A Understanding the Oracle Coherence Directory Structure

The standalone Oracle Coherence installation creates multiple directories on your system. Take some time to learn about the directory structure and the files it contains.

Table A-1 describes the directories that are installed in COHERENCE_HOME.

Table A-1 Directory Description for Oracle Coherence

Directory or File Description


This directory includes a set of common scripts for performing different tasks, such as: starting a cache server, starting development tools, and performing network tests. The scripts are provided in both Windows (.cmd) and UNIX-based (.sh) formats.


This directory contains the Coherence Java API Reference and a link to the Coherence documentation on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). The Coherence Java API Reference is distributed as a JAR file and must be extracted. The JAR can also be imported into an IDE for easy access during development.

To extract the Coherence Java API Reference, execute the following command from the /api directory (assuming that JAVA_HOME/bin is located on the computer's PATH):

jar -xvf CoherenceJavaDoc.jar


This directory contains a set of examples that demonstrate many Coherence features and how to use the Coherence API. See Running the Coherence Examples.


lib – This directory includes all delivered libraries. The coherence.jar library is the main development and run-time library and is discussed in detail throughout the Coherence documentation.


This directory contains plug-ins for common integrations. Coherence provides a plug-in for Maven and VisualVM. The Maven plug-ins are used to integrate Coherence as part of a Maven build process. See Integration with Maven. The Coherence VisualVM plug-in provides Coherence monitoring. See Using the Coherence VisualVM Plug-In in Managing Oracle Coherence.

Note: Although there is a VisualVM plug-in in this directory, Oracle recommends you to use the open-source plug-in. See https://github.com/oracle/coherence-visualvm.