Adding Factors

The following steps show how to add factors in the Self-Service Portal:
  1. In the left navigation menu, select My Authenticators.
  2. From the Add Authentication Factor drop-down menu, choose the factor you wish to add. The following factors can be added:
    • Oracle Mobile Authenticator
    • Email Challenge
    • FIDO2 Challenge
    • Security Question Challenge
    • SMS Challenge
    • Yubico OTP Challenge
    • OMA Push Notification Challenge


    FIDO2 Challenge and Security Question Challenge are not currently supported with Oracle Universal Authenticator.
  3. After selecting the factor you wish to add, you will be asked to enter the values outlined in the table below:
Factors Values
Oracle Mobile Authenticator

Friendly Name: Specify a name.

Key: A key is generated by Oracle Advanced Authentication.

QR Code: Scan the QR code using the Oracle Mobile Authenticator, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator application.

Email Challenge

Friendly Name: Specify a name.

Email: Specify the required email.

FIDO2 Challenge

Friendly Name: Specify a name.

Click Register and press the button on your FIDO2 device. The key is copied into Oracle Advanced Authentication.

Security Question Challenge

Question 1: Select a question to answer.

Answer 1: Provide an answer the question.

Repeat for the remaining Question and Answers.

SMS Challenge

Friendly Name: Specify a name.

Phone: Specify the phone number.

Yubico OTP Challenge

Friendly Name: Specify a name.

Public ID: Type the Public ID. It must be the same as the Public ID (or serial) specified while configuring the Yubico OTP for your YubiKey device.

Secret Key: Type the Secret Key. It must be the same as the Secret Key generated while configuring the Yubico OTP for your YubiKey device.

Private ID: Type the Private ID. It must be the same as the Private ID generated while configuring the Yubico OTP for your YubiKey device.

OMA Push Notification Challenge

Scan the QR code, or manually register your device. In the Oracle Mobile Authenticator application enter the username and PIN displayed here.