Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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coherence::util Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Contains various generic utilities.


class  AbstractCollection
 This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Collection interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface. More...
class  AbstractConcurrentQueue
 The ConcurrentQueue provides a means to efficiently (and in a thread-safe manner) queue elements with minimal contention. More...
class  AbstractList
 This class provides a skeletal implementation of the List interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface. More...
class  AbstractLongArray
 Abstract base class for LongArray implementations. More...
class  AbstractMap
 This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Map interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface. More...
class  AbstractMapListener
 A base class that simplifies the implementation of a MapListener, particularly inner classes that only implement one or two of the three event methods. More...
class  AbstractSet
 This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Set interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface. More...
class  AbstractSparseArray
 A data structure resembling an array indexed by long values, stored as an AVL tree. More...
class  AbstractStableIterator
 An abstract Iterator implementation that is stable between the hasNext() and next() methods. More...
class  Arrays
 This class contains various methods for manipulating arrays (such as sorting and searching). More...
class  AtomicCounter
 AtomicCounter allows for atomic updates to a "int64_t" value where possible without requiring synchronization. More...
class  Binary
 A thread-safe immutable binary object. More...
class  BinaryWriteBuffer
 A WriteBuffer implementation whose primary purpose is to be used to create Binary objects. More...
class  CircularArrayList
 Resizable-array implementation of the List interface. More...
class  Collection
 The base interface of all collections managed by Coherence. More...
class  Collections
 This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return collections. More...
class  Comparator
 The Comparator defines a partial order on the collection of Objects. More...
class  CompositeKey
 Key class that consists of a primary and secondary component. More...
class  ConcurrentMap
 Map with additional concurrency features. More...
class  ConcurrentModificationException
 Thrown to indicate that a non-permissible concurrent modification of an object has been detected. More...
class  ConditionalIndex
 ConditionalIndex is a conherence::util::MapIndex implementation that uses an associated filter to evaluate whether or not an entry should be indexed. More...
class  Controllable
 The Controllable interface represents a configurable dameon-like object, quite oftenly referred to as a service, that usually operates on its own thread and has a controllable life cycle. More...
class  Converter
 Interface for conversion from one Object type to another one. More...
class  ConverterCollections
 A collection of Collection implementation classes that use the Converter interface to convert the items stored in underlying Collection objects. More...
class  DeltaSet
 Implements a set which is based on another set, which is assumed to be immutable. More...
class  Describable
 Abstract Object extension that simplifies the implementation of toString() for class hierarchies. More...
class  DualQueue
 The DualQueue is optimized for the producer consumer use case. More...
class  Enumeration
 An object that implements the Enumeration interface generates a series of elements, one at a time. More...
class  Event
 The root class from which all event state classes shall be derived. More...
class  EventListener
 A tag interface that all event listener interfaces must extend. More...
class  EventObject
 The root class from which all event state objects shall be derived. More...
class  Filter
 Provide for "pluggable" conditional behavior. More...
class  FilterMuterator
 Provides a generic implementation of an iterator which can iterate items based on an inclusion test. More...
class  HashHelper
 This abstract class contains helper functions for calculating hash code values for any group of C++ intrinsics. More...
class  HashSet
 Set implementation which is backed by a HashMap. More...
class  Hashtable
 An implementation of coherence::util::Map that is thread-safe, but unlike SafeHashMap does not attempt to provide stable iteration in the presence of concurrent modifications. More...
class  IdentityHashMap
 IdentityHashMap is a HashMap implementation where key equality is based on reference rather then value equality. More...
class  InvocableMap
 Map with additional query features. More...
class  Iterator
 An object that implements the Iterator interface generates series of Object::Holders, one at a time. More...
class  LinkedList
 A linked list implementation of List. More...
class  List
 An ordered collection (also known as a sequence). More...
class  Listeners
 Provides a simple, efficient, and thread-safe implementation of a list of event listeners. More...
class  ListIterator
 An iterator for lists that allows the programmer to traverse the list in either direction, modify the list during iteration, and obtain the iterator's current position in the list. More...
class  ListMuterator
 Muterator is mutating iterator, that is it is capable of changing the list it iterates. More...
class  LiteSet
 An implementation of coherence::util::Set that is optimal (in terms of both size and speed) for very small sets of data but still works excellently with large sets of data. More...
class  LongArray
 An interface, similar in its methods to List, and similar in its purpose to an array, designed for sparse storage and indexed by long values. More...
class  LongArrayIterator
 A LongArray specific iterator that adds a "current element" concept. More...
class  Map
 An interface for associating key value pairs. More...
class  MapEvent
 An event which indicates that the content of a map has changed:. More...
class  MapEventTransformer
 MapEventTransformer interface is used to allow an event consumer to change the content of a MapEvent destined for the corresponding MapListener. More...
class  MapIndex
 MapIndex is used to correlate values stored in an indexed Map (or attributes of those values) to the corresponding keys in the indexed Map. More...
class  MapKeySet
 A wrapper class that provides the Set interface for the key set of a map. More...
class  MapListener
 The listener interface for receiving MapEvents. More...
class  MapListenerSupport
 This class provides support for advanced MapListener functionality. More...
class  MappedSet
 Set implementation which is backed by a Map. More...
class  MapTrigger
 MapTrigger represents a functional agent that allows to validate, reject or modify mutating operations against an underlying map. More...
class  MapTriggerListener
 MapTriggerListener is a special purpose MapListener implementation that is used to register a MapTrigger on a corresponding ObservableMap. More...
class  MapValuesCollection
 A wrapper class that provides the Collection interface for the value collection of a map. More...
class  MultiplexingMapListener
 A base class that simplifies the implementation of a MapListener by multiplexing all events into a single listener method. More...
class  Muterator
 Muterator is mutating iterator, that is it is capable of changing the collection it iterates. More...
class  NavigableMap
 A SortedMap extended with navigation methods returning the closest matches for given search targets. More...
class  NullFilter
 Filter which discards null references. More...
class  NullImplementation
 A collection of classes that do nothing. More...
class  Objects
 This class consists of static NULL-safe or NULL-tolerant utility methods for operating on Objects. More...
class  ObservableMap
 ObservableMap interface represents an object with a model being a Map that allows for pluggable notifications for occuring changes. More...
class  Optional
 C++ port of java.util.Optional, a container object which may or may not contain a non-NULL value. More...
class  QueryMap
 Map with additional query features. More...
class  QueryRecord
 The QueryRecord object carries a record of the estimated or actual execution cost for a query operation. More...
class  Queue
 The Queue provides a means to efficiently (and in a thread-safe manner) queue received messages and messages to be sent. More...
class  Random
 An instance of this class is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers. More...
class  ReadOnlyArrayList
 Implementation of the Collection Framework interface "List" in a read- only fashion on top of an array data structure. More...
class  ReadOnlyMultiList
 Implementation of the List interface in a read-only fashion based on a collection of arrays. More...
class  SafeHashMap
 An implementation of coherence::util::Map that is synchronized, but minimally so. More...
class  SafeHashSet
 A thread-safe Set implementation which is backed by a SafeHashMap. More...
class  SerializationHelper
 Miscellaneous serialization utilities. More...
class  Service
 A Service is a Controllable that emits service lifecycle events. More...
class  ServiceEvent
 An event which indicates that a Service state has changed:. More...
class  ServiceListener
 The listener interface for receiving ServiceEvents. More...
class  Set
 A collection that contains no duplicate elements. More...
class  SimpleMapIndex
 SimpleMapIndex is a MapIndex implementation used to correlate property values extracted from resource map entries with corresponding keys using what is commonly known as an Inverted Index algorithm. More...
class  SimpleQueryRecord
 Simple QueryRecord implementation. More...
class  SimpleQueryRecordReporter
 Simple query record reporter used to obtain a string representation of QueryRecord object. More...
class  SortedBag
 SortedBag is a multiset or bag implementation that supports sorted traversal of the contained elements and is optimized for insertions and removals. More...
class  SortedMap
 An interface for a map which guarantees its key's iteration order. More...
class  SortedSet
 A Set that further provides a total ordering on its elements. More...
class  SparseArray
 A data structure resembling an array keyed by long values. More...
class  SubList
 SubList delegates all operations to it's full list while providing a partial view of the list. More...
class  SubSet
 Implements a set which is based on another set, which is assumed to be immutable. More...
class  Supplier
 A Supplier provides the ability to provide a value in a deferred fashion. More...
class  SynchronousListener
 A tag interface indicating that a listener implementation has to receive the event notifications synchronously on the corresponding service's thread. More...
class  ThreadGate
 Use this class in cases that large numbers of threads can operate concurrently with an additional requirement that all threads be blocked for certain operations. More...
class  TreeMap
 A tree map implementation. More...
class  TreeSet
 A TreeSet implementation based on a TreeMap. More...
class  TypedCollections
 A collection of wrapper classes which expose an underlying collection's contents as explicit types rather then just as Objects. More...
class  UUID
 A UUID is a 256-bit identifier that, if it is generated, is statistically guaranteed to be unique. More...
class  ValueExtractor
 ValueExtractor is used to both extract values (for example, for sorting or filtering) from an object, and to provide an identity for that extraction. More...
class  ValueManipulator
 ValueManipulator represents a composition of ValueExtractor and ValueManipulator implementations. More...
class  ValueUpdater
 ValueUpdater is used to update an object's state. More...
class  Versionable
 An interface for versionable data. More...
class  WeakHashMap
 WeakHashMap is a HashMap implementation based on weak keys. More...
class  WrapperCollections
 A collection of abstract Collection implementation classes for wrapping Collection types. More...


namespace  aggregator
 Contains concrete InvocableMap::EntryAggregator implementations and related interfaces.
namespace  comparator
 Contains concrete Comparator implementations and related interfaces.
namespace  extractor
 Contains ValueExtractor and ValueUpdater related classes.
namespace  filter
 Contains concrete Filter implementations and related interfaces.
namespace  processor
 Contains concrete InvocableMap::EntryProcessor implementations.
namespace  transformer
 Contains concrete EventTransformer implementations and related interfaces.


typedef CircularArrayList ArrayList
 An array based implementation of coherence::util::List.
typedef Hashtable HashMap
 A hash based implementation of coherence::util::Map.

Typedef Documentation

typedef CircularArrayList ArrayList

An array based implementation of coherence::util::List.

See also:
djl 2009.01.23

typedef Hashtable HashMap

A hash based implementation of coherence::util::Map.

The returned implementation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See also:


mf 2008.02.25

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