Interface LifecycleListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface LifecycleListener
    A Coherence application typically includes a cache configuration file with cache and clustered service definitions. This interface defines lifecycle callbacks that are invoked before and after the creation and destruction of these services.

    Implementations of this interface are typically declared in a Coherence application deployment descriptor in a GAR (Grid Archive) file. The instantiation occurs in ContainerAdapter, which is the application server integration layer.

    Coherence 12.1.2
    cf 2011.05.24
    • Method Detail

      • preStart

        void preStart​(Context ctx)
        Called before the application is activated. In general this occurs before services in a cache configuration file are started thus allowing for pre service setup.

        The Context contains the context of the application allowing for a custom application to create custom services and/or a custom CacheFactoryBuilder implementation.

        ctx - the Context for the application
      • postStart

        void postStart​(Context ctx)
        Called after the application is started. At this point, services marked with <autostart> will have been started. These services (and caches) can be accessed via Context.getConfigurableCacheFactory().
        ctx - the Context for the application
      • preStop

        void preStop​(Context ctx)
        Called before the application stops its services and disposes of its resources.
        ctx - the Context for the application
      • postStop

        void postStop​(Context ctx)
        Called after the application is stopped. At this point any services created by this application will have been stopped.
        ctx - the Context for the application