Review Configuration Values on the Summary Page

You can review the specified adapter configuration values on the Summary page.

What You Can Do from the Summary Page

You can review configuration details from the Summary page. The Summary page is the final wizard page for each adapter after you have completed your configuration.

  • View the configuration details you defined for the adapter. For example, if you have defined an inbound trigger (source) adapter with a request business object and immediate response business object, specific details about this configuration are displayed on the Summary page.
  • Click Done if you want to save your configuration details.
  • Click a specific tab in the left panel or click Back to access a specific page to update your configuration definitions.
  • Click Cancel to cancel your configuration details.

What You See on the Summary Page

The following table describes the key information on the Summary page.

Element Description


Displays a summary of the configuration values you defined on previous pages of the wizard.

The information that is displayed can vary by adapter. For some adapters, the selected business objects and operation name are displayed. For adapters for which a generated XSD file is provided, click the XSD link to view a read-only version of the file.

To return to a previous page to update any values, click the appropriate tab in the left panel or click Back.