2 Known Issues and Workarounds

This chapter describes known issues and workarounds for Release 12c (12.2.1.x) of Oracle SOA Suite:


To apply patches noted in this guide, sign in to My Oracle Support and search for the patch numbers to locate and download the patches.

2.1 SOA Core Known Issues and Workarounds

Known issues and workarounds for Release 12c (12.2.1.x) of SOA Core are:

2.1.1 DiffTool Utility Output Includes Invalid Links to Documentation


Bug Number: 30232711

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

The DiffTool utility provides a JSON report that lists the settings in the current domain and provides the configured settings for a Reference Configuration domain. This report includes invalid links to additional documentation for configured Reference Configuration domain settings.


For the correct links, see Using the DiffTool Utility for Checking Reference Configuration Domain Settings in Administering Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

2.1.2 SOAINFRA Schema Creation Fails on a Hardened Database


Bug Number: 19193580

Impacted Releases: 12c

Impacted Platforms: All

On an Oracle hardened database, when the public grants are revoked for the PL/SQL packages, the schema creation for SOAINFRA fails with the following error:

Received Non-Ignorable Error: ORA-04063: package body "XDB.DBMS_CSX_INT" has errors


Grant the following permission to the user and run the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) again to create the schemas for SOAINFRA:


2.1.3 Voice Notifications Not Active


Bug Number: 30904272

Impacted Releases: 12c

Impacted Platforms: All

Voice notifications are supported in Oracle SOA Suite 11g, but not supported in Oracle SOA Suite 12c.



2.1.4 Payload Restriction in REST Binding


Bug Number: 27396866

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

You will see an OutOfMemory exception when the payload size is more than 300MB in REST binding. This is because it takes around 10 times memory of the size of the payload. This is a limitation.



2.1.5 NullPointerException While Deploying a Composite


Bug Number: 26654091

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

While trying to deploy a SOA composite application, if you see a NullPointerException error, ignore it. The error is thrown if the name of the composite is missing from the URL.


Try using a different browser.

2.1.6 oracle.mds.core.MetadataNotFoundException: MDS-00013 Excecption for Bulk Recovery Request


Bug Number: 27272902

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: All

When you request for bulk recovery in SOA, you may encounter the following exception:

oracle.mds.core.MetadataNotFoundException: MDS-00013: no metadata found for metadata object "/oracle/apps/ess/custom/soa/Schedule/BULKRECOVERY.xml


Ensure that DummySchedule is not present in your environment. The DummySchedule prevents the submission of the bulk recovery request.

2.1.7 Invalid Composite Error When Migrating SOA Composite from 11g to 12c


Bug Number: 27175899

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: All

When you migrate a SOA composite applications from 11g to 12c, an error Invalid Composite is thrown. This occurs when the .jpr file of the migrated composite does not have the technologyScope attribute with SOA metadata in it.


Verify that the technologyScope attribute is included in the .jpr file before you attempt the migration to 12c.

Add the following code snippet in the .jpr file after the close tag of <list n="contentSets">:

<value n="defaultPackage" v="project1"/>
	<hash n="oracle.ide.model.ResourcePaths">
		<hash n="resourcesContentSet">
			<list n="url-path"/>
	<hash n="oracle.ide.model.TechnologyScopeConfiguration">
		<list n="technologyScope">
			<string v="SOA"/>
	<hash n="oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.OjcConfiguration">
		<list n="copyRes">
			<string v=".gif"/>
			<string v=".GIF"/>
			<string v=".jpg"/>
			<string v=".JPG"/>
			<string v=".jpeg"/>
			<string v=".JPEG"/>
			<string v=".png"/>
			<string v=".PNG"/>
			<string v=".properties"/>
			<string v=".xml"/>
			<string v=".ejx"/>
			<string v=".xcfg"/>
			<string v=".cpx"/>
			<string v=".dcx"/>
			<string v=".sva"/>
			<string v=".wsdl"/>
			<string v=".ini"/>
			<string v=".tld"/>
			<string v=".tag"/>
			<string v=".xlf"/>
			<string v=".xsl"/>
			<string v=".xsd"/>
			<string v=".exm"/>
			<string v=".xml"/>
		<value n="internalEncoding" v="UTF8"/>
		<list n="Javac.commandline.optionlist">
			<string v="-g"/>
			<string v="-Xlint:all"/>
			<string v="-Xlint:-cast"/>
			<string v="-Xlint:-empty"/>
			<string v="-Xlint:-fallthrough"/>
			<string v="-Xlint:-path"/>
			<string v="-Xlint:-serial"/>
			<string v="-Xlint:-unchecked"/>
		<value n="webIANAEncoding" v="UTF-8"/>

2.1.8 Auto Purge Through EM Throws OSA-1403 Error


Bug Number: 27157704

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: All

When you schedule auto purge through EM, it results in ORA-1403 (No data found). If this error is thrown, check all the autopurge job artifacts in the schema.


Recreate the SOAINFRA schema so that the missing jobs are recreated.

2.1.9 Maven Is Slow in Windows 7 x64


Bug Number: 27157678

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: Windows 7 x64

When you have multiple SOA projects and use Maven to build/deploy the projects, the compilation is very slow. It can take up to 10 minutes.

This is an issue related to performance and occurs only on Windows 7 x64.

2.1.10 Unable to Process the Sensor Exception for Asynchronous Service


Bug Number: 27157725

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: All

If an asynchronous service is used with the operation name being the same for the request and response message, the sensors defined for such messages may throw an Unable to process the sensor exception.


Do not use the same operation name for both request and response messages in the service.

2.1.11 Incorrect Migration Policy In UMSJMSJDBCSTORE_AUTO_2 After OSB Extension


If you are adding an OSB dynamic cluster to a domain containing a SOA dynamic cluster, where you already have changed the policy of the UMSJMSJDBCSTORE_AUTO_1 persistent store to something different from off, the UMSJMSJDBCSTORE_AUTO_2 created for OSB_Cluster will inherit that migration policy. This causes a configuration error because the OSB_Cluster doesn't have any leasing configuration by default, and the AdminServer fails to start.

Admin server fails to start by displaying the following error:

weblogic.management.ManagementException: [Management:141266]Parsing 
failure in config.xml: The following failures occurred: 
-- An attempt was made to set the migration-policy of JDBCStore 
UMSJMSJDBCStore_auto_2 to "On-Failure". Before automatic migration of any 
kind can be used, the MigrationBasis must be set in the ClusterMBean.


Edit the domain config.xml as follows:

  • Look for the UMSJMSJDBCSTORE_AUTO_2 element that is targeted to the OSB Cluster.

  • Set its <migration-policy> to off.

  • For example:


2.1.12 Domain Creation Fails If the Correct Server Groups Are Not Selected While Configuring OSB and SOA


If you configure an OSB and SOA cluster without selecting the correct server groups, then the domain creation fails with the following notice:

Extracting Domain Contents... 
Creating Domain Security Information... 
Starting OPSS Security Configuration Data Processing... 
The OPSS Security Configuration Data Processing Completed... 
Domain Creation Failed!


To avoid this error, select OSB-MGD-SVRS-COMBINED and SOA-MGD-SVRS server groups for all Managed Servers on the Managed Servers screen.

2.1.13 An Incorrect config.xml File Is Generated While Extending a SOA Cluster with OSB


When extending your SOA cluster domain with OSB, if you delete the existing Managed Server and create a new Managed Server, an incorrect config.xml file is generated. For example, if you delete the existing soa_server1 and replaced it with osb_server1 you get an incorrect config.xml file. Specifically, the following SAF tags are missing from config.xml:

    <target>osb_server1 (migratable)</target> 
    <target>ms2 (migratable)</target> 


When extending your SOA cluster, create new Managed Servers for OSB.

2.1.14 Add Access Control Dialog Fails to Display a Newly Created ESS Application Role


Bug Number: 24586390

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: All

Create an Oracle Enterprise Scheduler application, and create an application role to configure security.

When you try to add resource grants for the ESS application role in the Job Definition configuration, the newly-created application role might not show in the Role dropdown menu.


Restart Oracle JDeveloper to resolve the issue.

2.1.15 Delete Selected Instance May Fail in an Upgraded Environment


Bug Number: 22937819

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: All

On environments upgraded from, deleting flow instances of a composite from the Flow Instances tab in Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control might not work. This bug is specific to database version


The workaround is to apply Patch 20830993 for database version See details on the Oracle Support site.

2.1.16 Some JMS Inbound Messages Get Rejected Following an Abnormal Shutdown and Subsequent Restart of the Managed Server


Bug Number: 24558686

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: All

If the managed server undergoes an abnormal shutdown and subsequent restart, some of the JMS inbound messages can be rejected, as a result of non-retriable runtime exception.


You can access and retry these messages. See Handling Rejected Messages.

2.1.17 Prerequisite Not Executed While Installing 12.2.1 SOA on DOCKER Container


Bug Number: 21846678

Impacted Releases: 12.2.1

Impacted Platforms: All

During installation of SOA 12.2.1 on Docker Container, the "Checking Operating System Certification" prerequisite is not executed. This is expected behavior.


You can either click Skip and continue with the installation, or run the SOA installer in silent mode with flags -ignoreSysPrereqs and -novalidation to ensure that system prerequisite checks are skipped.

2.1.18 Second Right-Click Does Not Work in Target Navigation Tree for Safari


Bug Number: 21965636

Impacted Releases: All

Impacted Platforms: All

Description of the issue and when it might occur

  1. Use Safari browser to log in to Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Expand the target navigation tree on the left.

  3. Navigate to the SOA, soa-infra node.

  4. Right-click a composite. You get the options.

  5. Now, right-click again on any node. The options do not appear. You get a blank context menu.


You can use the SOA Infrastructure drop-down menu to access the menu options

2.1.19 Invalid Username/Password - ORA-01017


Bug Number: 26565652

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

If you encounter the error ORA-01017: invalid username/password , manually apply the patch available at My Oracle Support. This is a known issue and a fix will be available in the next release.

2.1.20 Oracle SOA Suite 12c Does Not Support Non-Oracle Databases and Third-Party Application Servers


Instances that were created using a non-Oracle database cannot be migrated to Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c.


To migrate the closed instances from Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g to Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c, you must create a new 12c SOA domain using a supported Oracle database. Active 11g instances must be completed using the existing 11g server.

2.2 Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration Known Issues and Workarounds

A known issue for Release 12c (12.2.1.x) of Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration is:

2.2.1 SOA Upgrade Fails with Reconfiguration-Related Healthcare-UI


If the SOA Suite domain reconfiguration fails due to Healthcare-UI validation, then delete the HealthCare-UI from the WebLogic Server deployment page.


Before deleting the HealthCare-UI, make sure that HealthCare-UI is not in active state. If HealthCare-UI is not in active state and the reconfiguration continues to fail at Healthcare-UI validation, then contact Oracle Support.

2.3 Oracle B2B Known Issues and Workarounds

Known issues and workarounds for Release 12c (12.2.1.x) of Oracle B2B are:

2.3.1 Transactions Stuck MSG_WAIT_BATCH State


Bug Number: 24012499

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

In a transaction type 810, messages get stuck in MSG_WAIT_BATCH state, which means that the business logic is completed and they are waiting for delivery to the next stage.


The EM property b2b.additionalDebugInfo must be defined to log any batch straggler information into the <soa_server>-diagnostic.log. To write the batch straggler batch name and lag time into the file, the value of the EMproperty should follow this format: logDir=<directory where the file will be written>. The directory name is not case-sensitive.

2.3.2 An Attribute Cannot Appear More Than Once in the Same Start Tag


Bug Number: 25530559

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

The following exception error with an endpoint may occur intermittently: oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDException: An attribute cannot appear more than once in the same start tag. If this occurs, you can enable the logging to try to diagnose the root cause.


To generate an additional log to debug this issue in detail:

  1. In the EM Console, add the b2b.additionalDebugInfo server property with a value of logDir=<directory for schema files>.
    When the exception error occurs, the logs have additional lines for debugging. The lines are prepended by DebugForDuplicateAttribute.
  2. Open the diagnostic log found in the logDir directory. Search for the DebugForDuplicateAttribute lines to get more detailed information.

2.4 Oracle BAM Known Issues and Workarounds

Known issues and workarounds for Release 12c (12.2.1.x) of Oracle BAM are:

2.4.1 Error When Creating a KPI


When creating a new Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in BAM Composer, if you change the Threshold value to a non-default value, then you may receive an error when you click create message or select user.


Apply patch 31466508.

2.4.2 Data Object Changes Not Reflected in Dashboard


If JET-based business views are used in a BAM dashboard, then enabling active data will not reflect any changes made to data objects in the BAM dashboard.



2.4.3 Time-Based Alerts Not Working


Oracle SOA Suite does not support BAM time-based alerts associated with business queries.


Apply patch 30334074.

2.4.4 Dimension Value Points Are Not Highlighted Together in the Scatter/Bubble View's Legend Area


Bug number: 24905747

If you hover your cursor over a dimension in the scatter/bubble view's legend area, all the points with that dimension value are not highlighted at the same time. Note the following details about this issue:

  • If you import a project with this sort of view from a 12.2.1 release, it does not show this issue until you resave the view. At this point, you see the view become corrupted.

  • If you create a new project with new queries and views, there is no way to get the same display as in 12.2.1 (and in graphs in 12.1.3).

2.4.5 Newest Row Not Inserted in DO AlertHistory Page1 with Sorted Sent Col


Bug Number: 27321113

In some cases, a new row is not inserted in the DO AlertHistory data rows Page1 when the Sent column was sorted, but a row was inserted in Page2 or Page3 as snapshots.


The data presented when sorting column-based tabular data (on the DO Data tab) orders what is seen on the page by the ascending/descending order of the column, but it doesn’t apply that sort order on all the available rows and reload all the pages based on the new ordering. To sort a column by order, set Order on Database as a Preferences setting.

The default behavior of column sort is intentional and mainly for performance optimization. Using Order on Database may slow page refreshes if the volume of data is huge.

2.4.6 BAM JNDI Foreign Providers Are Not Created When You Add BAM to a Domain With Dynamic SOA Cluster


When adding BAM to the domain, some foreign JNDI providers are created. One of them, BAMForeignJndiProvider, is configured pointing to the SOA Cluster.

When the SOA Cluster is dynamic, that JNDI provider is not properly populated and the foreign JNDI providers are not created by the Configuration Wizard.


After extending the domain to add BAM, two Foreign JNDI Providers must be created in the domain: BAMForeignJNDIProvider and BPMForeignJNDIProvider.

  1. Create the BAMForeignJNDIProvider:

    1. Log in to the WebLogic Console and navigate to domain > Environment > Services > Foreign JNDI Providers.

    2. Click New.

    3. Change the name to BAMForeignJNDIProvider and click Next.

    4. Select SOA Cluster as the target. Click Finish. A Foreign JNDI Provider BAMForeignJNDIProvider is created.

    5. Click the BAMForeignJNDIProvider link.

    6. Under the General tab, enter the following properties:

      Initial Context Factory: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory

      Provider URL: URL for the BAM Servers (for example, t3://host1:9001,host2:9001)

    7. Click Save.

    8. Click the Links tab. Create two links for each of the BAM persistence and configuration services as indicated in the table below:

    9. Restart the SOA Server (this is required, otherwise, the foreign JNDI does not work and you will get a stack overflow error).

    Service Local JNDI Name Remote JNDI name

    BAM Persistence service



    BAM Config Service



  2. Create the BPMForeignJNDIProvider:

    1. Log in to the WebLogic Console and click Foreign JNDI providers in the home page.

    2. Click New. Change the name to BPMForeignJNDIProvider and click Next.

    3. Select BAM cluster as the target. Click Finish. A Foreign JNDI Provider BPMForeignJNDIProvider is created.

    4. Click BPMForeignJNDIProvider.

    5. Under the General tab, enter the following properties:

      Initial Context Factor: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory

      Provider URL: URL for the BPM Servers (for example, t3://soahost1:8001,soahost2:8001)

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click the Links tab. Create the links for each of the BPM services listed in the table below.

    8. Restart the BAM servers.

    Service Local JNDI Name Remote JNDI Name








































2.4.7 Unresolvable Error When Deleting Views From Project Tree


Bug number: 23236155

When deleting artifacts from a project tree when the Dashboard accessing the same artifact is open causes unresolvable error.


Delete the artifact after closing the dashboard.

2.4.8 Alert Shows Active Even After Import


Bug Number: 26575064

Alert shows active in the Designer tab even after successful project import. The root cause is the alert 'Run As' user does not exist on the target system. The error code Security:090938 is printed in the diagnostic logs.

