp-account-disabled' 
    SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE USAGE directoryOperation 
    X-ORIGIN 'OpenDS Directory Server' )
  4. Create a filtered role on (O)DSEE to map account lockout from OUD:
    ldapmodify -a 
    dn: cn=OUD_DisabledRole,<dc=example>
    objectclass: top 
    objectclass: LDAPsubentry 
    objectclass: nsRoleDefinition 
    objectclass: nsComplexRoleDefinition 
    objectclass: nsFilteredRoleDefinition 
    cn: OUD_DisabledRole 
    nsRoleFilter: (ds-pwp-account-disabled=true) 
    Description: filtered role to map account lockout from OUD 
  5. Integrate the previous filtered role in the nested role used to disable the account on ODSEE:
    dn: cn=nsDisabledRole,dc=com 
    changetype: modify 
    add: nsRoleDN 
    nsRoleDN: cn=OUD_DisabledRole,dc=com 


    When an account is locked in (O)DSEE, the state information is replicated to OUD so the account is also locked in OUD. However, account unlock must be performed on both sides ((O)DSEE and OUD).

    An account can also be locked explicitly on (O)DSEE using the nsAccountLock attribute. The equivalent attribute in OUD is ds-pwp-account-disabled. Some client applications might rely on the nsAccountLock attribute. In this case, the easiest way to address this is to declare nsAccountLock as an attribute alias for ds-pwp-account-disabled in the OUD schema as shown below:

    attributeTypes: ( 
     NAME ( 'ds-pwp-account-disabled' 'nsAccountLock' ) 
     USAGE directoryOperation 
     X-ORIGIN 'OpenDS Directory Server' ) Custom Resource Limits

In (O)DSEE, the following limits can be associated with a password policy:

  • The look-through limit specifies the maximum number of entries examined for a search operation.

  • The size limit specifies the maximum number of entries returned in response to a search operation.

  • The time limit specifies the maximum time spent processing a search operation.

  • The idle time-out specifies the maximum time a client connection can remain idle before the connection is dropped.

For more information on setting account limits, see Setting Resource Limits For Each Client Account in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition. You can find that document in the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 index page located at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19656-01/.

In addition to that, these limits can be set for specific account/user entries: Some (O)DSEE entries may contain the following resource limit attributes: nsSizeLimit, nsTimeLimit, nsLookThroughLimit, nsIdleTimeout.

Corresponding attributes on OUD are: ds-rlim-size-limit, ds-rlim-time-limit, ds-rlim-lookthrough-limit,ds-rlim-idle-time-limit.

Account-based resource limits are not taken into account by ds2oud and must be migrated manually.

When the Replication Gateway is used, the OUD schema (02-config.ldif) must be modified so that each (O)DSEE attribute name related to resource limits is declared as an alias name for each corresponding OUD attribute.

In (O)DSEE, -1 is used to disable a resource limit. In OUD, 0 is used. One way to address this difference is to create a virtual attribute on OUD to override the content of the OUD attribute when the value of the (O)DSEE attribute is equal to -1. A virtual attribute must be created for the four attributes. Below are descriptions:

attributeTypes: ( 
 NAME ( 'ds-pwp-account-disabled' 'nsAccountLock' ) 
 USAGE directoryOperation 
 X-ORIGIN 'OpenDS Directory Server' )
dsconfig create-virtual-attribute --name "mapping nsTimeLimit " \
--type user-defined --set attribute-type:ds-rlim-time-limit \
--set filter:"(nsTimeLimit=-1)" \
--set conflict-behavior:virtual-overrides-real \
--set value:"0" \
--set enabled:true
dsconfig create-virtual-attribute --name "mapping nsLookthroughLimit " \
--type user-defined --set attribute-type:ds-rlim-lookthrough-limit \
--set filter:"(nsLookthroughLimit=-1)" \
--set conflict-behavior:virtual-overrides-real \
--set value:"0" \
--set enabled:true
dsconfig create-virtual-attribute --name "mapping nsIdleTimeout " \
--type user-defined --set attribute-type:ds-rlim-idle-time-limit \
--set filter:"(nsIdleTimeout=-1)" \
--set conflict-behavior:virtual-overrides-real \
--set value:"0" \
--set enabled:true

For the sake of performance, it is recommended to index the four attributes above for 'presence'.


With the settings above, (O)DSEE resource limit attribute names must always be used even on the OUD side. Use of the OUD attribute name cannot be used when (O)DSEE and OUD cohabit in the same replication topology.

4.8 Deploying Replication Gateway or DIP

Selected applications are validated against the OUD servers.

After completing Transitioning User Data and Directory Metadata, selected applications can be validated against the OUD servers. If you have chosen:

Table 4-2 Validating selected applications

Deployment strategy Refer to

Coexistence Using the Replication Gateway

Understanding Replication Gateway Deployment

Coexistence Using Oracle Directory Integration Platform (DIP)

Deploying DIP

Direct Transition Strategy

Deploying Replicated Topology

4.8.1 Understanding Replication Gateway Deployment

Understand how replication gateway is deployed. Below are additional components to configure the replication between (O)DSEE and OUD using the Replication Gateway.

Install and configure the Replication Gateway, as described in Setting Up the Replication Gateway in Installing Oracle Unified Directory.

At this point you must configure a global administrator for replication. If you intend to connect this server to an existing replicated OUD topology at a later stage, use the same global administrator credentials that you have defined on the other OUD servers.

For example, assuming an existing OUD topology, your server layout before transition would be as follows:

Figure 4-1 Replication Server Topologies for (O)DSEE and OUD Prior to Transition

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Replication Server Topologies for (O)DSEE and OUD Prior to Transition"

After transition, your server layout would be as follows:

Figure 4-2 Replication Server Topologies for (O)DSEE and OUD After Transition

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of "Figure 4-2 Replication Server Topologies for (O)DSEE and OUD After Transition"

4.8.2 Deploying DIP

Below are additional components to link between (O)DSEE and OUD using DIP. The procedures below configure the (O)DSEE server as the DIP backend directory so that your DIP-related metadata is no longer stored in OUD after you have deprovisioned your old directory server and DIP has been removed.

To deploy DIP:

  1. Choose the (O)DSEE master instance and the OUD directory server instance that will be synchronized. The OUD directory server must have an embedded replication server because the external changelog services is provided by replication servers.

  2. Synchronize password storage schemes.

    Password storage schemes must be identical and compatible between (O)DSEE and OUD. To configure password storage schemes to enable synchronization, see Managing Password Policies in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

  3. Create a directory suffix holding DIP metadata in (O)DSEE.

    Use the following command on DSEE 6.x (or higher) to create the suffix cn=products,cn=oraclecontext to hold DIP metadata:

    dsconf create-suffix -i -c -p $PORT -D "$ADMIN" -w "$PW_FILE" cn=products,cn=oraclecontext

    For instructions on how to create the directory suffix for DSEE 5.2, see Creating Suffixes in Sun ONE Directory Server Administration Guide.

  4. Enable changelog.

    Changelog must be enabled on the directory that will contain changes. Enable changelog on (O)DSEE with the following command:

    dsconf set-server-prop -p $PORT -w "$PW_FILE" retro-cl-enabled:on

    For two-way synchronization, external changelog must be enabled on OUD. By default, the external changelog is automatically enabled when the OUD instance is part of a replication topology. For testing purposes, set up a standalone OUD directory server instance and enable external changelog with the following command:

    dsreplication enable-changelog --no-prompt --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com" --hostname "$HOST" --port $APORT --bindDN "$ADMIN" --adminPasswordFile "$PW_FILE" --trustAll
  5. Install and configure DIP.

    1. Install DIP in a Weblogic container.

      For more information on installing DIP in a WebLogic container, see Configuring the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain for Oracle Directory Integration Platform with Oracle Unified Directory in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

    2. Configure DIP with the command below:

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dipConfigurator setup -wlshost <hostname> -wlsport <admin_server_domain_Port> -wlsuser weblogic -ldaphost <dsee_host> -ldapport <dsee_port> -ldapuser "dsee_administrator" -metadatasuffix cn=products,cn=oraclecontext -isldapssl false

      The <dsee_administrator>, for example, cn=directory manager must be granted read and write access to the DIP metadata suffix (cn=products,cn=oraclecontext).

      In the default password policy, the allow-pre-encoded option must be 'true.' This will allow the <dsee_administrator> to have access to write pre-encoded password.

      For LDAP users, the following command will change the default password policy:

      dsconfig set-password-policy-prop --policy-name Default\ Password\ Policy --set allow-pre-encoded-passwords: true

      SSL users refer to the DIP Administrator's Guide to manage certificates.

  6. Create synchronization profiles.

    Ensure that the oud_ldap_administrator (for example, cn=directory manager) has read and write access to the suffix to be synchronized. Also, when two-way synchronization is used, it must have read access on the OUD external changelog.

    There are two ways to synchronize profiles: the command line and DIP graphical user interface (EM). The following is an example to synchronize profiles using the command line:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/expressSyncSetup -h <dip_hostname> -p <dip_domain_port> -D weblogic -conDirType IPLANET -conDirUrl <OUD_host>:<oud_port> -conDirBindDN <oud_ldap_administrator> -conDirContainer <target_suffix> -backendDirContainer cn=products,cn=oraclecontext  -pf <profile_name>

    The command above creates one import file and one export file with the following naming convention:

    • If the profile name (-pf argument) is profile1, expresSyncSetup creates the two following profiles profile1Export and profile1Import.

    To create synchronization profile using EM, see Creating Synchronization Profiles in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform. Use the DIP graphical user interface to update the list of attributes to be synchronized.

    Oracle recommends that you create 1-1 exact attribute mappings (for example, cn<->cn) and one extra mapping for each attribute alias (for example, commonName->commonName).

  7. Configure ACIs.

    Additional directory ACIs must be created on the backend directory server for DIP to operate correctly.

    The following command is an example of ACIs created on the backend directory on the suffix to be synchronized (dc=example,dc=com):

    ldapmodify -h <dsee_host> -p <dsee_port> -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> <<EOF
    dn: dc=example,dc=com
    changetype: modify
    add: aci
    aci: (target="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com")(version 3.0; acl "Entry-level DIP permissions"; allow (all,proxy) groupdn="ldap:///cn=dipadmingrp,cn=DIPadmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext"; allow (all,proxy) groupdn="ldap:///cn=odipigroup,cn=DIPadmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext"; )
    add: aci
    aci: (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "Attribute-level DIP permissions"; allow (all,proxy) groupdn="ldap:///cn=dipadmingrp,cn=DIPadmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext"; allow (all,proxy) groupdn="ldap:///cn=odipigroup,cn=DIPadmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext";)

    Export profile's entry must be added to the Export group:

    ldapmodify -h <dsee_host> -p <dsee_port> -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> <<EOF
    dn: cn=odipegroup,cn=DIPadmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext
    changetype: modify
    add: uniqueMember
    uniqueMember: orclodipagentname=profile1Export,cn=subscriber profile,cn=changelog subscriber,cn=directory integration platform,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext

    Note that the profile name (profile1Export in the example) is part of the DN of the new member

    When two-ways synchronization is used, the Import profile's entry must be added to the Import group:

    ldapmodify -h <dsee_host> -p <dsee_port> -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> <<EOF
    dn: cn=odipigroup,cn=DIPadmins,cn=Directory Integration Platform,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext
    changetype: modify
    add: uniqueMember
    uniqueMember: orclodipagentname=profile1Import,cn=subscriber profile,cn=changelog subscriber,cn=directory integration platform,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext

    In the example above, notice that the profile name (profile1Export in the example) is part of the DN of the new member.

  8. Managing Directory Bootstrapping.

    Bootstrapping refers to the initial transition of data between the (O)DSEE back-end directory and OUD. Because the synchronization process can handle the transition of data between an (O)DSEE and OUD, you are not required to perform directory bootstrapping. However, relying on the synchronization process to perform the initial transition will be a time-consuming process. For this reason, you should perform directory bootstrapping when you first deploy DIP.

    There are two possibilities to initialize the two directory topologies:

    1. Enable the synchronization so that DIP creates every (O)DSEE entry to OUD.

    2. Export the content of the (O)DSEE directory to an LDIF file, then import the content to OUD and configure DIP to use the (O)DSEE changelog.

    The first solution is simpler but it is much slower than with the Direct Transition Strategy which uses this procedure.

    To use the first solution you must:

    1. Enable the synchronization profiles.

    2. Run the following commands:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/syncProfileBootstrap -h <dip_host> -p <dip_domain_port> -D weblogic -pf profile1Import
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/syncProfileBootstrap -h <dip_host> -p <dip_domain_port> -D weblogic -pf profile1Export

    Directory Boostrapping is described in Bootstrapping a Directory in Oracle Directory Integration Platform in Administering Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

    To use the LDIF bootstrapping:

    1. Use the following command to export entries from DSEE to data.ldif file without the replication metadata and with the backend server in off-line mode:

      $ dsconf export --no-repl -h host -p port suffix-DN LDIF-file
    2. Retrieve the change number of the last update applied before the export began. To do so, start the export procedure then write down the time and convert it in Generalized Time in YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ format: An example of a time stamp in a generalized time format is 20130508200557Z, which specifies a time (in the UTC time zone) of 8:05:57 PM on May 28, 2013.

    3. Restart the (O)DSEE server (if needed) after the export has completed.

    4. Run the following search command:

      ldapsearch -p <dsee_port> -D <dsee_admin> -w <password> -b "cn=changelog" "changetime>= <timeStamp>" changeNumber
    5. Note the value of the smallest changeNumber value returned by doing the following:

      ldapsearch -p PORT -h DSEE HOSTNAME -D "cn=directory manager" -w PASSWORD -b "cn=changelog" "changetime>=20130508200557Z" changeNumber
      dn: changenumber=16747773,cn=changelog
      changeNumber: 16747773
      dn: changenumber=167477734,cn=changelog
      changeNumber: 167477734
      dn: changenumber=1674777345,cn=changelog
      changeNumber: 1674777345
    6. Use the DIP management console (EM) as described in Managing Synchronization Profiles Using Fusion Middleware Control in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

      Or you can use the manageSyncProfiles updatechgnum command to start synchronization to update the last change number parameters of the DIP synchronization export profile with the above value. The manageSyncProfiles updatechgnum command is described in manageSyncProfiles utility in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

    7. Enable the DIP synchronization profiles using GUI or CLI as described in Enabling and Disabling Synchronization Profiles in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

    Synchronization will now begin based on the changelog.

4.9 Deploying Replicated Topology

You can set up additional instances in the replicated environment once the OUD reference instance is initialized and most of the transition work is completed.

Additional instances are created and initialized with the batch procedure identified in Transitioning Directory Configuration. Replication is then enabled between OUD instances.

Once a reference OUD server has been configured and loaded with data from (O)DSEE as indicated in: Creating a Reference OUD Instance, Understanding (O)DSEE Directory Server, Configuration, Schema and Data using ds2oud, Transitioning Directory Schema, Transitioning Directory Configuration, additional instances can be set up in the replicated environment. This step covers:

  1. Configuring an OUD Replica

  2. Deploying Topology

  3. Initializing Data

These steps are required for every strategy.

4.9.1 Types of Replicas

Understand about the three types of replicas: Master Replica, Consumer Replica and Hub Replica.

As a reminder, (O)DSEE makes the distinction between three types of replicas:

  1. A master replica is a read-write database that contains a master copy of the directory data.

  2. A consumer replica is a read-only database that contains a copy of the information held in a master replica.

  3. A hub replica is a read-only database, like a consumer replica, but stored on a directory server that supplies one or more consumer replicas.

For more information on (O)DSEE replicas, see Introduction to Replication in Reference for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.

The OUD replication model is a multi-master model. In other words, all directory server replicas in a replicated topology can process both read and write operations.

Since the release of DSEE 6.x, Oracle have recommended multi-master replica with typical deployments, which eliminated the need for consumer and hub replicas.

In most deployments, using read-only replica is not needed for performance reason and should only be done if the applications require it. In this case it is achieved by configuring the writability mode of the back end. However, you can configure an OUD directory server to be read-only, in which case add, modify, and delete operations from LDAP clients are rejected on this server and a referral is returned containing pointers to others (read-write) servers within the replicated topology.

4.9.2 About OUD Read-Write Replica

The replication concepts and deployments in Oracle Unified Directory are different to those in (O)DSEE. You can learn more about OUD read-write replica and the differences between cascaded and centralized replication.

In (O)DSEE, hub replicas are introduced with cascaded replication to make the replication protocol operate better. Cascading replication is useful in the following scenarios:

  • When there are a lot of consumers.

  • Because the masters in a replication topology handle all update traffic, it could put them under a heavy load to support replication traffic to the consumers. You can off-load replication traffic to several hubs that can each service replication updates to a subset of the consumers.

  • To reduce connection costs by using a local hub in geographically distributed environments.

In OUD, hub replicas do not exist. Replication is built around a centralized publish-subscribe architecture. Each directory server communicates with a central service, and uses the central service to publish its own changes and to receive notification about changes on other directory servers. This central service is called the replication service. OUD read-write masters are the default so in most cases they are deployed.

The replication service can be made highly available by using multiple server instances running on multiple hosts. Within the replication architecture, a server instance that provides the replication service is called a replication server. A server instance that provides the directory service is called a directory server.

In a small topology (up to four directory servers) it makes sense to configure each server to function as both a directory server and a replication server. In a large topology (more than twenty directory servers) it is advisable to separate the directory server and replication server instances into separate JVMs, and to limit the number of replication servers.

Between these two extremes, you can decide on the configuration that works best for your requirements. Having all servers functioning as both directory servers and replication servers is generally a simpler topology and easier to administer. Separating the directory servers and replication servers lowers the disk requirements of the directory server instances because they do not need to store a replication change log.

In large topologies with several directory servers and several replication servers, it is more efficient to spread the directory servers out across the replication servers in a predefined manner. This is particularly important if the replication servers run on different types of machines with different capabilities. If the estimated performance of the machines differs significantly from one replication server to another, it is useful to balance the load on the replication servers according to their power.

You must understand the replication concepts of OUD because they are different than those of (O)DSEE. For more information about configuring Replication Servers and Load-balancing, see Undestanding Replication Server Load Balancing in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

4.9.3 About OUD Read-Only Replica

The read-only replica in Oracle Unified Directory does not allow the LDAP client applications to perform replication operations directly on the server. Use the dsconfig command to configure Oracle Unified Directory as a read-only replica.

This example assumes a replication configuration with replication servers on two hosts: host1 and host2. The example makes the directory server on host2 a read-only replica and uses the dsconfig command which accesses the server configuration using the administration connector.

For more information on configuring an OUD read-only replica, see Understanding Replication Server Load Balancing in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

You can configure OUD as a read-only replica using the dsconfig command to set the writability-mode of host2:

$ dsconfig -h host2 -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j <password_file> -X -n \
  set-global-configuration-prop --set writability-mode:internal-only

A writability mode of internal-only means that replication operations are processed on the server, but the server is not writable directly by LDAP client applications.

4.9.4 Deploying Servers in a Replicated Topology

The deployment of Oracle Unified Directory Servers in a replicated topology starts with the creation of OUD instances and the configuration of replication among them.

To create new OUD instances:

  1. Create an OUD instance. For instructions to set up a directory server, see Setting Up Oracle Unified Directory as a Directory Server in Installing Oracle Unified Directory.
  2. Configure each OUD instance by applying the configuration changes identified in Transitioning Directory Configuration. For the additional configuration changes that might have been identified while importing the data, see Transitioning User Data and Directory Metadata.
  3. Run the dsreplication command to enable replication between OUD instances. For more information on the dsreplication command, see Enabling Replication Between Two Servers With dsreplication in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

For deploying servers in a replicated topology, see Configuring Data Replication with dsreplication in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

Once an OUD server is loaded with (O)DSEE data, you can either import the same file on every other OUD instance or use binary copy or initialize a replicated server with the data from another replicated server as described in Administering Oracle Unified Directory.

4.9.5 Initializing OUD with (O)DSEE Data

Once you have set up the replication topology, you will need to initialize it with fresh data. There are four different options for every strategy to initialize the OUD instance with the (O)DSEE data already contained in the reference instance.

If you are using the Replication Gateway Strategy, you must ensure that the OUD reference instance is loaded with (O)DSEE data that was exported before the (O)DSEE replication purge delay configured on (O)DSEE.

The four options are:

4.10 Redirecting Traffic to the OUD Topology

(O)DSEE and OUD deployments coexist and are synchronized in a production environment while client applications are redirected progressively to OUD. Coexistence between the two environments is kept until the application testing is complete.

This procedure depends on the architecture. Redirection may involve the reconfiguration of the software or hardware load-balancers, LDAP proxy servers, modification of the Domain Name Systems (DNS), or use of IP impersonation.

4.11 Stopping Coexistence

Deprovisioning of Replication Gateway(s) and companion (O)DSEE starts when all the applications have been redirected to Oracle Unified Directory and validated.

Once the Replication Gateway is no longer in use, it can be stopped and then uninstalled and the same is true for the (O)DSEE side.


After performing Stopping Coexistence, your transition to OUD is complete. If you encounter problems during your transition, contact your Oracle support representative. For more information, go to the My Oracle Support website located at https://support.oracle.com.