Known Issues

Browser Stuck on OAM Login Page Unable To Access the Web Application

When accessing an OAM protected application using a browser, the browser may get stuck on the OAM login page (

This may happen for the following reasons:
  • The OUA Agent is not running. Start Task Manager and check if OUADesktopHelper.exe is running. If the agent is not running, start it by executing “C:\Program Files\Oracle Universal Authenticator\OUADesktopHelper.exe”.
  • You are accessing an OAM protected resource that is using a different OAM server to the one configured with DRSS. To access URL’s that use a different OAM server, you will need to disable the SSO Browser extension.
  • You are accessing a URL for a protected OAM resource that runs on the same server as OAM. As per General OAM Requirements, the Oracle HTTP Server/WebGate cannot be on the same server as OAM.

Unable To Access an OAM Protected Page After Logging Out of OAM

You have successfully accessed an OAM protected page in a browser using OUA. You have then logged out of OAM using the OAM logout URL. If you access an OAM protected page and get stuck on the OAM login page as per Browser Stuck on OAM Login Page Unable To Access the Web Application above, then it’s possible the Administrator has not enabled persistent login correctly as per the prerequisites in OAM Requirements for Oracle Universal Authenticator.

Browser Redirects to OAM Login Page and Asks for Credentials

You have logged into Microsoft Windows using OUA successfully. You access an OAM protected application, are redirected to the OAM login page, and are asked for your SSO credentials.

This problem can happen for the following reasons:
  • The OUADesktopHelper.exe has not started before you access the protected resource. This can happen if you have a slow machine. If this happens wait a few minutes and try again.
  • You are using Firefox and Firefox was installed after the Oracle Universal Authenticator client application. To solve this problem deinstall and reinstall Oracle Universal Authenticator. The SSO Browser Extension for Firefox will then be installed.

Alternatively, check the OUA Agent logs as per Viewing Oracle Universal Authenticator Logs.

If you see the error:
An error occurred while making token call to drss. Check previous logs for exact error. 
Error from drss= { "status" :"FAILURE", "info" : { "responseCode" : "DRSS-13003", "responseMessage" : "DRSS-13003 OAM Session Validation failed" } }",
Logout and restart Microsoft Windows. After logging into Windows with OUA again, try and access the OAM protected application.

OUA Client Application Loops After Entering OAM Credentials When System Is Offline

A user attempts to login with OUA and receives a message saying the System is offline. The user attempts to perform offline login by entering their OAM credentials and the System is offline error message keeps looping.

If you see this error then the OUA client application was not installed using Run as administrator, in which case you must deinstall and reinstall the application using Run as administrator. See, Installing the Client Application.

OUA Agent Executables Do Not Start Up

If the OUADesktopHelper.exe, OUAMonitoring.exe and OUAUpgradeAgent.exe don't start and starting them manually doesn't work (for example running C:\Program Files\Oracle Universal Authenticator\OUADesktopHelper.exe), then reboot the system and the processes should start.

Incorrect Text Shown When Email or SMS Set As Default Factor

If Email or SMS is set as the default factor in the Self-Service Portal, incorrect text is shown when challenged in OUA to enter the OTP. For example send OTP to ***@**.com is shown instead of Enter OTP sent to ***@**.com

To solve this set the parameter bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.promptmessage to Enter OTP sent to {0}, and bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.promptmessage to Enter OTP sent to phone {0}.

For details on how to set the parameters using REST API see, Configuration Properties for OAA.

Warning Message Not Given When User Is Blocked From Device or Device Is Disabled

If the user is blocked from a device, or the device is disabled by an Administrator, the user will not be allowed to login to OUA. The user should get a message explaining the reason the login was disallowed. However, due to bug 36556758, the user is returned to the login screen with no warning message. Contact Oracle Support for more information.

Warning Message Not Given When User Account Is Locked

If the user account is locked in LDAP, the user should receive the following message:
Your account is locked. Please note that your SSO experience will be degraded. To restore the SSO experience, you need to logout and login again after resolving your account status.
This message is currently not appearing due to bug 36559743. The user can still login in offline mode until such time when their account is unlocked. Contact Oracle Support for more information.

Enabling OUA SSO for Desktop Applications (Thick Clients)

Enabling OUA SSO for Desktop Application (thick clients) is not currently supported.

Azure AD Applications and OUA

OUA will not interfere with existing Azure AD SSO applications and will continue to work the way they did prior to installing OUA.

Known Issues in Accessibility

  • In the Self-Service Portal the following issues are observed in the My Device section at 400% zoom:
    • In the My Devices screen, the circular image representing number of devices gets cut out towards the right side, and the text Last logged in Over a week ago inside the button is not completely visible.
    • When the ellipsis for a device is clicked and View Details is selected, entries under Device history are not visible.
    • When the ellipsis for a device is clicked and Disable Device or Rename Device is selected, the complete dialog box for Disable Device or Rename Device is not visible.
  • In the Administration Console in the Device detail screen, clicking on Block User button brings up a dialog box with Cancel and Confirm buttons without any text.
  • The Cancel and OK button in the OUA credential collector screen and incorrect password error message screen, are not in High Contrast.