Viewing Oracle Universal Authenticator Logs

The following sections show how to view logs for debugging issues with Oracle Universal Authenticator (OUA).

Viewing DRSS Logs

Administrators can check the oua-drss pod logs to find and troubleshoot any underlying errors for issues such as user login problems. To check the pod logs, run the following on the Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl logs <RELEASE-NAME>-oua-drss-<pod> -n <namespace>

Viewing OUA Client Application and SSO Browser Extension Logs

To view the logs for the OUA Agents and SSO Browser extension on the Microsoft Windows computer:
  1. Open the Event Viewer using Windows Search.
  2. In the left navigation pane, select Event Viewer > Application and Services Logs.
  3. The following Agent logs are then available:
    • OUADesktopAgent: Desktop agent logs.
    • OUAMonitoringAgent: Device monitoring logs.
    • OUAUpgradeAgent: Device software management and upgrade logs.
    • OUABrowserExtensionNativeApp: SSO Browser extension logs.