8 Using Coherence MicroProfile Health

Coherence MicroProfile (MP) Health provides support for Eclipse MicroProfile Health within the Coherence cluster members.
For more information about MicroProfile Health, see the following documentation:

Coherence MP Health is a very simple module that enables you to publish Coherence health checks into the MicroProfile Health Check Registries available at runtime.

This chapter includes the following topic:

Enabling the Use of Coherence MP Health

To use Coherence MP Health, you should first declare it as a dependency in the project’s pom.xml file.

You can declare Coherence MP Health as follows:

  • ${coherence.groupId} is the Maven group ID for the Coherence edition being used: com.oracle.coherence for the commercial edition or com.oracle.coherence.ce for the community edition.
  • ${coherence.version} is the version of Coherence you are using.

After the module becomes available in the class path, the Coherence HealthCheck producer CDI bean is automatically discovered and registered as a MicroProfile health check provider. The Coherence health checks then become available through any health endpoints served by the application and is included in started, readiness, and liveness checks.