Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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coherence::net::cache Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Contains classes and interface that provide various caching functionality.


class  AbstractBundler
 An abstract base for processors that implement bundling strategy. More...
class  AbstractCacheLoader
 An abstract base class for CacheLoader implementations. More...
class  AbstractCacheStore
 An abstract base class for CacheStore implementations. More...
class  AbstractEntryBundler
 An abstract entry-based bundler serves as a base for NamedCache::put() operation bundling. More...
class  AbstractKeyBundler
 An abstract key-based bundler serves as a base for NamedCache get() and remove() operation bundling. More...
class  BundlingNamedCache
 Bundling NamedCache implementation. More...
class  CacheEvent
 An extension of the MapEvent which allows to differentiate between client driven (natural) events and cache internal (synthetic) events. More...
class  CacheLoader
 A cache loader. More...
class  CacheMap
 A CacheMap is a coherence::util::Map that supports caching. More...
class  CacheStatistics
 An interface for exposing Cache statistics. More...
class  CacheStore
 A cache store. More...
class  CachingMap
 Map implementation that wraps two maps - a front map (assumed to be "inexpensive" and probably "incomplete") and a back map (assumed to be "complete" and "correct", but more "expensive") - using a read-through/write-through approach. More...
class  ContinuousQueryCache
 Create a materialized view of a NamedCache using the Coherence Continuous Query capability. More...
class  EvictionPolicy
 An eviction policy is an object that the cache provides with access information, and when requested, the eviction policy selects and evicts entries from the cache. More...
class  IterableCacheLoader
 A CacheLoader that can iterate its underlying contents. More...
class  KeyAssociation
 A KeyAssociation represents a key object that has a natural association with another key object. More...
class  LocalCache
 A LocalCache implementation that supports CacheLoader and CacheStore objects. More...
class  NearCache
 A "near cache" is a CachingMap whose front map is a size-limited and/or auto-expiring local cache, and whose back map is a distributed cache. More...
class  OldCache
 A generic cache manager. More...
class  SimpleCacheStatistics
 Implementation of the CacheStatistics class intended for use by a cache to maintain its statistics. More...
class  UnitCalculator
 A unit calculator is an object that can calculate the cost of caching an object. More...
class  WrapperNamedCache
 A wrapper for the given NamedCache. More...

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