3 Configuring Extend Proxies

Extend proxies must be configured to allow clients to access and use the caches that are defined in a Coherence cluster. The instructions in this chapter provide basic setup and do not represent a complete configuration reference.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Overview of Configuring Extend Proxies

Extend proxies are Coherence cluster members that host one or more proxy services. A proxy service is the underlying cluster service that extend clients use to access caches in a cluster. Proxies and caches must be configured before extend clients can retrieve and store data in a cluster.

Extend proxies and cache servers run in the same cluster member process (DefaultCacheServer process). Collocating extend proxies with cache servers simplifies cluster setup and ensures that proxies automatically scale with the cluster. However, extend proxies can also be configured as separate members of the cluster. In this case, the proxies and cache servers are organized as separate tiers that can scale independently.

Extend proxy services are configured in a cache configuration deployment descriptor. This deployment descriptor is often referred to as the cluster-side cache configuration file. It is the same cache configuration file that is used to set up caches on the cluster. See Specifying a Cache Configuration File in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.

Defining Extend Proxy Services

The extend proxy service (ProxyService) is a cluster service that allows extend clients to access a Coherence cluster using TCP/IP. A proxy service proxies two types of cluster services: the CacheService cluster service, which is used by clients to access caches; and, the InvocationService cluster service, which is used by clients to execute Invocable objects on the cluster.

This section includes the following topics:

Defining a Single Proxy Service Instance

Extend proxy services are configured within a <caching-schemes> node using the <proxy-scheme> element. Example 3-1 defines a proxy service named ExtendTcpProxyService and includes the <autostart> element that is set to true so that the service automatically starts at a cluster node. See proxy-scheme in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.

As configured in Example 3-1, a proxy address and ephemeral port is automatically assigned and registered with a cluster name service. Extend clients connect to the name service, which then redirects the client to the address of the requested proxy. The use of the name service allows proxies to run on ephemeral addresses, which simplifies port management and configuration. See Explicitly Configuring Proxy Addresses.

Example 3-1 Extend Proxy Service Configuration


Defining Multiple Proxy Service Instances

Multiple extend proxy service instances can be defined in order to support an expected number of client connections and to support fault tolerance and load balancing. Client connections are automatically balanced across proxy service instances. The algorithm used to balance connections depends on the load balancing strategy that is configured. See Load Balancing Connections.

To define multiple proxy service instances, include a proxy service definition in multiple proxy servers and use the same service name for each proxy service. Proxy services that share the same service name are considered peers.

The following examples define two instances of the ExtendTcpProxyService proxy service. The proxy service definition is included in each cache server's respective cache configuration file within the <proxy-scheme> element. The same configuration can be used on all proxies including proxies that are co-located on the same machine.

On proxy server 1:


On proxy server 2:


Defining Multiple Proxy Services

Multiple extend proxy services can be defined in order to provide different applications with their own proxies. Extend clients for a particular application can be directed toward specific proxies to provide a more predictable environment.

The following example defines two extend proxy services: ExtendTcpProxyService1 and ExtendTcpProxyService2:


Explicitly Configuring Proxy Addresses

Older extend clients that predate the name service or clients that have specific firewall constraints may require specific proxy addresses. In this case, the proxy can be explicitly configured to listen on a specific address and port. See Configuring Firewalls for Extend Clients.

The <tcp-acceptor> subelement includes the address (IP, or DNS name, and port) that an extend proxy service listens to for TCP/IP client communication. The address can be explicitly defined using the <address-provider> element, or the address can be defined within an operational override configuration file and referenced using the <address-provider> element. The latter approach decouples the address configuration from the proxy scheme definition and allows the address to change at runtime without having to change the proxy definition. See Using Address Provider References for TCP Addresses.

Example 3-2 defines a proxy service named ExtendTcpProxyService and is set up to listen for client requests on a TCP/IP socket that is bound to and port 7077.

Example 3-2 Explicitly Configured Proxy Service Address


The specified port should be outside of the computer's ephemeral port range to ensure that it is not automatically assigned to other applications. If the specified port is not available, then the default behavior is to select the next available port. To disable automatic port adjustment, add a <port-auto-adjust> element that includes the value false. Or, to specify a range of ports from which the port is selected, include a port value that represents the upper limit of the port range. The following example sets a port range from 7077 to 8000:


The <address> element supports using CIDR notation as a subnet and mask (for example CIDR simplifies configuration by allowing a single address configuration to be shared across computers on the same sub-net. Each cluster member specifies the same CIDR address block and a local NIC on each computer is automatically found that matches the address pattern. The /24 prefix size matches up to 256 available addresses: from to The <address> element also supports external NAT addresses that route to local addresses; however, both addresses must use the same port number.

For solutions that do not require a firewall, you can omit the IP and port values which causes the proxy to use the same IP address and port as TCMP (7574 by default). The port can also be configured with a listen port of 0, which causes the proxy to listen on a system assigned ephemeral port. This configuration is the same as omitting the <acceptor-config> element as shown in Defining a Single Proxy Service Instance. If the proxy is configured to use ephemeral ports, then clients must use the cluster name service to locate the proxy.

Disabling Cluster Service Proxies

The cache service and invocation service proxies can be disabled within an extend proxy service definition. Both of these proxies are enabled by default and can be explicitly disabled if a client does not require a service.

Cluster service proxies are disabled by setting the <enabled> element to false within the <cache-service-proxy> and <invocation-service-proxy> respectively.

The following example disables the inovcation service proxy so that extend clients cannot execute Invocable objects within the cluster:


Likewise, the following example disables the cache service proxy to restrict extend clients from accessing caches within the cluster:


Specifying Read-Only NamedCache Access

By default, extend clients are allowed to both read and write data to proxied NamedCache instances. The <read-only> element can be specified within a <cache-service-proxy> element to prohibit extend clients from modifying cached content on the cluster. For example:


Defining Caches for Use By Extend Clients

Extend clients read and write data to a cache on the cluster. Any of the cache types can store client data. For extend clients, the cache on the cluster must have the same name as the cache that is being used on the client side. See Defining a Remote Cache. See also Using Caches in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence. This section provides basic examples of three cache types that are commonly used be extend clients.

A Basic Partitioned (distributed) Cache

The following example defines a basic partitioned cache named dist-extend.



A Basic Near Cache

A typical near cache is configured to use a local cache (thread safe, highly concurrent, size-limited and possibly auto-expiring) as the front cache and a remote cache as a back cache. A near ache is configured by using the near-scheme which has two child elements: a front-scheme for configuring a local (front) cache and a back-scheme for defining a remote (back) cache.

A Near Cache is configured by using the <near-scheme> element in the coherence-cache-config file. This element has two required subelements: front-scheme for configuring a local (front-tier) cache and a back-scheme for defining a remote (back-tier) cache. While a local cache (<local-scheme>) is a typical choice for the front-tier, you can also use non-JVM heap based caches, (<external-scheme> or <paged-external-scheme>) or schemes based on Java objects (<class-scheme>).

The remote or back-tier cache is described by the <back-scheme> element. A back-tier cache can be either a distributed cache (<distributed-scheme>) or a remote cache (<remote-cache-scheme>). The <remote-cache-scheme> element enables you to use a clustered cache from outside the current cluster.

Optional subelements of <near-scheme> include <invalidation-strategy> for specifying how the front-tier and back-tier objects are kept synchronized and <listener> for specifying a listener which is notified of events occurring on the cache.

Example 3-3 demonstrates a near cache configuration.

Example 3-3 Near Cache Configuration

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<cache-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

A Basic Local Cache

A local cache is a cache that is local to (completely contained within) a particular application. There are several attributes of a local cache that are particularly interesting:

  • A local cache implements the same interfaces that the remote caches implement, meaning that there is no programming difference between using a local and a remote cache.

  • A local cache can be size-limited. Size-limited means that the local cache can restrict the number of entries that it caches, and automatically evict entries when the cache becomes full. Furthermore, both the sizing of entries and the eviction policies can be customized, for example allowing the cache to be size-limited based on the memory used by the cached entries. The default eviction policy uses a combination of Most Frequently Used (MFU) and Most Recently Used (MRU) information, scaled on a logarithmic curve, to determine what cache items to evict. This algorithm is the best general-purpose eviction algorithm because it works well for short duration and long duration caches, and it balances frequency versus recentness to avoid cache thrashing. The pure LRU and pure LFU algorithms are also supported, and the ability to plug in custom eviction policies.

  • A local cache supports automatic expiration of cached entries, meaning that each cache entry can be assigned a time-to-live value in the cache. Furthermore, the entire cache can be configured to flush itself on a periodic basis or at a preset time.

  • A local cache is thread safe and highly concurrent.

  • A local cache provides cache "get" statistics. It maintains hit and miss statistics. These run-time statistics accurately project the effectiveness of the cache and are used to adjust size-limiting and auto-expiring settings accordingly while the cache is running.

The element for configuring a local cache is <local-scheme>. Local caches are generally nested within other cache schemes, for instance as the front-tier of a near-scheme. The <local-scheme> provides several optional subelements that let you define the characteristics of the cache. For example, the <low-units> and <high-units> subelements allow you to limit the cache in terms of size. When the cache reaches its maximum allowable size, it prunes itself back to a specified smaller size, choosing which entries to evict according to a specified eviction-policy (<eviction-policy>). The entries and size limitations are measured in terms of units as calculated by the scheme's unit-calculator (<unit-calculator>).

You can also limit the cache in terms of time. The <expiry-delay> subelement specifies the amount of time from last update that entries are kept by the cache before being marked as expired. Any attempt to read an expired entry results in a reloading of the entry from the configured cache store (<cachestore-scheme>). Expired values are periodically discarded from the cache based on the flush-delay.

If a <cache-store-scheme> is not specified, then the cached data only resides in memory, and only reflect operations performed on the cache itself. See <local-scheme> for a complete description of all of the available subelements.

Example 3-4 demonstrates a local cache configuration.

Example 3-4 Local Cache Configuration

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<cache-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

Disabling Storage on a Proxy Server

You must explicitly configure a proxy service to not store any data.
Consider disabling storage on a proxy only if you plan to run proxies and storage nodes in two separate tiers and scale them independently; although, this is generally not necessary and requires more careful planning. A best practice is to run proxy services on cluster members that also store data in the cluster (cache servers) because scaling cache servers increases both cluster storage capacity as well as aggregate proxy bandwidth.


Storage-enabled proxies bypass the front cache of a near cache and operate directly against the back cache if it is a partitioned cache.

To disable storage on a proxy server, use the coherence.distributed.localstorage Java property set to false when starting the cluster member. For example:


Storage can also be disabled in the cache configuration file as part of a distributed cache definition by setting the <local-storage> element to false. See distributed-scheme in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence.


Starting a Proxy Server

A proxy server can be started using the DefaultCacheServer class.

To start a proxy server:

  1. Change the current directory to the Oracle Coherence library directory (%COHERENCE_HOME%\lib on Windows and $COHERENCE_HOME/lib on UNIX).
  2. Make sure that the paths are configured so that the Java command runs.
  3. Run the DefaultCacheServer class and include the location of the cache configuration file and the operational configuration file. For example:
    java -cp path_to_configuration_files;coherence.jar